Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
Date: 10/17/2022
The PA Senate is back in session and PA SR152 is on the calendar. SR152 calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. FOAC-ILLEA has been opposed to a Convention for DECADES! Please contact your PA Senator and urge them to OPPOSE SR152 and any resolution that calls for an Article V Constituional Convention.
CLICK HERE to get your Senator's Contact information
I am going to share an email blast sent out from like minded Patriot Judy Caler (see below).
Please take 10 minutes out of your day and help us defend the Constitution.
Yours in Liberty,
Kim Stolfer
President of FOAC-ILLEA
The PA Senate will return today at 1:00 pm (EDT), and SR 152 (Meckler's "COS" application) is once again on the calendar. It can be brought up for debate & vote on the Senate floor at anytime. Let's remind the Senators that the Article V convention issue (A5C) is still foremost on our mind.
The good news is that the A5C received a lot of attention in PA during the Constitution Day festivities a month ago. Let's make sure leadership doesn't try to sneak SR 152 legislation through during what appears to be their last couple of weeks of session for the year.
We're still suggesting short phone calls to the six Republicans that have had the courage to stand up to pressure from Senate Leadership and "COS"operative & former US Senator from PA Rick Santorum. Let's encourage them to hold firm. Our Constitution is at stake.
If you're a Republican or conservative, let the Republicans know. Republican Senators leaning against an Article V convention will be delighted to know that there are conservatives opposed. And if you're in Pennsylvania and can personally visit your Senator & State Representative, now is the time!
And remember—the Second Amendment is big among Republican legislators in PA. So losing our Second Amendment at a convention is a great argument when communicating with them.
Your phone calls and letters work. Let's go get 'em again!
Here is the biggest threat we face in the Pennsylvania Senate:
SR 152 (Meckler's "COS" application)—On the Senate Calendar—Can be debated & voted on anytime beginning Mon., Oct. 17 @ 1:00 pm EDT.
Please call the following PA Senators once more, and thank them for standing up to the convention lobby. Ask them to hold firm & Vote "No!" on Senate Resolution 152.
The phone calls are easy. You can call after hours, if you'd like, although calls between 8:30 am & 4:00 pm weekdays EDT are likely to be picked up and can be more effective.
1. We could lose our Constitution at an Art. V convention.
2. A convention could lead to eliminating our gun rights.
3. There's never been an Article V Convention—there could be unintended consequences.
4. Let's enforce the Constitution we have, not rewrite it!
5. No one can control the Delegates to an Article V convention.
6. Conventions can't be limited.
7. Meckler's "Convention of States" Organization is funded mostly by the super-rich. Ask yourself why billionaires are trying to get their hands on our Constitution!
Sen. Michele Brooks (R)
(717) 787-1322
Sen. John R. Gordner (R)
(717) 787-8928
Sen. Devlin Robinson (R)
(717) 787-5839
Sen. Elder A. Vogel Jr. (R)
(717) 787-3076
Sen. Gene Yaw (R)
(717) 787-3280
Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R)
(717) 787-1463
States have no Power to Control Delegates to an Article V Convention" (flyer) shows that those who promise that State Legislators will select and control the Delegates are making stuff up! Delegates have the self-evident Right "to alter or to abolish” the existing state & federal governments. Thus no one has power over Delegates.
"Dark Money—Not the Grassroots—Is Behind the Convention of States Organizations (COS)" proves that almost 2/3 of the money driving COS's effort to apply to Congress for a constitutional convention under Article V of the US Constitution, is coming from major donors giving COS $5,000 to $2,000,000 at a time, over the latest 3 years of reporting available! Why are multi-millionaires and billionaires trying to get their hands on our Constitution?
The "Phony Petitions & Polls" flyer describes how the Convention of States Project (COS) showcases unverified data to deceive legislators into believing their constituents are demanding a “convention of states” in order to influence legislators' votes. But as the flyer shows, Meckler can't guarantee his signatures are valid.
The “Brilliant Men” flyer shows that James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, four US Supreme Court Justices, and other jurists and scholars warned that Delegates to an Article V convention can't be controlled.
Republican legislators are big on gun rights in Pennsylvania, and the largest state gun rights organization there is on our side. So, the following arguments might resonate with Republicans:
"An Article V Convention Made Easy" shows why Delegates to an Article V Convention have the power to throw off the Constitution we have and set up a new one, with a new and easier mode of ratification.
And COS board member Robert P. George has co-drafted a new constitution which grants massive powers to the federal gov't & imposes gun control with red flag confiscations!
On Nov. 8, 2021, in a veiled threat at a legislative roundtable discussion with several Republican Senators present, Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States Project (COS), told the leader of the largest Pennsylvania firearm rights organization, FOAC-ILLEA, that the supposed 90,000 Pennsylvanians Meckler "represents" won't support their constitutional carry legislation unless the gun group reverses its position and supports COS!
Meckler: "The question was asked, will this help pass constitutional carry? The answer is 'hell yes, it will!' Because right now, our activists are very angry with gun rights organizations in this state. And they’ll not support anything that these gun organizations are doing, because they’re now sworn enemies on Article V."
If that's the kind of support the Second Amendment is getting from COS, Pennsylvania mustn't let COS get their hands on our Constitution!
Please write all 50 Pennsylvania Senators and let them know why they should Vote “No” on Senate Resolution 152 and any other applications asking Congress to call an Article V convention, including SR 67, SR 127, & SR 227. And if you live in PA, let them know that as well.
Copy the addresses below as a block into “BCC,” and copy your own address into the “To” box; and place the bill# & description, e.g. Art. V convention, and perhaps something catchy on the subject line. Then write the Independent and scroll for the Democrats.
Senate Republicans (28)—Dear Senator (If you're a Republican or conservative, tell the Republicans so):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Senate Independent (1)—Dear Senator Yudichak:
Democrats should relate to your quoting or rephrasing an idea from one of the following: Note the new article by historian James Banner. Or info from the 4 flyers under "Talking Points" should work for Democrats as well.
In "The Risk of the Right-Wing Push to Rewrite the Constitution," celebrated historian James M. Banner, Jr. raises the alarm about the push, mainly by a few billionaires, to trigger a convention under Article V of the US Constitution:
"...the greatest danger is that there’s nothing in Article V that prevents an amendatory convention from following the example of the 1787 convention in Philadelphia, which became a runaway convention by simply assuming its freedom to propose a substitute for the very frame of government, the Articles of Confederation, under which it convened...[If] the proponents of an Article V convention succeed in setting one in motion,…“the extraordinary American experiment in the self-government of an open society that has endured for over 230 years will be in never-before-experienced peril."
OR You might quote from Chief Justice Warren Burger's LETTER to Phyllis Schlafly dated June 22, 1988:
“...[T]here is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda...After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…”
Senate Democrats (21)—Dear Senator:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you for defending our Constitution!
Date: 09/6/2022
Last week, a milestone was reached in Pennsylvania politics with Commonwealth Court Judge Patty McCullough rendering a decision against the Pennsylvania State police and the PICs unit for not complying with Pennsylvania law.
Ever since ACT 17 (S.S.H.B.110) passed back in 1995, we have maintained that the system was illegal and operating outside the law, since this system came online in 1998.
Through our general counsel, Josh Prince, and with the able assistance of Dillon Harris and his Firearms Civil Rights Legal Defense firm, which was retained by Firearms Owners Against Crime – Legal, legislative, and Educational Action along with two firearms dealers, Jim Stoker and Landmark Firearms LLC.
