Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Attacks on gun industry ramping up in 2023 :: 01/05/2023

With gun ban bills pending in several states, the ATF set to finalize new rules for pistol stabilizing braces (not to mention changing their interpretation of their new regulations on unfinished frames and receivers), and blue state governors encouraging junk lawsuits against gun makers, the firearms industry faces a host of challenges this year even as the number of new gun owners continues to grow. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s senior vice president and general counsel Larry Keane joins Cam & Co today for a wide-ranging discussion about the coming threats to gun owners and the firearms industry in 2023, as well as how the industry plans to respond.


NJ paper's editorial staff digging deep to demonize Second Amendment :: 01/05/2023

New Jersey. It’s been what, all of a day since one of us here at Bearing Arms mentioned the Garden State? One of the biggest news controllers in the state of New Jersey, NJ Advance Media, through the Star Ledger newspaper, sent out a rocket of garbage hidden behind a paywall. The article “The 2nd Amendment is a curse” is an anti-love letter to anything freedom loving, and leans on really weak arguments assuming the readers are a bunch of rubes. The power brokers in New Jersey, and across the country are freaking out about the peasants being able to have their pitchforks since the NYSRPA v. Bruen decision, and they really don’t know how to handle it. The editorial, instead of being a source of salient information, it rather served as some sort of catharsis for the emotionally stunted progressives in charge that just can’t handle civil liberties.


Carry of Firearms is Strong, Protected, Political, Symbolic Speech :: 01/04/2023

U.S.A.-(– The open carry of firearms is strong, protected, symbolic, and political speech. It sends a clear, specific political message:


Gov. Phil Murphy's hypocrisy on guns :: 01/04/2023

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy isn’t a fan of the Second Amendment. Since he’s been in office, I can’t think of a single gun control measure he’s opposed in any way, shape, or form. Based on some proposals that have come out of the state, it’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t think you or I should have the right to defend ourselves from violent attacks.


MSNBC guests beclown themselves on gun discussion :: 01/04/2023

No one expects reasoned, unbiased discourse from MSNBC. After all, they’re an openly leftist network, one that tarnishes the NBC brand’s attempt at impartiality.


Totally Unsurprisingly, Brazil Begins Gun Bans Ahead of Lula Inauguration :: 01/04/2023

U.S.A. – -( “Brazil’s Supreme Court on Wednesday banned registered gun-owners from carrying firearms in the federal district until after the inauguration of President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in reaction to recent episodes of political violence,” Reuters reported Wednesday. “Justice Alexandre de Moraes temporarily suspended licenses that permit hunters, marksmen and collectors to carry guns, firearms and ammunition in the region where the capital city of Brasilia is located.”


Gun Owner New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Increase Involvement and Effectiveness :: 01/03/2023

U.S.A. – -( It’s the time of year when Americans are inclined to make resolutions. Some will try to lose weight, quit smoking, cut back on drinking, start an exercise program, go back to school, or find more rewarding employment. Those can all be worthy goals for gun owners to aspire to, but they neglect the preservation and restoration of legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms. I submit that without unalienable rights, everything else is just the fine-tuning of privileges.


Knife Rights’ Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Takes Effect :: 01/03/2023

U.S.A.-( Knife Rights’ Repeal of Pennsylvania’s ban on possession and carry of Switchblade Knives takes effect today January 2nd, 2023. The manufacture and sale of automatic knives in the state is also now legal.


Self-Defense Skills & Drills: The Super Test :: 01/03/2023

U.S.A.-( Often times our drills and courses of fire are focused on a single distance and a single par time. While this can provide us decent training, it requires us to find other methods to broaden our skillset. Luckily, we’re not stuck with single stage drills. The Super Test, as created by Hardwired Tactical provides us a medium round count course of fire that tests a variety of skills, from very short to medium pistol ranges. How exactly does one shoot the Hardwired Tactical Super Test?


2022 Closes with A Nation On the Precipice of Ruination :: 01/02/2023

New York – -( As one more year draws rapidly to a close in these first three decades of the 21st Century, the United States stands precariously at the edge of an abyss.


FFL Persecuted for Years by FBI and ATF Left to Fend for Himself :: 01/02/2023

U.S.A. – -( Some years back, a Federal Firearms Licensee was falsely accused, arrested, held in jail, tried, and ultimately exonerated. Despite that, and in what seems a response motivated by revenge instead of any public safety imperative or moral authority, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives refuses to allow him to renew his license. And so far, no “gun rights group” has shown an interest in providing legal assistance to restore recognition of his rights.


Florida shooting shoots holes in gun control's case :: 01/02/2023

Florida is an interesting state. On one hand, it’s a great vacation destination, with sandy beaches and Disneyworld as well as cities with an exotic feel like Miami. However, the state has also had its issues considering it was once the gateway to the US for the drug trade. South Florida had an impressive body count for a while there.


If looking for common ground on guns, this ain't it :: 01/02/2023

Anti-gunners love to talk about trying to find “common ground” on gun control. They don’t want to just do what we can agree with, they just see that as a starting point. In time, they want to push what’s acceptable to a point that they could never get away with unless they start with something much easier to sell.


Total media blackout of the scariest Second Amendment story of 2022 :: 01/02/2023

Stephen Gutowski at The Reload, one of the rare honest voices in firearms-related journalism, published some bombshell revelations two weeks ago. What was uncovered, in my opinion, is the biggest Second Amendment story of 2022. The extent and depth of what happened at the CDC is flat-out alarming.


ATF Abandons Plans to Destroy Obama-Era Gunrunning Program Evidence After Republicans Intervene :: 12/31/2022

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has abandoned its plans to destroy gunrunning evidence from Operation Fast and Furious following Republican intervention.


Chicago: 700 Plus Homicides 3 Years Running, Some Areas 3 Times More Dangerous Than Deployment in Afghanistan :: 12/31/2022

As the year winds down the Windy City has notched 729 homicides (and counting). 2022 marks the third year in a row for 700+ homicides in the Windy City, and four times so far this century. Sadly, life in some parts of America’s third-largest city has become more akin to life in a third-world cesspool, three times more dangerous than a combat deployment in Afghanistan.


Gun Owner New Year's Resolutions Can Help Increase Involvement and Effectiveness :: 12/31/2022

U.S.A. – -( It’s the time of year when Americans are inclined to make resolutions. Some will try to lose weight, quit smoking, cut back on drinking, start an exercise program, go back to school, or find more rewarding employment. Those can all be worthy goals for gun owners to aspire to, but they neglect the preservation and restoration of legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms. I submit that without unalienable rights, everything else is just the fine-tuning of privileges.


Legislation and Litigation Will Remain Challenging in '23 :: 12/31/2022

As the tumultuous 12 months of 2022 come to an end, Second Amendment activists and advocacy groups can count on more of the same heading in 2023, with Congress convening within days and state legislatures opening up right behind Capitol Hill.


McCloskeys aren't getting their guns back :: 12/31/2022

The McCloskeys rose to prominence for, more or less, doing what any of us would have done. During the height of the George Floyd riots, the couple stepped outside of their home in an effort to protect it from what they saw as a rampaging mob.


Honolulu police chief signs first carry permit :: 12/30/2022

The pages of Bearing Arms are no stranger to Hawaii. We’ve all covered extensively the number of issues with civil liberties coming from the Aloha State. Embroiled in battles over stun guns and tasers, permitting abuses, and of course the still pending Young case dealing with open carry, Hawaii is one of the states I list off when I go through my list of bad actors. Something that is news, but shouldn’t be, is that it was recently announced that the Honolulu Chief of Police has finally signed the first permit in the jurisdiction.


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