Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Vermont BANS The Well Regulated Militia, Necessary To The Security Of A Free State :: 05/27/2023

USA – -( Vermont Governor Phil Scott recently signed legislation banning “paramilitary” or Militia activity.

The law prohibits a person from teaching, training, or demonstrating to anyone else the use, application, or making of a firearm, explosive, or incendiary device capable of causing injury or death that will be used in or in furtherance of a civil disorder. It also bans a person from assembling with others for such training, instruction, or practice. Violators could face up to five years in prison, a $50,000 fine, or both.

The problem with this new law’s definition is that it is based on future intent. Who will be determining intent?

Will Vermont residents be subjected to what members of law enforcement think they might do with their training in the future? This law seems to be based on hypothetical actions that haven’t happened yet. How can anyone determine if something “will be used in or in furtherance of a civil disorder?” Remember, this law doesn’t criminalize militia activity, but rather the training that may or may not be used during militia activity. Besides that, who will determine the definition of “civil disorder?”

It would seem, State Governments may be feeling the pressure they are getting in response to the unconstitutional gun laws they are attempting to implement across the Country. Several failed attempts at semi-auto bans, magazine capacity restrictions, and other laws have been shot down since the Bruen case created the “historical tradition” precedent.

Some may say it has been quite embarrassing for the gun grabbers and continues to reveal their unconstitutional behavior.

When we examine the results of gun-free zones, red flag laws, semi-auto rifle bans, normal capacity magazine restrictions, bump stock bans, pistol brace restrictions, and the forfeiture of social media accounts to acquire a carry permit, we see that these laws and restrictions do nothing to curb the activity of criminals. Who most often perpetuate violence due to the fact that the laws themselves work to make good people unarmed and helpless. We also recognize that the only people caught up in this spiderweb of restrictions are lawful American citizens, typically those who appreciate and want to preserve the freedom Americans fought and died for in the Revolutionary War.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights for the clear purpose of providing a check on congressional power under Article I Section 8 to organize, arm, and discipline the federal militia.

What part of, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” does Phil Scott not like?

Our founding fathers not only made provisions to allow for Militia, but they also clearly stated that it was “necessary.”

Could this attempt at banning Militia training reveal the fact that the Government is not really looking out for the safety of Citizens but rather doing everything it can to prevent people from exercising the 2nd Amendment in the way it was originally intended?

In the Federalist paper-46, James Madison wrote that a militia of ordinary citizens would resist government tyranny. Madison also discussed what he thought to be an unlikely but possible scenario in which a tyrannical standing army emerged that was entirely at the devotion of the federal government. Madison assured that opposing that standing army would be “a militia amounting to nearly half a million of Citizens with arms in their hands officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties…”

Anti-2nd Amendment activist Gabby Gifford from the “Gun Violence Prevention Group” revealed the quiet part out loud when she said;

“This is a commonsense policy that will help reduce the spread of dangerous, illegal, and anti-government firearms intimidation.”

It’s becoming crystal clear why government works so hard to implement gun restrictions on lawful American Citizens. The irony is if the government worked on behalf of the American Citizens rather than positioning them as the enemy, there would be no fear of lawful Americans rising up against tyranny.

The gun grabbers seem to have made their position clear. Many despise the fact that they can’t rule over the very people they represent. The Tyrants seem to be having a hard time holding back their true feelings when they create laws criminalizing the very text in the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.
Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host – The Loaded Mic

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