See Josh’s post at this link:
This legal action was extremely expensive, for an all-volunteer group who has been around in Pennsylvania for decades, if you are able to or care to donate to FOAC-ILLEA that will be ‘greatly’ appreciated!
If you want to read further, go here for the decision:
Date: 05/19/2021
FOAC has just been informed by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rob Kauffman’s office that the Chairmen will ‘sunshine’ both Pro-Gun Bills: HB 659 and HB 979 today thus making it public that he intends to run BOTH of these bills.
To recap:
HB 659 – Constitutional Carry – was first introduced by Rep. Saccone after working closely with FOAC on the language of this legislation, it remains largely identical to what we drafted except for a few minor tweaks.
HB 979 – Preemption Strengthening – was first introduced by Rep. Metcalfe after working closely FOAC on the language of this legislation, it remains largely identical to what we drafted except for a few minor tweaks.
The House Judiciary Committee Members can be found here:
We are asking ALL gun owners and 2A advocates to reach out to their House Representative ‘and’ the Judiciary Committee members and ask for their support for these bills WITHOUT AMENDMENT!
Then take a moment to reach out to House Leadership:
Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler
Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff
AND respectfully ask them to bring these bills to the floor for a vote once they pass the Judiciary Committee AND to put these bills on the ‘must have list’ with the PA Senate.
We CAN do this if we all work together!!
Thank you!
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 03/23/2021
The horrific mass murder at the Boulder Colorado supermarket is now looking like it was another Gun Free Zone tragedy.
Dr. Lott is reporting that early indications are that there is, what appears to be, a 'No Guns Sign' on the door entrance to this supermarket. Efforts are being made to verify this as this is written.
More to come as details emerge.
At 12:30 today (3/23) Gov. Wolf and AG Shapiro are going to hold a press conference on the Atlanta and Colorado shootings. With their track record they will likely talk about more Gun Control instead of real solutions. Sources tell us that the collusion is complete and that PA anti-gun groups will be invited as well.
Date: 09/9/2020
The PA Senate Judiciary Committee is bringing up HB 1747 this morning (9/9). This legislation is vitally important in that it will correct serious flaws in PA law, Title 18, Section 6107.
Currently, this law negatively (and in our view, unconstitutionally) disenfranchises EVERY PA Citizen who does not have a Concealed Carry License (LTCF) in declared Emergencies.
It’s important understand what current law does and how much at risk individual citizens are. The limiting of a citizen’s right to self-defense and to exercise their 2nd Amendment/Article 1, Section 21 rights, under the US and PA Constitutions, cannot and should not be condoned and HB 1747 addresses these issues! The Governor’s issuance of his Opioid proclamation(s), as well as, a state of emergency regarding COVID-19; pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S § 6107, an individual is prohibited from carrying/possessing ANY firearm on “public streets or upon any public property” during the state of emergency, unless one has an LTCF.
Further, the public has been misled as to the consequences of a violation of 18 Pa.C.S § 6107 because pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 6119, it is a misdemeanor of the first degree – our highest grade misdemeanor. As a result, if an individual would be convicted of a violation of Section 6107, it triggers the federal prohibition of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1); whereby, that individual will be prohibited for the remainder of his/her life from possessing (current firearms) and purchasing any firearms and ammunition.
We respectfully request that you reach out to the Senators on the Judiciary Committee - - and ask them to support this legislation as well as any amendments that deal with improving the ability of a citizen to more expeditiously obtain a License To Carry Concealed Firearms (LTCF).
(PS Sorry for the late notice but this decision on action only came up late yesterday)
Thank you!
Kim Stolfer
Date: 06/3/2020
HARRISBURG — State Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) issued the following statement today announcing the postponement of this year’s Rally to Protect Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, which was originally scheduled for Monday, June 8 at the Capitol.
“Especially during times of unprecedented crisis and rampant chaos, all levels of government must be reminded that our God-given, Constitutionally-affirmed right to bear arms in defense of ourselves and our loved ones shall not be questioned.
“Just as importantly, law-abiding Pennsylvania firearm owners recognize that America has always been a nation of laws and unquestionably stand with President Donald Trump and law enforcement nationwide with respect to the restoration of law and order.
“Based on new information we received earlier today, and especially, in the best interest of the rally’s attendees, speakers and our men and women in blue who protect and serve, we must officially postpone this year’s Rally to Protect Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”
Date: 03/24/2020
Gov. Wolf has updated his list of essential businesses that can still function under this current declared pandemic emergency! FFL/gun dealers can now legally operate under specific limitations for social distancing and other concerns but the sale of firearms has been restored in Pennsylvania!
There has been an awful lot of wrangling behind the scenes in the legislature because of the earlier closure order of the Wolf administration for gun dealers and listing them as nonessential businesses.
Here is the list below of the newly updated essential and nonessential businesses as of today, March 24 at 2:30 PM this afternoon:
If you know a gun dealer please let them know and share this list with them and feel free to repost it anywhere on the Internet and Facebook. Considering the concerns about safety and purchasing firearms in this critically concerning time we at least have a resolution for those who want to protect themselves and their families!
Many thanks to all of you who of provided input to legislators as it did make a huge difference!
God bless you all, yours in freedom!
Kim Stolfer, Pres.
Date: 03/19/2020
From Attorney Josh Prince: Recently, due to COVID-19, a number of Pennsylvania Sheriff Departments, in violation of the law and their oaths, have notified residents that they will no longer process license to carry firearm (LTCF) applications, including renewals; thereby, preventing individuals who do not have an LTCF from being able to defend themselves in a time of need and subjecting those who do have an LTCF, but whose LTCF lapses, to criminal prosecution.
See more on this at the link below:
Date: 11/2/2019
Gun owners, rights activists, and lovers of liberty will be gathering on the lawn of the Capitol in Washington DC on Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, at 1:00 in the afternoon.
If you live within 200 miles of DC, there is little excuse for missing this critical event, and many people who live much farther away will be doing whatever it takes to be there.
The currently listed speakers are:
This is a grassroots effort, and you are the grassroots. Without the active participation of you and other grassroots activists, this isn’t going to work. At the recent Gun Rights Policy Conference, activist Nicki Stallard characterized the difference between rights activists and gun control extremists, saying that we’re herding cats, while they are stampeding cattle. That’s pretty accurate, though I think sheep or lemmings would be more appropriate in describing anti-rights activists.
WE are the Gun Lobby. We can no longer let someone else do it for us, or say “I gave at the office.” It’s up to You. You must communicate with your elected servants – whether they agree with you or not – and be sure that they know what you expect from them. You must help elect politicians that understand and respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You must be sure that your family, your friends, your coworkers, your church family, your kids’ friends and their parents, all know the importance of the Second Amendment and the fallacy of gun control laws.
You don’t have to be a scholar or an expert, but you do need to do what you can. Politicians don’t actually read your letters and emails, nor do they get detailed notes about your phone calls. The majority of the time, a low-level staffer looks at your correspondence and puts a check-mark in a “For” or “Against” column, which is then relayed to the politician in the form of a report: “362 constituent comments opposing Bill xyz, 48 supporting it.” That’s it. So find a couple of resources you trust to keep you up-to-date on what’s going on in Washington and your state capitol, and when they ask you to take action, take action – every time they ask. And call your elected servants once a week to make sure your check-mark is counted.
