Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Swalwell beclowns himself in wake of Michigan State :: 02/17/2023

Rep. Eric “Nuke ’em All” Swalwell is at it again.


Conflict resolution counselor calls for repeal of Second Amendment :: 02/16/2023

You’d think that a guy who gets a paycheck for resolving completely enrapturedconflicts wouldn’t be calling for something that would lead to far more discord than we already have in our society, but I get the impression that Dr. Tom Hastings, who serves as the conflict resolution coordinator at Portland State University, isn’t thinking too hard about what would actually happen if the Second Amendment were ever repealed. He seems by the utopian notion that, if the right to keep and bear arms were to disappear from the Constitution, the 400-million (or so) firearms lawfully owned by American citizens would magically vanish, criminals would turn away from their life of crime, and twisted individuals intent on taking human life would find themselves thwarted at every turn.


Media perpetuates mass shooting hysteria :: 02/16/2023

Mass shootings happen. That’s an inescapable fact.


No, opponents of gun control owe no explanations :: 02/16/2023

Michigan State has added a familiar wrinkle to the gun control debate. As we’ve long seen, such incidents have a profound effect on what we talk about and gives resolve to those who would infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.


Attempts to Exploit MSU Shootings Run into Inconvenient Truths :: 02/15/2023

“A gunman who opened fire at Michigan State University killed three students and wounded five, setting off an hours-long manhunt as frightened students hid in classrooms and cars. The shooter eventually killed himself, police announced early Tuesday,” the Associated Press reports. “Officials do not know why 43-year-old Anthony McRae targeted the campus. He was not a student or employee and had no affiliation with the university, according to campus police.”


It is Hard to Defend Bad Law- Magazine Capacity Bans in California :: 02/15/2023

The State’s lawyers submitted the bad news on California’s magazine ban. Both sides had to submit briefs to the federal district court last Friday. The California Attorney General didn’t have much to work with given that the firearm magazine capacity ban was so egregious. The state’s lawyers pulled out every spurious argument they could grab as they scrambled to justify their law.


NYC, Seattle Crime Show Liberal Lawmakers Detached from Reality :: 02/15/2023

City officials in New York and Seattle might learn something from a retired New York police inspector whose remark to the New York Times the other day sums up a reality that appears to have escaped Mayors Eric Adams and Bruce Harrell.


Activists lash out over preferred policies failing :: 02/14/2023

The mainstream media is clearly focused on undermining the Second Amendment. That seems clear as we see countless stories pushing an anti-gun narrative, including one I wrote about earlier today.


Campus Carry legislation queued up for key debate in WV House :: 02/14/2023

While anti-gun Democrats in Michigan are sure to use Monday night’s shooting on the campus of Michigan State to push for more restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, lawmakers in West Virginia are likely to point to the incident as a reason for the state to adopt the provisions of SB 10, a bill that would allow licensed concealed carry holders to lawfully bear arms in self-defense on West Virginia college and university campuses.


CBS Report Details ‘Bruen’ Impact on Restrictive Gun Control Schemes :: 02/14/2023

U.S.A.-( A lengthy CBS News report on the impact of last summer’s Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen indicates lingering angst among gun control proponents now faced with the daunting challenge of justifying restrictive gun laws when they may not be “consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”


Constitutional Carriers, Warning: Gun Free School Zone Trap Ahead :: 02/14/2023

Florida – -( Now that 25 states have passed constitutional carry laws, there are millions of law-abiding Americans who have chosen to exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying a defensive firearm, either openly or concealed, without permission slip from the government.


AP less than thrilled over Missouri gun bill's defeat :: 02/13/2023

When somewhere like the AP or any news organization starts talking about gun control stories, there’s always some level of poor understanding involved. That’s almost to be expected. After all, even under the most charitable interpretation of what’s going on, the reporters covering these stories and commentators discussing them aren’t exactly experts on firearms.


NPR talks about "major takeaways" from ATF report :: 02/13/2023

The ATF has always at least felt politicized to gun owners. After all, it’s a federal agency that perpetually seems dedicated to restricting our rights. At no point is there any illustration that the agency actually wants to help gun owners or benefit them in any way.


Supposed expert claims AR-15 can cut a person in half :: 02/13/2023

Some people claim the AR-15 is useless for self-defense. While I tend to prefer other options for most purposes, I’ve always disagreed about the weapon being “useless” in any way. There are just other options that fit my skillset and needs for most things.


Teens arrested on "gun-free" Chicago train with rifle, pistol :: 02/13/2023

It’s against the law for most people to bring a firearm onto public transportation in Chicago, but that prohibition doesn’t seem to be stopping too many people with criminal intent. A couple of weeks ago an off-duty security guard (one of the few categories of firearms owners who are allowed to carry in the supposedly “gun-free” zone) shot an armed robber on a Green Line train, and while acts of self-defense on CTA property are rare, unfortunately armed robberies are much more common occurances.


EXCLUSIVE - Rep. Andrew Clyde: Biden DOJ 'Doesn’t Want an Armed Citizenry' :: 02/11/2023

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) sat down with Breitbart News on Thursday and discussed his plans to block the ATF pistol brace rule and his conviction that the Biden Department of Justice “doesn’t want an armed citizenry” in the first place.


Gov. Greg Gianforte: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Cannot Be Enforced in Montana :: 02/11/2023

Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) sent a February 8, 2023, letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland making it clear that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive’s (ATF’s) pistol brace rule will not be enforced in Montana.


NRA Spent 1.2 Million Dollars on Private Jets Last Year Despite Financial Woes :: 02/11/2023

Despite slashing core expenses in recent years to account for falling membership and rising legal fees, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has continued to shell out big bucks for luxury air travel.


Series of bills seeks to move needle on gun rights in NC :: 02/11/2023

North Carolina is very much a part of the South, which would suggest to many that it’s pro-gun. In truth, many there do value gun rights and are working diligently to expand those rights in the state.


The NRA Has Lost Over a Million Members Since Corruption Allegations Surfaced :: 02/11/2023

The National Rifle Association keeps shrinking.


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