Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

President Biden Goes All Out (Falsely) on Gun Control Again :: 04/12/2023

President Joe Biden wasted little time calling for gun control following the tragic murders of six innocent Americans by a mentally unstable person who was known to be a threat. Similarly, White House Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre demanded a litany of gun control in a press briefing following the tragedy in Louisville, Ky., before the basic facts of the incident were known.


Restraining Orders Do Not Prove That People Are 'Dangerous' :: 04/12/2023

Washington, DC – -( Three decades ago, Congress enacted a law that seemed commonsensical: It prohibits gun possession by people who are subject to restraining orders aimed at preventing domestic violence. But as the legal battle over that rule shows, its intuitive appeal is complicated by the reality that judges often issue such orders without any credible evidence that the respondent poses a danger.


This "gun-free zone" could soon disappear :: 04/12/2023

“Gun-free zones” are a useful fiction for anti-gun activists, but in reality these supposedly sensitive places are hardly ever secured enough to prevent bad actors or those with criminal intent from willfully and wantonly disregarding the prohibition on carrying a gun or using it in the commission of a crime. A case in point: public transportation. While many cities (and a handful of states) prohibit lawful concealed carry on public buses or light rail, that doesn’t mean those places are crime-free. Far from it. Here are just a few headlines from the past couple of days.


Update from La-La-Land: Prioritize "Decarceration" :: 04/12/2023

In Los Angeles, the local transit agency has resorted to the desperation tactic of playing classical music in a downtown subway station to see if it has any impact on the crime, vagrants, drug users, and calls to police from transit customers. Even as violent crime (robbery, aggravated assault, and rape) in the metro system increased 24% in 2022 compared with 2021, some politicians feel that ramped-up music is preferable to ramped-up policing. Hilda Solis, for instance, a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, reportedly issued a statement to The L.A. Times indicating she supports “safety interventions” that “introduce alternatives to deploying additional armed law enforcement on the system.”


Counting the Uncountable Lives Saved by Good Guys with Guns :: 04/11/2023

We know your armed neighbor protected himself when he scared away the robber in the night. What we don’t know, and often can’t know, is how many other people your neighbor saved that night. It is devilishly hard to measure the good that armed citizens do as they stop violent crime. Sure, we have a pretty good idea how many people own guns. We have a very good idea how many times these gun owners save lives every year. What we don’t know very well is how many violent attacks they prevented. Sure, we can come up with a number, but this is why that simple question of lives saved is so difficult to answer.


Fake News: Debunking the Media’s Favorite Constitutional-Carry Poll :: 04/11/2023

A few weeks before the Florida legislature began debating an unlicensed concealed-carry bill, which Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law earlier this week, the legacy media started pimping a new public opinion poll that made some incredibly bold claims on the topic.


Machine Gun Charges Against Sheriff Recall Earlier Incidents and 'Only Ones' Elitism :: 04/11/2023

“Frederick County Sheriff and Gun Dealer Indicted for Scheme to Illegally Acquire Machineguns,” a Wednesday Department of Justice press release for the District of Maryland announces. “A federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging Charles Austin Jenkins, age 66, of Thurmont, Maryland, and Robert Justin Krop, age 36, of Frederick, Maryland, with conspiracy and false statements in order to acquire machineguns.  Krop is also charged with illegal possession of machineguns.”


NY SAFE Act chronicles part 2: Meet Isaac, his lawsuit, and how NY puts service members' lives in danger :: 04/11/2023

Almost a year ago part 1 of this series released and it dealt with how the NY SAFE Act takes already vulnerable people and turns them into victims. The NY SAFE Act and the Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) 9.46, creates a reporting system where medical care providers can have an individual’s Second Amendment right taken from them without due process. 


Progressive Game Plan: Neutralize The Supreme Court & Disarm The Citizenry :: 04/11/2023

New York – -( The recent scurrilous attack on Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is part and parcel of the Political “Progressives”’ attempt to neutralize the independence of the Third Branch of Government, the Judiciary, and its most ardent supporter of an armed citizenry.


Dick's May Have To Close Stores Due To Anti-Gun Decisions :: 04/10/2023

I’ve written more about Dick’s Sporting Goods in 2018 than I ever thought I would. When the year started, we thought the company would have gotten the message that taking anti-gun stances wasn’t conducive to profits, but it didn’t.