Anti-rights extremists think they have the upper hand right now because of the troubles at the NRA and the public’s emotional reaction to the horrific acts of a few murderous lunatics. Those anti-rights extremists are counting on you to shuffle around in circles wringing your hands and wondering what to do.
Even some in our own movement are more concerned about how it might look if only a few rights activists show up at the Capitol on November 2nd. What a self-defeating attitude. They’re not going to attend or encourage others to attend because there might not be enough people in attendance to make a good showing…? Get on-board or get out of the way. Call that defeatist attitude out for what it is.
Still others argue that they won’t attend because the laws of the District insist that they be disarmed, and they refuse to do that. I get that, I truly do. I well know the discomfort of “going naked,” especially in “enemy territory.” If such fears don’t deter Representative Steve Scalise, they shouldn’t deter you.
The core message of the 2nd Amendment Rally, is “We Are the Gun Lobby,” as in “We the People,” and we demand that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights be respected and adhered to. The speakers list is above, and President Trump, Vice President Pence, Representative Scalise, Representative Massie, Senator Paul, and other congressional leaders have been invited, to join with grassroots rights leaders and activists from around the country.
Are you going to be there, or are you going to come up with an excuse?
It all comes down to YOU and what you’re willing to do. Get three buddies and plan a road-trip, or better yet, get six buddies and borrow your wife’s minivan. Or even better, get forty or fifty buddies and charter a bus. Push your groups to be involved, and volunteer to help. You can make all the difference.
This could be the most important Second Amendment event of our lifetime. Only You can ensure that it’s a success. Go to to register and get more information.
Together we can shake up Washington and save the republic. Let’s roll.
Date: 10/31/2019
On Tuesday (Oct. 29) FOAC, working with Firearms Policy Coalition and through the tremendous talents of our attorney Joshua Prince, defeated the City of Pittsburgh, in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, in their continuing attempts to pass 'illegal' gun laws in defiance of PA Preemption law. Despite the chicanery of the Everytown anti-gun lawyers, Eric Tirschwell and his paid mercenaries, Judge James once again (24 years later) saw through the decipt of Mayor Peduto and ruled against ALL 3 anti-gun ordinances.
SO, for NOW gun owners are technically safe for the 'moment' BUT. . .
The one remaining action, at the Court of Common Pleas level, against the City of Pittsburgh is the Allegheny County Sportsmen's League action to hold Peduto and Pittsburgh accountable for violating the Consent Decree from 1995 wherein the City pledged, in the decree, that they would abide by state law (double pinky swear?).
Now word is leaking out that Pittsburgh Democrat politicos are FURIOUS and that behind the scenes, Mayor Peduto and Allegheny County Chief Executive Rich Fitzgerald (another Democrat anti-gunner) are planning their revenge on Judge James through alledged ethics charges to remove him from the bench. YES, you heard that right, they are planning to 'get even' for a sitting judge doing his job and following the law, something neither one seems capable of.
From the link to Joshua Prince's blog article below:
Apparently, Mayor Peduto and Chief Executive Fitzgerald will be filing a frivolous ethics complaint and taking other action against Judge James, in a disgusting attempt to unseat him, for upholding the Pennsylvania Constitution and binding precedent, even after Mayor Peduto, on December 14, 2018, acknowledged publicly that the City of Pittsburgh lacked the legal authority to enact Ordinances 2018-1218, 2018-1219, and 2018-1220. Likewise, on January 7, 2019, City Councilwoman Strassburger declared. . .
On TOP of this Peduto is publicly stating that the City already figured that they would lose and are planning to appeal this case all the way to the US Supreme Court.
We are asking that you contact your state representatives, inform them of this despicable attempt at bullying the judiciary, and demand that they immediately enact HB 1066 - enhancing our state firearms and ammunition preemption statute to provide for attorney fees and costs, where a municipality violates the law - and support HR 426, the resolution calling for the impeachment of Mayor Peduto. Make sure to contact House and Senate Leadership AND the Governor's office to insist upon accountability and enforcement of the Rule of Law!
IF any of your friends and fellow gun owners 'thought' that this action would end anti-gun efforts to undermine the Constitution then these developments should put an end to the illusion. It is up to US to stop Peduto and Bloomberg's anti-gun minions and we will need 'YOUR' help 'MORE' than ever in the coming days, weeks and months! We would NOT be here without all of YOUR sacrifice and commitment but this is ONLY round 1 of the fight of the decade! Please try to help 'if' you can and THANK YOU! Donate to the legal fight at this link:
Date: 09/12/2019
As supporters of our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms you have every right to be happy that Commonwealth Court has upheld the FOAC position that Harrisburg is violating our Firearm Preemption laws!
This battle has taken 5 LONG years to navigate its' way in the courts with the first engagement starting in 2015.
None of this would be possible without the talents and passion of our attorney Joshua Prince leading the fight.
NOW it's on to deal with Peduto's Putz's in Pittsburgh!
IF you can help please try to donate to our legal defense fund as we need to replenish our funds to keep up the fight in Pittsburgh and stop these illegal acts by local governments BEFORE they come for 'your' rights!
Thanks for your 'support' over the last 5 years!!!
Kim Stolfer, President
Articles Related to this legal action:
Date: 08/25/2019
IF you believe in your/our Right to Keep and Bear Arms then please pay attention to this alert. We need your help to get the word out, and please attend, these 2nd Amendment/Article 1, Section 21 PA Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings in Harrisburg, PA on Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 and Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 in the North Office Building, Hearing Room 1.
The 1st Day of Hearings: Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 ***9:00AM-12:0PM*** will focus on mental and behavioral health issues related to recent mass murders and violence.
The 2nd Day of Hearings: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 ***1:00PM-4:00PM*** will focus on Gun Issues such as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO/Red Flag Laws-Gun Confiscation Without Due Process), Universal Gun Registration (Universal Background Checks), Gun & Magazine Bans, etc.
The paid Bloomberg red and yellow shirts WILL be there pushing their manufactured talking points. We all need to be there to counter their paid anti-gun presence, and to represent the pro 2A position of the silent majority of Pennsylvania. If you want to stop Pennsylvania from adopting New Jersey anti-gun laws please attend these hearings.
We are asking each of you to help in absolutely overwhelming the Capitol inside and outside with people recognizable as 2A supporters by filling the Capitol Building in Harrisburg beyond capacity for 2 days on Sept 24-25, 2019 and demonstrate to everyone, including the biased media, that citizens DO support our Constitutional Freedoms.
Remember what happened last year in how leadership rammed through HB 2060 and how the anti-gun community has crowed about that victory? IF we do NOT make this a maximum effort to stand strong then we will see the legislature capitulate on even worse laws that will affect virtually ‘every’ gun owner throughout Pennsylvania!
You know we would NOT ask if it wasn’t important and critical that every gun owner make every effort to go to Harrisburg to stand with us!
Details of the bills in question can be found here and here and here and an overview of 'ALL' of the anti-gun bills can be found here!
**IF you will be carrying your lawfully carried Concealed Firearm (Handgun ONLY) to Harrisburg, please use this form to expedite the securing of your firearm when going into the Capitol Building.
I will be there and hope to see you there as well!
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer, President
Below is a list of Hotels and Parking facilities we’ve used in the Harrisburg area in the past.
