Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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New York Democrats Relying on Deception to Attack Gun Industry :: 07/14/2021

U.S.A. – -( “Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation … holding gun manufacturers liable for the harm their products cause,” a July 6 press release from the New York governor’s website announced. “The only industry in the United States of America immune from lawsuits are the gun manufacturers, but we will not stand for that any longer.”


The Fuzzy Math Behind The GAO's New Report On The Cost Of "Gun Violence" :: 07/14/2021

Do you get the feeling that Maloney was going to use this report to call for an end to the filibuster no matter what it said? This report is a means to an end, and the end result that Maloney and her fellow Democrats are aiming for is the end of the filibuster and the establishment of one-party rule; from enacting sweeping gun bans with 51 votes to packing the Supreme Court full of anti-gun justices that will uphold every new infringement on the Second Amendment approved by Congress.


Trucker's Arrest Makes Case For National Right to Carry Reciprocity :: 07/14/2021

Why should your Second Amendment rights stop at the state line? After all, when you travel from your home state to another, you don’t lose your First Amendment rights, your Fourth Amendment rights, or any other civil liberties. When it comes to keeping and bearing arms, however, your ability to exercise your Second Amendment rights is contingent on whether or not the state you’re visiting recognizes them.


New York's Next Mayor: Gun Rights for Me, but Not for Thee :: 07/13/2021

Eric Adams insists on a double standard that lets former cops like him escape the firearm restrictions everyone else has to follow.


NSSF: "Naysayers Blame Guns. It’s the Crime, Stupid..." :: 07/13/2021

U.S.A. -( The media is getting a lesson on the dangers of getting ahead of the facts when it comes to their reporting. This time, they blamed gun buyers for the spike in crime.


Sheriff Urges Louisiana Lawmakers To Override Constitutional Carry Veto :: 07/13/2021

As Louisiana lawmakers debate returning to the state capitol for a veto override session, sheriffs from across the state are sounding off on one of the top priorities for Republicans; a Constitutional Carry bill that was approved with a veto-proof majority but was killed by Gov. John Bel Edwards.


Amid record-high gun sales, chaos of 2020 converted many anti-gun Americans into gun owners :: 07/12/2021

It's no secret that Americans are buying more firearms at a faster rate.


Below The Radar Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2021 :: 07/12/2021

United States – -( While all the talk has been on gun bans – particularly in light of the Miller v. Bonta case – but let’s keep in mind that there are many attacks on our Second Amendment rights that could come aside from gun bans. One of the biggest avenues will be efforts to push licensing and registration.


Biden Meets With Mayors, Police Chiefs To Push Gun Control Agenda :: 07/12/2021

And one likely mayor as well. Notably, Biden’s roundtable discussion on “gun violence” didn’t seem to feature any Republican mayors, or the heads of departments where shootings and homicides have actually decreased over the past year. This wasn’t really a strategy session to hear success stories. Instead, it was a photo op to try to improve the president’s anemic polling on handling violent crime, while using his bully pulpit to help push a gun control agenda; both at the federal and local level.


The ATF's Latest Proposed Regulation Could Make 40 Million Gun Owners Felons Overnight :: 07/12/2021

This is a conspicuous confiscation of power, and it’s precisely what America’s founding fathers strove to avoid through the establishment of checks and balances.


After 2020 surge, Colorado gun sales continue at record pace in 2021 :: 07/11/2021

Coloradans since last year have bought guns at such a rapid pace that gun store owners struggled to keep their shelves stocked.


Supreme Court To Take Up Preemption :: 07/11/2021

Nikki Fried is the highest-ranked Democratic public official in the state of Florida, and she thinks that gives her a good shot at the governor’s mansion. However, if she wants that, picking a fight over preemption may not be the smartest move she can make.


The real measure of Justice Amy Coney Barrett will come in the next year :: 07/11/2021

The knee-jerk reaction to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s first term was that she was less conservative than some had hoped and others had feared.


Vet Burned in Combat Slams Twitter for Labeling Post of Him Saluting the Flag as "Potentially Sensitive Content" :: 07/11/2021

Disputing Brown’s claim, a “Twitter spokesperson told the tweet ‘was marked as sensitive because of the media settings of the user’ — not because of any action by Twitter,” the paper also reports.


Boston Globe Wants To Dox Gun Owners :: 07/10/2021

What kind of underwear do you have on? That’s one question that could be asked on a long list of really inappropriate questions that could be proposed. Anything from shaving habits of pubic regions, to hygiene habits, what kinds of food you have in your pantry, your sexual preferences…Who did you vote for in the 2020 election? These, along with many other topics I’d consider pretty personal subjects to bring up casually.


School District That Suspended Kids Over BB Guns At Home Forced To Pay Up :: 07/10/2021

You may recall the story of Ka’Mauri Harrison, the Louisiana elementary school student who was suspended from school last year after a teacher briefly spotted a BB gun in Harrison’s room during a virtual class session. Harrison had simply picked up the BB gun from the floor of his bedroom and put it away so that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy, and they barred from attending class, even online, for several weeks.


WA Gun Control FAIL: Murder Up 46.6%, Says Report from LEO Group :: 07/10/2021

Nothing defines dismal failure so much as the billionaire-bankrolled gun control crusade that has been unfolding in Washington State since 2014, when the first of two restrictive anti-gun-rights citizen initiatives was put on the ballot with promises of reduced gun-related crime and tighter control over who has access to firearms.


Rise of the Moors Turns DHS’s ‘Perfect Storm’ into Summer Squall :: 07/09/2021

Political elites blaming “white supremacy” for supposed “systemic racism” have made the rise of resentful extremists with bizarre beliefs inevitable — and that’s catching us all up in a rising tide of oppression/denial of fundamental rights.


Shameful Media Bias Ignores Positive Self-Defense Stories Involving Guns :: 07/09/2021

 While the legacy media is quick to sensationalize every incident involving misuse of firearms, they just as quickly downplay or completely dismiss reports of lawful self-defense with firearms, and the Second Amendment Foundation is openly challenging the establishment press to explain why.


The Four Horsemen of our Apocalypse: George Soros, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, and Joe Biden :: 07/09/2021

The New Testament's Book of Revelation has long puzzled and inspired biblical scholars as to the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Most agree that they represent four catastrophes that will befall humanity during the "end times."


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