Poll: Most Believe Violent Crime Getting Worse; Gun Sales Continue :: 04/10/2023

A new Rasmussen survey has revealed that 60 percent of “likely U.S. voters” think violent crime is on the rise, although the percentage is actually down two points from October 2022.


Pro-gun control California county supervisor has 'red flag' petition filed against him :: 04/10/2023

It’d be insincere to say that some pleasure does not get derived from watching a progressive gun-grabbing political hack have their life completely tossed. Afterall, policies that the pinkos push for and support, ruin lives every day, beyond just the subversion of civil liberties. Take for example disgraced San Diego County Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher, and recent headlines involving some serious allegations. Fletcher, an ardent supporter of so-called gun control and California’s gun violence restraining orders, aka “red flag” law, recently had a complaint filed against him – posted on – for: 1. Sexual Harassment [Gov. Code § 12940, et seq.], 2. Failure to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Retaliation [Gov. Code § 12940(k)], 3. Sexual Assault and Battery, 4. Whistleblower Retaliation [Labor Code § 1102.5]. Our friends over at San Diego County Gun Owners did him the liberty of having a gun violence restraining order filed against him, and requested that his CCW permit be revoked. Something he’d surely want done to others.


Woman who made pipe bombs dodges prison :: 04/10/2023

Under the Second Amendment, can explosives be lawfully restricted?


The Education of Former Democrat, Now Republican Tricia Cotham :: 04/09/2023

This week, formerly Democrat Representative Tricia Cotham got a lesson in Saul Alinsky’s “rules in the methods of means and ends” (above) as well as a couple of his thirteen “Rules for Radicals” for good measure.


The faces of the Second Amendment more diverse than many care to admit :: 04/09/2023

Earlier this week Tom reported on Governor Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., signing into law a permitless carry bill. The permitless carry bill was under fire, as proponents of constitutional carry pointed out that the measure would not decriminalize the open carry of firearms by non-prohibited persons in the Gunshine State. While a huge debate was raging over the finer points of the legislation, a subtle but important detail concerning the actual signing of the bill went unnoticed by many. Perhaps to draw the ire of the progressives, a more commonly circulated image of the bill signing included representatives of the National Rifle Association. However, looking at the image included with the Governor’s release, we’re greeted with a truer cross section of what makes up the American gun owner today.


Reason takes aim at claim "more guns lead to more deaths" :: 04/07/2023

Much of the gun control argument is premised on a simple idea; that “more guns lead to more gun deaths.” It’s pretty simple, but there is reason to see why that idea is so pervasive. It sounds reasonable, after all. If guns are used and more bad actors have them, then those bad actors are more likely to use them.


SoCal city warned by gun group over outrageous cost for carry permits :: 04/07/2023

The city of Santa Monica is the latest California locale to respond to the Supreme Court’s decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen by jacking up the cost to apply for a concealed carry license, and now the California Rifle & Pistol Association is warning city council members that if they don’t take reverse course they could soon be facing a lawsuit.


Citizens Committee Blasts Biden Administration Over Texas Shooting Settlement :: 04/06/2023

When Fox News reported that the Biden Justice Department had reached “a $144 million agreement in principle” to settle civil lawsuits filed against the Air Force in the aftermath of a 2017 mass shooting in Texas, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms called it “one more black mark in Joe Biden’s long record of failed gun control policies.”


Study makes bizarre leap about guns and lethality of shootings :: 04/06/2023

There’s always going to be some anti-gun study floating around. We’ve seen that time and time again, and the media will always be happy to report on that study with nary a word of criticism about, well, anything.


The post-Bruen “Sugar High” is a serious threat to our Second Amendment :: 04/06/2023

The NYSRPA v. Bruen verdict passed by the Supreme Court last June was a watershed moment in American history. What began as a fight against the arbitrary power of government apparatchiks to grant concealed carry permits, often with a dollop of corruption, ended with a judicial standard that limits the power of government to infringe upon our right to keep and arms. The new guidance from the Supreme Court places the burden of proof on the government to show that a law that implicates the Second Amendment rights of citizens is in line with the nation’s history and tradition of firearms regulation.


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