**Parking Garages Convenient to the Harrisburg Capitol:
**Directions & Map to Capitol Complex:
**Map of Interior of Capitol Bldg. (Hearing Room #1 is in the North Office Bldg.):
(717) 233-3304
(717) 564-8888
(717) 732-0785
(717) 561-8100
Date: 05/31/2019
Today the PA Supreme Court issued a MONUMENTAL Decision 'stopping' the Commonwealth from pushing the notion that a 'police officer' is JUSTIFIED to investigatively detain a citizen IF a firearm is just seen!
In Hicks vs. Commonwealth, YOUR right to carry openly or concealed was at risk because the element at heart was "whether the mere open carrying of a firearm constitutes reasonable suspicion of a crime." The PA Supreme Court said emphatically NO!
Attorney Josh Prince filed an Amicus Brief on behalf of Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC), Firearm Policy Coalition, and Firearm Policy Foundation in support of Mr. Hicks and arguing, after conducting a 50 state and federal survey that the mere open carrying of a firearm does not constitute reasonable suspicion.
Justice Wecht, writing for the majority, declared that the Superior Court has consistently applied the "inverse of the bedrock rule" that an officer must have reasonable suspicion to stop and frisk an individual by holding that "possession of a concealed firearm by an individual in public is sufficient to create a reasonable suspicion that the individual may be dangerous, such that an officer can approach the individual and briefly detain him in order to investigate whether the person is properly licensed." As Mr. Hicks was stopped solely because a city camera saw him carrying a firearm, the Court held that "there being no other lawful basis for the seizure at issue," the Superior Court's decision affirming his conviction for DUI had to be reversed.
Date: 04/29/2019
You have to keep your eyes on Harrisburg- the Senate Local Government Committee is about to run a courageous “Strengthen Preemption” SB 531 This bill will make cities and municipalities financially liable for assaulting the Rights and Liberties of Law Abiding Citizens. Mayors and City Councils that violate State Preemption Laws and disregard the Constitutions of PA and the United States HATE THIS BILL! We need to hold accountable the Elected Officials who feel they are above the law and who take their direction from anti-Liberty forces and gun grabbing special interests.
Rather than out-spend Law Abiding Citizens who are victimized by Illegal Ordinances with Bloomberg money and stolen tax dollars, this legislation will allow for the recovery of legal expenses that are incurred to stop these illegal laws in violation of PA Preemption Law, Title 18 §6120 Limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition. If a court of law finds that an ordinance violates Pennsylvania Preemption law (Title 18, §6120), the local government shall pay damages, reasonable attorney fees and costs. The anti-Liberty forces are working hard to undermine liberty and this legislation… we 'must' stop them!
Please ask your Senator to vote YES on this courageous bill, especially if he/she is on the Local Government Committee and on the floor of the Senate. We need your Senators to stand up for the Laws of the Commonwealth and the Law Abiding Citizens of PA. It is the RIGHT THING TO DO!
These are the Senators on the Local Government Committee:
John Blake | D | 22 | |
Michele Brooks | R | 50 | |
Patrick Browne | R | 16 | |
Scott Hutchinson | R | 21 | |
Timothy Kearney | D | 26 | Minority Chair |
Wayne Langerholc Jr | R | 35 | "Bill Sponsor" |
Scott Martin | R | 13 | Majority Chair |
Mike Regan | R | 31 | Majority Vice Chair |
Steven Santarsiero | D | 10 | |
Joseph Scarnati III | R | 25 | |
Judy Schwank | D | 11 |
To find your PA Senators contact information CLICK HERE
Please Ask your Senator to vote YES on SB531.
Donate to the FOAC/ACSL Pittsburgh Litigation Fund. Enter FOAC/ACSL Pittsburgh Litigation Fund in the Reference Field.
Date: 04/9/2019
The Mayor of Pittsburgh has signed the illegal ordinances and is officially an accomplice in the City's criminal enterprise in violating State preemption laws and the Constitutions of the USA and PA. He also did this behind closed doors, where anti-liberty groups were welcomed and concerned Law Abiding Citizens and Veterans were turned away. I commend FOAC members Dave Haid, Val Finnell and others for trying to personally witness the signing of these illegal ordinances, even though they were prevented from attending.
In the first action, Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (“ACSL”) filed a contempt petition for numerous violations of a 1995 Court Order approving a Settlement Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and ACSL, et al. The petition for contempt requests that the court fine and sanction the City of Pittsburgh, award attorney fees and costs, and hold the Mayor and Councilmembers severally and jointly liable for violating terms of a longstanding court order that required them to “abide by and adhere to Pennsylvania law.” As the City of Pittsburgh stipulated that the City’s Ordinance 30 of 1994 was preempted by 18 Pa.C.S. § 6120, as it regulated the use, possession, and transfer of what the City classified as "assault weapons," ammunition and firearm accessories, ACSL contends that the City’s new gun control laws clearly and unequivocally violate the Settlement Agreement and Court Order.
A second action, brought by Firearm Owners Against Crime, Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, and several individuals, in a 94 page Complaint, seeks declaratory and injunctive relief against the City of Pittsburgh, Mayor Peduto and the individual City Councilmembers that voted in favor of the anti-gun enactments. The Complaint, spanning 16 counts, includes counts for numerous violations of everything from the Pennsylvania Constitution to the Crimes Code to failure to comply with the City Home Rule Charter and City Council Rules.
It is unfortunate that City’s taxpayers will be burdened by the City’s elected officials believing it is acceptable - and even gloating - that they are violating the Pennsylvania Constitution and Crimes Code. It is also unfathomable that an administration that has labeled itself as transparent, precluded interested individuals, including two veterans, from attending the “public” signing ceremony while permitting anti-gun groups to attend; thereby attempting to suppress the First Amendment and Article 1, Section 7 rights of those individuals who were denied admission solely on the basis that they were not members of CeaseFirePA or Moms Demand Action.
IF these lies and actions are allowed to stand then every Pittsburgh citizen and 'anyone' who crosses the City of Pittsburgh boundary is at risk of prosecution and incarceration for violating these illegal ordinances. Even more so, the video shows the intent is to see ALL communities work on local laws throughout Pennsylvania so IF you think this doesn't affect you then you need to listen to the statements of the Mayor and the groups they are working with.
We will do everything in our power to protect our Constitution and the rights of ALL citizens to be free from government's unlawful acts and tyranny but NOW is the time to stand up and be counted!
Date: 01/14/2019
FOAC has spear headed a Coalition of Liberty minded organizations who are standing together to deliver a common message of unity and freedom. FOAC Board member and ACSL President, Klint Macro, has worked tirelessly to put together this campaign where “We The People” can remind our elected officials that they are in office to PROTECT our Liberties… NOT Assault them.
Please help us spread this message by printing copies of the “Stop The Assault” campaign letter and mail them to your local, state, and federal elected officials on February 1st, 2019; National Freedom Day.
E-Mail link to Freedom Campaign Letter:
Elected officials MUST STOP THEIR ATTACK on the Liberties of law abiding American citizens. Whether it be a limitation or restriction of free speech, religion, due process, personal property rights, or the right to self-preservation and the right to protect those that we love; the incremental erosion of one right is an attack on them all.
Liberty is a “Yes or No” proposition. We either have Liberty or we do not.
If each of us invests a little effort and a few dollars in ink and stamps, we can remind those in office that we are watching and we will no longer stand by while they Assault our Rights, Liberties, and Freedom with the stroke of a pen.
