Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Shall Not Comply vs Non-Compliance :: 04/21/2021

At times it feels like we are standing at the breach, looking into the future at a world we have long feared. On our side of the opaque wall, we observe the world around us: the various inconsistencies between the words that we use, such as freedom or liberty, and their visible contradictions presented and enforced by our fellow men and in society and government. On the other side of that hazy barrier between now and the possible future, we perceive looming shadows of tyranny, or the rippling chaos of anarchy, both of which reflect the ugly elements of human history. In it throes of such uncertainty, pithy statements do little to staunch the flow of fear of the unknown future.


The Very Real Danger of Politically Sanctioned Violence :: 04/21/2021

One of the most important and least understood elements of self-defense is the social “landscape” in which self-defense takes place. If you’re puzzled about that statement, let’s go with a blunt trauma example. You are visiting rainy London and have the misfortune to be set upon by thieves, whom you repel with your classic black British umbrella. Instead of a gold star and a funny story to tell your friends back home, you may very well be changed with the crime of carrying a weapon, which is defined ex post factoas carrying anything that is used as a weapon.


GOP Senators Introduce SHUSH Act: A Push To Deregulate Suppressors :: 04/20/2021

The dichotomy between the two major parties is borderline laughable, particularly when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms. Last week Tom Knighton reported on democrats’ push to outlaw silencers and now we’re talking about renewed efforts to deregulate silencers. The SHUSH Act was introduced in the last congress, and it was announced on April 16, 2021 that it is being introduced again. From a press release, we have the following:


The Gun Outlaws When They Outlaw Guns :: 04/20/2021

When they outlaw guns … will you be a gun outlaw?


Biden's Achilles heel in calling for new gun laws :: 04/19/2021

Republicans and other civil rights Second Amendment activists have a trump card (please pardon the expression) to play against President Biden's attempts to expand gun laws that penalize law-abiding citizens and in effect exempt criminals.


Biden’s Anti-gun Lies are Too Much Even for Legacy Press Fact Checkers :: 04/19/2021

U.S.A. -( With President Joe Biden securely in office and the 2024 presidential election 43 months away, the mainstream press has determined it an acceptable time to expose the frequent fibber’s most flagrant falsehoods. This week saw a plethora of so-called “fact-checkers” take issue with the blatantly false statements Biden made while announcing his “initial actions” on gun control on April 8.


Fauci Calling Gun Violence A Public Health Issue To Stay Relevant :: 04/19/2021

There’s a weird cult of personality on the Left centered around Dr. Anthony Fauci that’s oddly akin to the one they created around the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You can find a Fauci pillow for your futon, a Fauci action figureor bobblehead, and some eye-rolling t-shirt designs that turn the CDC’s infectious disease expert into a secular saint. Fauci’s recommendations that even fully vaccinated Americans keep socially distancing and wearing masks have seen plenty of backlash, but many on the Left keep swallowing his every word, eager for more.


Indianapolis FedEx shooter didn't have 'red flag' hearing, prosecutor says :: 04/19/2021

Fox News correspondent Bryan Llenas provides an update on the FedEx Indianapolis shooting


Texas House Passes Permitless Carry :: 04/19/2021

Permitless carry, also called constitutional carry, is what should be the standard. It’s what we should all have and live with.


Maxine Waters Calls For Riots to Continue: We Must Stay in the Streets :: 04/18/2021

Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters is calling on violent rioters to continue their efforts as the country braces for a verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial.


U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Colleagues Reintroduce Gun Safety Legislation to Outlaw Gun Silencers :: 04/18/2021

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) joined Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) along with a group of their colleagues to reintroduce the Help Empower Americans to Respond (HEAR) Act, federal gun safety legislation to ban the importation, sale, manufacturing, transfer and possession of gun silencers or suppressors.


Addressing Violence Without Trampling On Gun Rights :: 04/17/2021

Violent crime has surged over the last year or two. This comes after decades of decline. For many, this is evidence that we need gun control. Obviously, I disagree and so do a lot of people.


A Place of Honor in Every Black Home :: 04/17/2021

Ida B. Wells, born into slavery in 1862 and orphaned at 16, rose to fame as a journalist by shining light on things we didn't want to see — in particular, the horror of lynching.  Five thousand Americans were lynched over 90 years, three quarters of them black.  The numbers don't account for the notoriety of the practice; rather, the demonic zeal of its practitioners does.  Even reading about it will turn your stomach.  Do not look at the photos they displayed with pride of charred bodies.  Lynch mobs spread terror among non-white people and those who would defend the rule of law.


Reality check on gun control :: 04/17/2021

 The great challenge of gun control advocates is convincing enough people, or their representatives in Congress, that the next policy will do the trick and put a giant dent in gun violence. Unfortunately, most of the advocated proposals have three issues to overcome:


The Supreme Thuggery of Democrats' Court-Packing Scheme :: 04/17/2021

T hat settles it. Henceforth, for baseball, we need 13 on the field. You know, for “balance.” After all, when the big leagues started playing the World Series in 1903, there were only 16 teams. Now there are 30. If you’re going to have 30 teams, there should be at least 13 players on each side, right? Maybe even 30!


Court Packing Bill Introduced In Both Chambers Of Congress :: 04/16/2021

One of the big threats we faced with a potential “blue wave” from the 2020 elections was court packing. President Donald Trump filled vacant appointments at a prodigious rate, but they were just vacant seats. In the process, though, he changed the judiciary significantly. That, coupled with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, made it so regardless of the outcome of the election, Trump’s legacy would be felt for years to come.


Eight Killed In Mass Shooting At Indianapolis FedEx Facility :: 04/16/2021

Mass shootings are never a good way to start your day reading about them, but it happens.


New McLaughlin Poll Shows Majority Support for 2A, Focus on Current Laws :: 04/16/2021

 BELLEVUE, WA – A new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-recognized polling firm based in Blauvelt, N.Y., shows overwhelming public support for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and a clear majority belief that more gun control laws would not have prevented recent mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado.


The Associated Press Stylebook Is A Growing Mouthpiece For Leftist Language Manipulation :: 04/16/2021

 The Associated Press Stylebook account tweeted on Tuesday that people should not use the term “mistress” to define someone in “a long-term sexual relationship with, and is financially supported by, a man who is married to someone else.”


3 Reasons Why Banning 'Assault Weapons' Is a Terrible Idea :: 04/15/2021

 The specter of a federal "assault weapons" ban is once again haunting the land. Here are three reasons why any such federal action is a terrible idea.


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