Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

New Jersey Joins New York in Defying the Supreme Court :: 10/20/2022

Washington, DC – -( Most states respect the constitutional right to carry guns in public for self-defense, which the Supreme Court upheld in June.


Poll: Americans Lose Interest in Guns as Midterms Approach :: 10/20/2022

Only a tiny percentage of Americans view gun policy as the top issue in the upcoming midterm elections.


Virginia Republicans target crime with new focus on cops and criminals, not legal gun owners :: 10/20/2022

Democrats are trying to make the pitch to voters that Republicans are soft on crime because they’re generally opposed to new gun control laws. It’s a narrative that doesn’t appear to be working too well, probably because most of us aren’t naive enough to believe that passing laws aimed at restricting the rights of responsible gun owners isn’t going to have much of an impact on those who are committing carjackings, home invasions, robberies, drive-by shootings, and other violent crimes.


Momentum's the Word Following ADSS 2022 :: 10/19/2022

When the Adaptive Defensive Shooting Summit (ADSS) was first held four years ago at the SIG Sauer Academy and Experience Center in Epping, N.H., there were just 13 participants.


No Death Penalty, No Parole - Jury Recommends Life Sentence for Parkland Shooter :: 10/19/2022

A jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, reached a decision in the trial of Parkland mass shooter Nikolas Cruz Thursday, recommending a life sentence without possibility of parole for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School attacker.


Pennsylvania School District Places One Shotgun, One AR-15, in Every School :: 10/19/2022

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania’s Pittston Area School District revealed it had placed one shotgun and one AR-15 in each of its schools for use by a resource officer in the event of an attack.


San Jose City Council Approves 1,000 Dollar Fine for Refusing to Buy Gun Liability Insurance :: 10/19/2022

San Jose, California’s, city council approved a $1,000 fine for residents who own firearms but refuse to follow the city’s liability insurance requirement for gun owners.


Tufts University Poll: Only One Third of Gun Owners Support 'Assault Weapons' Ban :: 10/19/2022

A poll conducted by Tufts University School of Medicine found approximately 1/3 of gun owners support an “assault weapons” ban.


Biden's 'Intellectual Dishonesty' On Full Display After Raleigh Shooting :: 10/18/2022

BELLEVUE, WA – -( The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted President Joe Biden and Democrats for rushing to exploit the mass shooting tragedy in Raleigh, N.C., by calling for a ban on so-called “assault weapons” when the teenage suspect used a shotgun.


California sheriff forced to disclose names of concealed carry holders to media :: 10/18/2022

California gun owners have already suffered a loss of their privacy thanks to the massive leak of information from Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office earlier this year, but now those who possess a concealed carry license in one California county have been told that the media also has access to their information.


New anti-gun group funded by dark money :: 10/18/2022

Have you heard of Project Unloaded? The anti-gun group has been flying largely under the radar, despite the involvement of many veterans of the gun control lobby. Project Unloaded’s founder Nina Vinik, for instance, has had stints at the Legal Community Against Violence and the Joyce Foundation, while its director of communications and marketing describes herself as “forever Moms Demand” (as in Moms Demand Action) on her Twitter bio. The group’s advisory board is also chock full of longtime gun control advocates like Dr. Garen Wintemute and Erika Soto Lamb, who previously worked as comms director for Moms Demand Action before she was hired as a vice-president for “social impact strategy” at MTV and Comedy Central.


Town wants to stop violence, but doing everything wrong :: 10/18/2022

Violence and violent crime is at the top of just about everyone’s mind these days. That’s understandable, though. It’s one of the big headlines every day somewhere in this nation and is set to be a major determiner for November’s elections.


36 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago :: 10/17/2022

Thirty-six people were shot, at least five of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.


Cars Cause Crime Like Flies Cause Garbage :: 10/17/2022

Part of the reason gun owners detest gun control so vehemently is because it places the burden of curtailing violent crime on law-abiding individuals rather than where it belongs – on criminals. Those who would never commit a violent crime have their freedoms restricted, while criminals ignore the law. In the current era of “defund the police” and George Soros-funded prosecutors this problem is even more acute, with gun owners made to suffer ridiculous indignities while the government coddles criminals.


Rep. Cori Bush Spends Nearly 500,000 Dollars on Private Security While Pushing to Defund the Police :: 10/17/2022


Reports Suggest Biden Administration Already Exceeding Its Authority Under New Gun Laws :: 10/17/2022

Last June, the NRA announced its opposition to a wide-ranging gun control bill – the misnamed “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” (BSCA) – that was being rammed through the U.S. Senate with bi-partisan support. We warned at the time that the bill, contrary to how it was being marketed to the public, could “be abused to restrict lawful gun purchases, infringe upon the rights of law-abiding Americans, and use federal dollars to fund gun control measures being adopted by state and local politicians.” We also said, “This bill leaves too much discretion in the hands of government officials and also contains undefined and overbroad provisions – inviting interference with our constitutional freedoms.”


Analysis: Historical Texts Show Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Isn't an NRA Invention :: 10/16/2022

For anyone who frequently discusses the Second Amendment, there is no avoiding the debate over whether it protects an individual or collective right. The prevailing view accepted by the Supreme Court in 2008 is that the amendment protects every individual’s right to keep and bear arms. But many detractors, especially gun-control advocates, still argue it only covers a collective or militia right.


Biden Pushes 'Assault Weapons' Ban After Juvenile Allegedly Kills 5 with Shotgun :: 10/16/2022

President Joe Biden pushed an “assault weapons” ban Friday after a Raleigh, North Carolina, attacker allegedly armed with a shotgun killed five people.


New Jersey Democrats Push Liability Insurance Requirement for Concealed Carry Permit Holders :: 10/16/2022

New Jersey’s Democrat lawmakers introduced legislation Thursday to require concealed carry permit holders to get liability insurance in order to carry a gun outside the home.


Individual nature of Second Amendment not a modern invention :: 10/15/2022

The nature of the Second Amendment probably shouldn’t be up for debate, yet debate remains.


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