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 12/17/2018
Today, in advance of Pittsburgh City Council's December 18th meeting to formally announce its illegal firearm proposals, Firearms Industry Consulting Group® (FICG®), a division of Civil Rights Defense Firm, P.C., on behalf of its clients, Allegheny County Sportsmen's League and Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC), filed a letter in opposition to the proposals; wherein, Chief Counsel Joshua Prince explains the constitutional and statutory protections and case law precluding such regulation.
In the event Pittsburgh moves forward with the proposals, ACSL and FOAC will take legal action against the City and request that Allegheny County District Attorney Zappala file criminal charges against the Mayor and City Council for violations of 18 Pa.C.S. § 5301 (official oppression) and 18 Pa.C.S. § 6120 (preemption). A copy of the joint press release by ACSL and FOAC is available here.
If you are in a position to be able to support this matter, ACSL and FOAC would greatly appreciate donations, which can be made online through the Firm’s escrow account here – Simply place "ACSL/FOAC Pittsburgh Preemption Litigation" in the reference box.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of an unlawful municipal firearm or ammunition regulation or ordinance, contact FICG today to discuss your options.
Date: 12/3/2018
President Trump has declared that he will bypass congress and ban production, sale, and possession of so called “bump stocks.”
In spite of the fact that ATF has always concluded that these devices are lawful and do not qualify as “machine guns” Trump intends, with the stroke of a pen, to render all who own them felons, if they don’t turn them into the police.
However you feel about these devices, it is truly chilling that a President can turn unknown numbers of good Americans into criminals for owning a device they purchased legally and Congress is silent on the bypassing of Federal Law. If a piece of plastic that does nothing but simplify what you can achieve with no modifications to a firearm can be banned and confiscated, what prevents this, or any future president, from banning the firearms they are attached to?
“Bump” firing is a technique that can be done without a “bump stock" on ANY semi-automatic firearm. Is a plan to ban your fingers next?
See the a few of the examples below:
Trump promised to protect the Second Amendment. With this action we slide further down the slope. This is an attack on an entire class of firearms (Semi-Automatic) because no matter the looks they ALL function the same. Further, we do not even know for sure which weapons were used in the single criminal incident that they were, purportedly, used in!
Had Trump traded bump stocks for National Reciprocity and/or deregulation of suppressors, we would have still disagreed, but the master “deal maker” could say we got "something." But we got nothing even though the Republicans controlled the Congress and the White House.
Remember, at the heart of ALL gun control is government saying to ALL law-abiding citizens that 'we can't trust YOU to exercise your rights responsibly' so we are taking this away from you!
Please send a message to your Congressman that this attack on a legal firearms accessory is nothing more than state sponsored theft and a dangerous and unconstitutional step towards tyranny.
Date: 11/27/2018
FOAC is going to be on the Mangino Show (KDKA) today (THIS AFTERNOON – 11/27/2018) at 6:05 p.m. We will be following up the statement of the Auditor General (at 5:30 p.m.) on his report.
Call–In # 866-391-1020
The issues for this show: The Pennsylvania Auditor General has put together a report on so-called ‘firearm safety’ that mixes issues of gun control and more intrusive government with outright lies. This is but the first of many shots across the bow that will be coming in the new, upcoming session that will focus on more regulation of firearms ownership.
Sorry for the late notice but KDKA just called.
The AG report in question can be found here.
Date: 11/12/2018
FOAC will be on the Southwestern TV stations: WTAE and KDKA today, 11/12/2018, on the evening news responding to Mayor Peduto and his push to enact criminal gun control in Pittsburgh.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an article on Veteran's Day regarding Peduto's intent to violate the law AND the 1995 consent decree signed by Pittsburgh when they illegally tried to ban so-called Assault Weapons!
The TV stations are reaching out for a response which FOAC was all too happy to give.
The 4 Horsemen of the 2nd Amendment Apocalypse:
1. Corrupt politicians
2. Soul less Billionaires
3. Anti-Gun groups without compunction
4. Apathetic, Clueless Citizens…/Pittsbur…/stories/201811110163
Date: 10/2/2018
After days of gun owner pressure, along with the concerted pressure of Sen. Reschenthaler and other Senators like Sen. Bartolotta, the Pennsylvania Senate will be considering an amendment by Sen. Eichelberger to HB 2060.
This amendment will restore "friends" as a source to surrender or relinquish firearms after a PFA has been imposed.
Once again we need your help in the guise of phone calls and emails Senate in support of Sen. Eichelberger's amendment. It is still being drafted so I do not have an amendment number.
If this amendment is included in the bill and passed by the Senate then FOAC will take a neutral position on this legislation but only if, and I repeat, if this legislation is amended with Sen. Eichelberger's amendment!
We need your help tomorrow morning to put pressure on the Senators in support of Sen. Eichelberger and his amendment! This is a highly critical alert and we do not have much time to work on the Senate.
Please target all of the Republicans with your e-mails and phone calls in the Pennsylvania Senate and Sen. Brewster and Sen. Yudichak. You can find them all at this link: .
If you are an active FOAC member you can sign into the FOAC website and go to your member's area for ALL of the Senate e-mails in one block.
You've all been wonderful and highly supportive and we deeply appreciate all your hard work!
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 09/22/2018
The gun control insanity that has gripped much of our nation has finally raised its’ ugly head here in PA. Next week (9/24-9/25) the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, spurred on by Speaker of the House Rep. Turzai, is slated to consider two bills that were tabled in June – HB 2060 & HB 2227.
Direct Links:
HB 2060:
HB 2227:
These are both an affront to our Constitution at the state and federal level. What’s worse is that Republican Leadership KNOWS this just as they know both expand the power of government at the expense of the Due Process rights of the accused with HB 2227 creating an entirely ‘new’ section of law involving suspension of ‘Due Process’.
Over the summer, FOAC has worked diligently to examine both bills with some great attorneys and have attempted to convey this to other groups, gun owners and PA House members. On Thursday (the 20th of Sept.) we were told that a September Surprise (meaning gun owners were being stabbed in the back) was coming and that both HB 2060 & HB 2227 would see floor action on Sept. 24th & 25th respectively.
We have done EVERYTHING we can to stop this freight train but are told that UNLESS YOU (gun owners) speak out and DEMAND leadership pull these bills they WILL PASS. We as a group (gun owners) have been silent TOO DAMN LONG!! NOW we are faced with House Leadership and SE Republicans and a ‘Host’ of anti-gun Democrats who think they can ignore citizens’ rights along with the reality of all the major gun groups rallying around these two gun bills that will severely damage the short and long term rights of all citizens to be treated fairly in the halls of justice.
Below are just a FEW examples of the Flaws and Traps in these bills:
The Talking Points on this legislation can be found below:
I am going to close with the fact that this legislation is an Existential Threat to our rights and is a TURNING POINT for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. We NEED and MUST HAVE your calls, e-mails and ‘presence’ in Harrisburg on Monday and Tuesday!
The straight forward message YOU MUST TELL PA HOUSE MEMBERS is to OPPOSE both bills! No Compromise, no Deals, no Amending either one as their core structure is irredeemably flawed.
Go HERE to find the contact information for EVERY PA HOUSE MEMBER: and to find House Committee members you can go here: - we’ve given you the tools so now this is a no ‘excuses’ moment! The apathy of gun owners has put ALL OF US in this predicament and we are now faced with a put up or shut up moment! We have done all we can to stop these bills and NOW it is up to you to Stand Up and Be Counted or RUE THE DAY if these pass!!
