Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

FBI Data Shows Number Of Mass Shootings 10-TIMES LOWER Than Media Reports :: 07/03/2021

Washington, DC – -( According to a recently released report from the FBI, there were far fewer mass shootings over the past four years than were reported by the Gun Violence Archive, a private nonprofit that provides the data cited most often by the mainstream media.


Gun Ownership Steadily Increasing Among US Women :: 07/03/2021

 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA - In 2020, Americans battled a pandemic, social injustice and a contested election — conflicts that led many people to become gun owners.


It's Independence Day NOT Just the Fourth of July! :: 07/03/2021

But before you fire up the grill, put on your swim trunks, or unwrap that first pack of firecrackers, please take time to reflect upon what the Founders of this great nation did to secure your freedoms. Many of the Founders of this country spent their entire fortunes to fund the Revolutionary War, only to die penniless. Many spent decades writing essays to awaken the masses to the tyranny they lived under and to educate them about their God-given freedoms. And thousands gave their lives so that you could live free.


New Polls Put Biden Underwater On Crime, Guns :: 07/03/2021

President Joe Biden and his people love to crow about how they received more votes than anyone in history. They take that to mean they have a serious mandate to do anything they want. However, Democrats want the next term in the White House. While there’s reason to believe Biden won’t be running then, there are other candidates including Vice President Kamala Harris.


If Gun Control Works, Why Is Crime Spiking In Connecticut? :: 07/02/2021

Gun control activists and anti-gun politicians love to claim that we need new federal restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms because state-level gun control laws aren’t enough to reduce violent crime, even though these same activists are continually pushing to add more gun control laws to the books at the state and even local level.


New Leaks Shows ATF Running Background Checks On Gun Buyers Retroactively :: 07/02/2021

MARTINSBURG, WV –-( AmmoLand News learned through a leaked Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) conference call that the agency is starting to run gun buyers retroactively through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).


Relationship Between Feds, Local Police Already Shifting In Missouri :: 07/02/2021

In Missouri, the law of the land now states that local police aren’t to assist the federal government in enforcing gun control laws. The bill was just passed, of course, and the federal government and law enforcement throughout the state are going to need a period of adjustment. You can’t sever all ties in an instant.


Why 'Red, White, and Blue' Should Bridge Red vs. Blue Divide on Fourth of July :: 07/02/2021

As John Adams—that passionate advocate of “independency”—wrote, July Fourth should be commemorated with “Pomp and Parade, with [Shows], Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of the Continent to the Other from this Time forward forever more.”


ATF Report Smearing Home Gunmakers Shows Big Failure By 2A Supporters :: 07/01/2021

Hollywood/United States – -( Second Amendment supporters are rightly offended by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives report that the Second Amendment Foundation recently blew the whistle on in an e-mail alert smearing those who make their own firearms. If anything, it shows the blatant disregard for our Second Amendment rights that the Biden-Harris regime has.


Guns and Proportion- data on violence from 2019 :: 07/01/2021

I want to put violence in perspective. Let’s start with a common set of facts before we argue about their significance. I saw an infographic about firearms from 2013 and I wanted to update it. 2019 is the last year where I could find complete data from both the US Department of Justice and the US Center for Disease Control. I want to put those facts into perspective so we see the real picture. This is what I found.
Accounting for everything


Media Portrays Texas Defensive Gun Use As Vigilantism :: 07/01/2021

Clickbait headlines aren’t exactly a new phenomenon, but when they end up creating a false narrative, they (and the news outlets responsible) should get called out.


Second Amendment will be Nullified if 'Common Use' is Restricted to 'Popularity' :: 07/01/2021

U.S.A. – -( “The Second Amendment protects modern weapons,” Judge Roger T. Benitez observed in his landmark Miller v. Bonta ruling striking down California’s so-called “assault weapons” ban. He was citing Caetano v. Massachusetts, a 2016 United States Supreme Court decision vacating a woman’s conviction for carrying a stun gun for self-defense.


2A Group Demands Investigation Into Alleged Comments By ATF Nominee :: 06/30/2021

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (where, in full disclosure, I serve on the board of directors) is calling for an investigation into David Chipman, the gun control activist and former ATF agent nominated by Joe Biden to head up the agency as its permanent director. CCRKBA head Alan Gottlieb says allegations that Chipman made a derogatory remark about Black agents and their scores on an agency selection exam are “alarming and incredibly disturbing,” and that a full accounting of the investigation into the comments needs to be made public.


Bismark Gun Theft Blows Gun Control Arguments Wide Open :: 06/30/2021

If you walk into a gun store and go to buy a gun, you have to go through a whole rigamarole. This is because gun control advocates convinced lawmakers long ago that if you put these hurdles in place, you can keep guns out of the hands of criminals.


Crime in Oakland Is So Bad News Crew Gets Held Up While Interviewing Director of Violence Prevention :: 06/30/2021

“Out of control” crime in Oakland was on full display Monday as two armed robbers held up a news crew that was interviewing the city’s director of violence prevention outside City Hall.


Biden’s Nose Just Keeps Growing :: 06/29/2021

Faced with polls showing that support for stricter gun control is lower than it has been in years and a Congress that has, thus far, rejected the more radical among his ideas, President Joe Biden (D) has decided to fall back on lies.


Former Detroit Police Chief: We Have a Criminal Problem, Not a Gun Problem :: 06/29/2021

As violent crime continues to explode in blue cities across the country, President Joe Biden is moving forward with his plan to address the issue through "gun violence" prevention and gun control.


John Wayne: The Forgotten History of "The Duke" :: 06/29/2021

John Wayne is an American Hollywood icon every bit the equal of James Dean or Marilyn Monroe. He is also a man from another era, a man whose conservatism came as naturally as walking down the street. Affectionately known as “The Duke,” he spent three decades as a top box office draw with 179 film and television credits to his name.


New Poll Shows Americans Don't Support Gun Control :: 06/29/2021

We keep hearing all about how the American public supports gun control. To hear anti-gunners tell it, there’s nothing that would make America happier than a nice big bowl of regulations restricting our right to keep and bear arms.


AOC Dismisses Concerns about Rising Crime in Cities: 'Hysteria' :: 06/28/2021

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) claimed recently that concern over a recent surge in crime in U.S. cities is “hysteria.”


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