Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Gun Control's One - Two Punch; Attacking the First Amendment to Get to the Second :: 03/01/2022

There’s a renewed effort by gun control to deny Second Amendment rights to gun owners. They’re going after the First Amendment.


Gun crimes grab most media attention, while gun use in self-defense gets merely a fraction: experts :: 03/01/2022

People using guns in self-defense overwhelmingly don’t even lead to a criminal being killed or wounded, one crime watcher says


Study claims "Stand Your Ground" laws linked to higher homicide rates :: 03/01/2022

Gun control activists have long claimed that “Stand Your Ground” laws, which remove a legal duty to retreat in the face of an attack before an individual can act in self-defense, encourage vigilantism and actually cause more crimes than they help prevent. Now a new study purportedly backs up those claims, with researchers alleging that the laws led to a dramatic increase in homicides in some of the states that put SYG laws in place.


The Remington Case and California Gun Laws :: 03/01/2022

It’s typical of the biased coverage of gun rights that the Los Angeles Times’ article on the Remington gun case in Connecticut got its implications wrong. On Tuesday, the families of those killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre at a Connecticut school reached a $73 million settlement with Remington, the manufacturer of the gun used in the killings.


BELOW THE RADAR: Protecting Americans from Gun Violence Act of 2022 :: 02/28/2022

United States – -( Some attacks on our Second Amendment rights are not as blatant at the past demands for Australia-style gun bans from Beto O’Rourke or Eric Swalwell. In fact, in a post-NYSRPA vs. Bruen America, they will be far more common.


FRAUD ALERT: Online Scammers Targeting New Gun Owners Bogus CCW Scheme :: 02/28/2022

USA – -( Nearly 5 million Americans bought their first firearm during the first seven months of 2020, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. More than 40 percent of these new gun owners were women. Since then, gun sales have continued to spike and the number of new gun owners has continued to grow.


Georgia Senate Passes Permitless Gun-Carry Bill :: 02/28/2022

Georgia has taken a significant step towards repealing concealed gun-carry permit requirements.


Hawaii, The Only State That Doesn't Issue Carry Permits, Considers 'Stand Your Ground' Self-Defense Bill :: 02/28/2022

Rep. John Mizuno signed onto HB2464 and said the people of Hawaii deserve to be able to defend themselves anywhere.


Amir Locke and multiracial gun rights :: 02/27/2022

The death of Amir Locke should not have happened. I don’t care how people try to justify it, the truth of the matter was that he didn’t do anything that the rest of us wouldn’t have done under the circumstances.


Bullet Vote Frank Tait for NRA Board of Directors 2022 :: 02/26/2022

Virginia – ( It’s election time at NRA again, and this year I’m bullet voting for Frank Tait. I hope you’ll do the same.


Is "Firearm Life Plan" good for gun owners? :: 02/26/2022

We all get a little touchy about our guns, and for good reason. I mean, we’re constantly dealing with people who want to forcibly disarm us because of the actions of criminals, then we get laws that would allow the government to take our guns if we make someone a bit too uncomfortable. I mean, it’s not difficult to see why we might get a little touchy about it.


News networks ignore Ukraine's gun rights push :: 02/26/2022

Ukraine is dealing with a lot right now, but one of the smarter things they did was recognize that an armed populace is an asset. They expanded gun rights in the Eastern European nation leading up to the invasion, though, in fairness, guns weren’t completely forbidden there, either.


11th-Hour Arming of Ukrainians Met by Gun-Grabber Silence and About-Face by CNN :: 02/25/2022

U.S.A. – -( “Ukraine MPs vote to give permission for civilians to carry firearms,” Reuters reported Wednesday. Per the authors of the law, passing it is “fully in the interests of the state and society [due] to existing threats and dangers” from Russia.


Democrats are pro-gun now? :: 02/25/2022

Anyone who has spent much time on social media has likely come across the leftist group OccupyDemocrats. As their name implies, they’re big fans of the Occupy movement that shut down Wall Street a while back and also lead to the CHOP in Seattle a couple of years ago.


National Review to Ukraine: Bear arms sooner :: 02/25/2022

While the situation in Ukraine isn’t likely to cause any direct issues–we’re not likely to get shot because of what’s happening over there–many of us have been closely following the situation.


One Trap Second Amendment Supporters Should Avoid :: 02/24/2022

Philadelphia 1787/United States 2022 – -( Some Second Amendment supporters look to a constitutional convention as a means to restore our freedoms, and maybe even make the right to keep and bear arms untouchable. It’s understandable, given the mental gymnastics that a number of courts have carried out to keep bans on modern multi-purpose semiautomatic firearms from being stuck down, to name one such issue.


Poll: 83% Say Violent Crime will be Important Issue in Elections :: 02/24/2022

U.S.A.-( A formidable 83 percent of likely voters believe the issue of violent crime “will be important in this year’s congressional elections, including 56% who say the crime issue will be Very Important,” according to a new Rasmussen survey.


Stand Your Ground laws are not a license to kill and don’t make murder legal :: 02/24/2022

“Another day, another brazen lie” is the gun control movement’s strategy as the writers here have documented numerous times before. One of the lies that’s continuously repeated by Gun Grab Lobby is that Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws allow people to “shoot first” with careless abandon. The paid, professional liars at Everytown did this just yesterday.


Bloomberg warns of Democratic "wipeout" in November :: 02/23/2022

I think this might be the first time I’ve ever written the following words in the same sentence: Michael Bloomberg is right.


Rittenhouse Announces Project to 'Hold Media Accountable' :: 02/23/2022

U.S.A.-( Appearing exclusively on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Monday, Kyle Rittenhouse—acquitted last fall by a Wisconsin jury in a trial that was considered not just a prosecution of the teen, but also an effort to destroy the right of self-defense—announced the creating of The Media Accountability Project (TMAP).


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