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 06/17/2018
We live in a troubling and challenging time for our constitutional Freedoms! Never in the history of our nation and state has our Constitution and rights been under such an assault! Frankly, it is shocking to hear politicians openly disrespecting the Constitution as well as our fellow citizens. Ignorance, apathy, arrogant and insidious innuendo all seem to be part and parcel of today’s willingness to shed our Freedoms in favor of totalitarian and invasive concepts!
The recent exchange between two Republicans, Pennsylvania State Representative Rick Saccone and Representative Warren Kampf, illustrates the disregard far too many in office hold for the Constitution! During this exchange Representative Kampf chided Representative Saccone for bringing up the Pennsylvania Constitution by saying (I’m paraphrasing) get off that Constitution crap!
Into this backdrop of constitutional friction, we find ourselves thrust into the greatest gun-control Porsche we have faced in Pennsylvania in the last 15 years! After seven (7) lengthy Judiciary Committee hearings on the issue of gun control (the first six of which were focused on more regulation and restrictions) the committee is focused on advancing nine different gun - related bills on June 19, 2018!
In the first six hearings in the Judiciary Committee the anti-gun groups, wearing their trademark red shirts, prorated their socialist ideals for all to see and yet gunowners sat on their hands choosing to ignore the very real threat that they posed! There are 14 gun clubs within a 30-minute drive of the Pennsylvania State capital with a rough estimate of over 85,000 gun owners and yet no participation from them at these hearings.
You may be wondering why this information is just coming out now but the fact is that the agenda for the Pennsylvania house judiciary committee did not get released until late Friday as we have been working hard for the past week at trying to discern whether these bills would even run since the committee put off this legislation on June 12. If nothing else leaders in Harrisburg have learned that given enough time the average Pennsylvania citizen will reject gun control overwhelmingly so they run these things at the last minute hoping that you don’t care or don’t have the time to get involved.
The list of legislation is below that will be considered this coming Tuesday:
FOAC Position: Support – dependent on language of 2 filed amendments A07403 and A07614
FOAC Position: Neutral
FOAC Position: Neutral
FOAC Position: Neutral
FOAC Position: Opposed to original bill but could shift to ‘neutral’ depending on language of any amendments.
FOAC Position: Oppose ‘unless’ amended with language from SB 501 then FOAC is ‘Neutral’
FOAC Position: Opposed
“Universal background checks…. Effectiveness depends on … gun registration….” So says the
National Institute of Justice, part of the Obama Justice Department, in a 2013 study. Criminalizing
the transfer of firearms between law-abiding citizens – the only ones who would undergo background
checks – has nothing to do with preventing violence, but everything to do with registering gun
FOAC Position: Opposed
FOAC Position: Oppose ‘unless’ amended by A07354 then FOAC is ‘Neutral’
After reading the above legislation, and knowing the forces allied behind pushing much of it, hopefully you will understand the gravity of this situation! Below you will find contact information for every member of the house judiciary committee:
The House Judiciary Members are:
Perhaps our time has passed for respecting our Constitution and our Freedoms will be going the way of the dodo bird? Perhaps we are rooted in old world concepts and are no longer relevant? Standing up for our Constitution and Freedoms is neither easy nor convenient but it is our duty as citizens!
On June 19 we will see how many gun owners in the Commonwealth agree because one thing is certain the redshirted socialist simpletons will be parading around the halls of Harrisburg, as they have been for the last four months, working to take away your Freedoms.
I know I will be there and I’m hoping you’re willing to sacrifice your time and join me!
PS: Happy Father's Day!
Semper Fidelis,
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 03/23/2018
PLEASE see the alert below from our Beaver County Partners:
Beaver County Sportsmen’s Conservation League 2nd Amendment Supporters,
On Saturday, March 24th, there will be an anti-gun protest at the Beaver County Court House. American Patriots, who understand the Constitution to be the law of the land, specifically the 2nd Amendment, will also be there to show our support for our constitutionally guaranteed Right To Keep and Bear Arms.
There’s a lot of anti-gun energy moving our way, and it’s up to us, the American Patriots and gun owners to defend what we believe in, if we want to keep it.
We will gather at 11:30am across the street from the court house. Pease join us. If you have a pro-gun sign, bring it along.
Thank you for your help.
Bob Oles,
Secretary, BCSCL=
Date: 11/29/2017
Thank you for all your hard work in reaching out to Congressmen regarding National Concealed Carry Reciprocity (HR 38)!! There is great news to report in that the House Judiciary Committee today passed, by a 19-11 vote, the National Reciprocity, Constitutional Carry-friendly, legislation – HR 38 (by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) – was voted out of the House committee and is now on its way to passage by the full House.
Overview: This legislation would allow anyone with a License To Carry Firearms, and anyone from a Constitutional Carry state, to carry in ANY state in the country -- thereby countering the unconstitutional, socialist laws of anti-gun states. This legislation also provides legal protections for citizens who are arrested by ignorant anti-gun local officials who ignore the law.
The legislation includes the legal definition of "handgun" to include "any magazine for use in a handgun and any ammunition loaded into a handgun or its magazine."
This would circumvent efforts by states like Massachusetts and California to effectively ban guns by banning and/or registering magazines and ammo.
Suffice it to say that pushing the GOOD version of reciprocity to the verge of House passage and enactment is a huge accomplishment which should not be underestimated.
As we all expected, anti-gun Democrats tried to water down the inclusion of protections for Constitutional Carry and by a 17-8 vote, Republicans defeated an anti-gun amendment offered by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) that would have limited concealed carry reciprocity to permit holders only.
The House Judiciary Committee also passed a "Fix NICS" bill which we are watching closely.
Both bills now advance to the floor of the House.
Date: 11/28/2017
The time we have ALL been waiting for has come and NOW is the time we need YOUR help!
Date: 11/9/2017
If you think Republicans will prevent gun control from passing through Congress, you are wrong. On Monday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told “The Hill” that he is acceding to demands by Democrat (and perennial gun banner) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to hold hearings on “firearms accessories.”
Unfortunately, the NRA strategy of kicking this over to the BATFE in the (flawed) hope that they would institute a regulatory solution to so-called “bump stocks” has backfired as the BATFE kicked the can back to Congress.
This isn’t just about ‘bump stocks’
And if you think this is about banning the “bump stocks” nobody likes, you are equally wrong.
With anti-gun Democrats and the media still at full-throated roar, roughly two dozen gun control bills have been introduced in the weeks since Las Vegas. While most of those won’t see the light of a committee hearing, the so-called “bump stock” bans in the House and Senate will.
And what can you expect from the bills to see hearings in Grassley’s committee? By covering anything which “accelerates the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle,” banned items would include:
And yes, the “slippery slope” which House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi “certainly hopes” will lead to further gun control will almost certainly lead to debate over “high” capacity magazines, as in the ban introduced by Representative Elizabeth Esty (D-CT).
‘Good guy’ with an AR-15? They don’t care
The ostensibly “mainstream” media is doing its best to gloss over the fact that in the horrific church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, it was not only a “good guy with a gun,” but a good guy with an AR-15 who stopped the killer by shooting him at least twice. Stephen Willeford is an American hero.
But they don’t care.
Yes, this is the third time in recent years in which an armed private citizen has stopped a mass homicide in a church.
But they don’t care.
Yes, gun control failed again as, for the second time in recent weeks, the killer underwent a NICS check to get his firearms.
But they don’t care.
Nope, the gun ban advocates care about one thing and one thing only: That they have an opportunity to ban your guns in order to better control you.
It’s been said that, “The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Well, I’m here to tell you that the only thing that will stop a gun ban organization with clout is a no-compromise gun rights group with clout.
FOAC is exactly that no-compromise gun group, not only at a state level, but also in fighting federal gun control.
Right now, we can’t do what we need to…
The problem is that right now, the problem our side faces is that we just want to be left alone. So when we win an election, we go back to our lives.
But the left doesn’t think that way. They want control – control over YOU. Consequently, they never go away, they never stop, they never sleep. They just keep coming back again and again until they get what they want which is, in this case, the end of the Second Amendment.
I need you to do three things
YOU must immediately take three actions to defend our liberty:
Immediately make three phone calls to Sen. Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania and your Congressman (contact info here) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley and let them know that NO GUN CONTROL IS ACCEPTABLE. Call Toomey at (717-782-3951), and call Grassley at (515) 288-1145. (Yes, these are their district offices, not their Washington offices).
With your help, we will once again prevail.
Armatissimi e liberissimi,
(Most armed and most free)
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 09/26/2017
Pittsburgh City Council will vote on banning firearms in City Parks in 'direct' violation of Pennsyvania Court precedent (FOAC v. Lower Merion) and Pennsylvania law as well as a 1994 court order where the City of Pittsburgh agreed to abide by ALL Pennsylvania Law regarding firearms. Pennsylvania law (Title 18, Section 6120) removes ALL authority from municipalities and cities regarding banning or restricting firearms.
Please make your voice heard about this clear violation of Pennsylvania Law that is even a Misdemeanor 1 criminal offense (Title 18, Section 6119).
Councilman Gilman's office can be reached through this link:
Since this will be 'another' costly preemption fight we would very much appreciate your dedicated contribution to help us fund the upcoming legal action to stop this in the courts. Please consider donating through our website donation portal here:
Thank you for all your interest and support!
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 06/28/2017
We strongly support giving teachers the Choice AND Right to be armed to defend themselves! Twenty-four states now allow teachers and staff to carry, though the rules vary across states. Alabama, Utah, New Hampshire, and parts of Oregon leave it up to the teachers and staff to carry. For example, in neighboring Ohio, at least 40 school districts allow teachers to carry.
However there are significant issues with SB 383 regarding the requirement for a teacher to disclose, and provide proof, of possession of a License to Carry Firearms. In 1995 access to License To Carry Firearm information was made confidential due to concerns that disclosure could put citizens at risk. These concerns have been borne out in other states that do not have these controls. Security of this information, and accountability for its' release is 'not' an insignificant concern!
Yesterday in the PA Senate, Senator Street added an amendment that teachers who wish to carry would be required to be psychologically evaluated! This raises a host of issues not the least of which is the anti-gun mantra of requiring psychological testing to even 'own' a firearm.
Certain aspects of this legislation is deeply troubling and we cannot support it at this time. SB 383 is up for final (3rd) consideration today and the PA Senate convenes at 1 p.m. Please keep in mind that Senator White is a 'very good' Senator and I don't think that he has been made aware of all of these concerns properly!!
Date: 03/28/2017
The PA Game Commission Commissioners are meeting right now for their quarterly meeting and the Commissioners have stabbed gun owners and hunters in the back by REFUSING to authorize Semi-Auto firearms for hunting big game!
No matter how you slice this betrayal of trust, this is a huge victory for anti-gun groups which will spin this as a gun safety issue despite the record across the nation of success!
It is clear the Commissioners do not value rights the way you and I do! I suggest everyone consider reaching out and communicating your displeasure with this gift to the foes of Freedom to the PA Game Commission by visiting this link and using whichever method you prefer:
More developments to come. . . . .
Date: 11/21/2016
Today Pennsylvania moved out of the dark ages when Governor Wolf signed HB 263 into law providing for the lawful use of Semi-Auto firearms and air rifles in hunting. This legislation will end a decades long unfounded prejudice against these types of firearms. Please take a moment to reach out and thank your state Representative, your state Senator and Governor Wolf for supporting this important legislation!
Also, PLEASE reach out and let your friends and fellow hunters know that these changes on the use of these firearms will NOT take effect until the 2017 hunting season as the PA Game Commission will have to craft the regulations governing the suitable ammunition calibers and magazine capacities as well as the game animals where these firearms will be permitted. The focus now, for all of us, should be on contacting the PA Game Commission (PGC) Commissioners and insisting that the use of these firearms should encompass Big Game hunting (i.e. Deer & Bear) and 'not' be limited to a small number of game animals. In the hearings before the House Game & Fish Committee this year PA Game Commission Exec. Director Matt Hough' testimony indicated a reluctance to allow the widespread use of these firearms, which is an unsupported and unfounded bias and prejudice based in political speak.
Interestingly, Germany (known for their tough gun control) has recently authorized the use of these firearms for hunting in that country.
These firearms help women and youth engage in the hunting sports more effectively due to the diminished recoil and adaptability of these firearms. In addition, they provide for faster follow up shots so that wounded game can be more humanely harvested.
The PA Game Commission has a working group meeting coming up on December 5th and we encourage all interested hunters who would like to use these types of firearms to reach out and communicate your support to the PGC Commissioners.
Date: 10/27/2016
This morning there will be a final voting session prior to the election (the legislature 'may' come back in November-Sine Die) and there has been furious wrangling over two bills that you should know about.
HB 263 (as amended in the Senate) will legalize the use of 'air rifles' and 'semi-auto rifles' in hunting. This bill is on the 'marked' calendar for voting today.
HB 869 is a bill that has been amended 4 times distorting it all out of shape and the animal rights extremists have added dangerous language that could lead to limitations and lawsuits for bird hunting and things like pigeon shoots. See the language from the bill below:
This language was added in the Senate and is not used anywhere else in the bill. This bill was supposed to protect 'dogs and cats' from abuse, a laudable goal. However, it appears the 'animal rights extremists' have manipulated the language to provide them an advantage in court against hunting and training dogs with live birds. This bill is scheduled to be amended in the Rules Committee and if you have time this morning please contact the Rules Committee members and ask them to correct the language above as well as the language in the 'Torture' sections of HB 869.
Thank you for your attention to this last minute request!
Your FOAC Freedom Team
Date: 10/25/2016
Tomorrow the PA Senate and House will consider HB 263 which has been amended with legislative language to authorize the use of semi-automatic firearms for hunting as is legal in 'ALL' other states.
We are asking for your help in reaching out to your State Senator 'and' your State House member, as well as the Senate and House Leadership, to ask them to pass HB 263, as amended today in the Senate. There were 11 Senators who voted against this legislation but 39 voted for it.
FOAC members will find all the Senate and House legislators contact information in their Member's section of the FOAC website. If you are not a member 'yet' please go to the PA Legislator FOAC page for the listing of every PA Senate and House member along with their contact information.
I also want to thank all of you for your continued patience and persistence in keeping up the pressure on the legislature. Your frustration at the lack of action by the leadership in Harrisburg on critical Pro-Gun legislation is not lost on all of us and we share it. Much of this is directly connected to the flood of Millions of Dollars of anti-gun billionnaires donating to anti-gun groups to advance gun control at the expense of the truth. Your involvement is the ONLY thing stopping the anti-gun groups and I cannot thank YOU enough!
Your FOAC Freedom Team!
Date: 10/17/2016
In a clear sign of rejecting the lies of the anti-gun groups such as cease-fire PA and mom’s demand action, today the Pennsylvania Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of SB 1330, strengthening of Pennsylvania firearms preemption law, by a vote of 30 – 19 the legislation passed.
It is important to remember that we have dozens if not hundreds of communities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which are arrogantly thumbing their nose at Pennsylvania criminal law and passing their own local laws in defiance of not only the crimes code but also the “equal protections clause” of the Constitution!
We ask that you take two actions now. First reach out to your House of Representatives member and ask them to support SB 1330. Then also reach out and contact your Senator to thank him/her ‘if’ they supported SB 1330. Also please share your dissatisfaction with the 19 Senators who violated their oath to uphold Commonwealth law and ‘not’ put citizen safety and well-being at risk, which each of these Senators did by opposing this common sense bill!
Contact information for the 19 infamous crime supporting Senators is below:
You can find PA House of Representatives contact information at this link:
Time is short and there is very little opportunity to see this bill through the legislative process and put SB 1330 on the desk of the governor so we need all of you to focus and put as much energy as you can into passing this legislation!
Thank you for paying attention to this important update and for being so passionate about defending the freedom so many in this nation have sacrificed for!
In deepest gratitude,
Kim Stolfer, Pres.
Date: 09/27/2016
I try not to burden you with a lot of e-mails but this one is significant. As you may know we have been working to advance pro-gun legislation in Harrisburg and are on the cusp of two of our issues being addressed, finally!
These bills involve preemption (HB 2258 & SB 1330) and semi-auto firearms for hunting (SB 737) and are all keyed up and ready to go EXCEPT we are being held hostage by anti-gunners and money and ‘apathy’ among our ranks!
We are being blocked by a concerted effort from anti-gun groups through their minions of evil (anti-gun legislators) in a historic show of abuse of the political process. HB 2258 has had 242 amendments filed AGAINST it and this is a record. SB 737 has had 19 amendments filed against it. The end goal is to force leadership to pull the bills from consideration.
We are being "terrorized by a small group of misfits" in and outside of the legislature who are abusing the process to stymie legislation that has overwhelming support. Republican Leadership AND Democrat Leadership need to be united in opposition to these tactics! Contact information, including phone ‘and’ e-mail address, for Republican and Democrat leadership is available at the links below:
Republican & Democrat Leadership Contact Info (from the FOAC website):
Also, PLEASE contact your PA State House Member today as well!! If you don’t know who that is then click the link below to search using your address for your legislators.
I’m laying this in your laps because gun owners are faced with an ugly reality! IF we do not get more of our friends and family involved and calling their legislators and leadership of BOTH parties then I fear our ability to get ANYTHING passed will be impossible.
What is even more critical is that the NEXT step for them is to force anti-gun legislation to be passed or these political whores will shut down work on other bills.
I’m sorry but I have done everything I can think of and have been warning you of this coming evolution of the political process for a while. Well it is HERE now. Either get involved now or plan on PA becoming New Jersey in the not too distant future and prepare to surrender your firearms because what is going on now is ONLY going to get worse!
Sorry for the bad news but I’m NOT going to sugar coat the dire situation we are faced with!
Thank you for considering this important message!
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer
FOAC, President
Date: 09/19/2016
The PA House of Representatives Judiciary Committee has scheduled a voting meeting for tomorrow, 9/20 – 10 a.m., to vote on four (4) bills one of which is HB 2258, Rep. Mark Keller’s Firearm Preemption legislation. This would strengthen Pennsylvania's preemption statute, as was passed in 2014, and help to discourage PA municipalities from enacting ‘illegal local’ gun laws.
We are asking you to call and/or e-mail Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Marsico and respectfully request that he bring House Bill 2258 to a vote and that he support the bill. In addition, please also contact all the members of the Judiciary Committee, as well as your Representative, and ask that they support House Bill 2258.
You can find all the Judiciary Committee Representatives e-mail addresses compiled in your Members Area of the FOAC website once you are signed in to the site. The section of the members area you will see will look like the picture below:
This legislation, HB 2258, provides for the recovery of legal expenses incurred, by gun owners or organizations, when local municipalities are sued for enacting local ordinances, or continue to maintain them, in violation of PA Preemption Law, Title 18 §6120 Limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
Points for to consider using with Legislators:
Are YOU aware that:
What this law will do:
If a court of law finds that it was an ordinance that violates Pennsylvania Preemption law (Title 18, §6120), the local government shall pay the actual damages and reasonable attorney fees and costs to the party who successfully challenges the regulation.
This is critically important legislation to halt the spread of anti-gun groups, and their minions in local government, who act in violation of PA Laws.
Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this important Alert!
Yours in Freedom,
Kim Stolfer, President
Date: 08/30/2016
This is not a drill. The Obama administration just implemented a new regulatory change that has sent the entire firearms industry into a tailspin overnight.
A key ingredient necessary for making gunpowder has been re-classified as a high explosive, making it illegal for any company within the industry to transport or store it as they have for decades.
It all stems from how the ATF regulates a chemical compound known as nitrocellulose. For decades, the firearm industry has been allowed to store and transport wetted nitrocellulose without having to treat it as a high explosive. Manufacturers deliberately mix the chemical compound with water to make it less volatile.
Overnight, the ATF just completely changed its regulations, turning everyone in the ammunition industry into felons if they do business the way they have for decades.
The entire industry is now at a standstill. Without nitrocellulose, you can’t make smokeless gunpowder. Without smokeless powder, there’s no ammunition.
Contact your Congressman please!
Go here to find PA Congressmen:
Date: 07/5/2016
This is a fast developing situation on expanding the denial of owning a firearm because you or I are on some kind of list. The latest version of the attack on our 2nd Amendment Rights is embodied in HR 5611 (HB 5611 on FOAC Site) and it contains many flaws. Some of the worst problems are identified below for your review and consideration.
Problems identified in this proposal:
Unless these problems are corrected we cannot support this legislation.
Please contact your Congressman and tell them to oppose this legislation until these issues are addressed and 'no' American is put through the requirement to 'Prove' their innocence to the government.
Your FOAC Freedom Team!
Date: 06/28/2016
SB 1330 is critically important Preemption Legislation that would restore what the PA Supreme Court took away when they struck down ACT 192 last week. Preemption of firearms laws is important in maintaining one set of rules and laws that is uniform across Pennsylvania. In 2014 the legislature signed HB 80 into law, as ACT 192, and this legislation simply provided for standing and recovery of legal fees if local communities enacted or maintained illegal firearms laws. Over 100 communities have these illegal laws in defiance of Title 18, Section 6120 (crimes codes) and District Attorneys are 'not' stopping these laws as they should. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown are a few of the main violators of this law.
Yesterday SB 1330 passed out of committee, PA Senate Local Government, by an 8-3 vote and will now be considered by the 'full' Senate on the floor.
Please contact your PA State Senator and ask for his/her support when this bill comes to the full floor for a vote. Information on PA State Senators can be found here:
Also, please thank Sen. Alloway for introducing SB 1330 and Sen. Hutchinson, Chairman of the Local Government Committee, for moving SB 1330 out of committee.