Firearms Owners Against Crime

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Susan Rice is the Secret Puppet-Master Behind Biden's War on Guns :: 08/17/2021

U.S.A.-( Joe Biden got lost in the bushes outside the White House Wednesday, after returning from a long weekend at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden walked right past a Secret Service agent who was pointing the right way and stumbled into the bushes until he saw a side door, which he had to open himself. The President of the United States does not open his own doors at the White House.

Susan Rice is the Secret Puppet-Master Behind Biden’s War on Guns

Susan Rice is the Secret Puppet-Master Behind Biden’s War on Guns

Biden’s declining cognitive skills have become blatantly obvious – fodder for tweets and late-night comics. He cannot complete a simple sentence unless he’s reading from a teleprompter. His handlers have tried to offer the excuse that Biden suffers from a stutter, but what’s wrong with Joe is far more serious than a speech impediment. Biden drifts off mid-sentence and appears to lose touch with reality. It’s happening far too often for comfort.

The President of the United States has become a puppet, who has to be led – sometimes by the hand – to waiting news cameras, where he stumbles through speeches that someone else has obviously written. So, who is pulling Biden’s strings?

In my humble opinion, in the Biden-Harris Administration’s war against our guns, former Obama national security advisor and UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, who now serves as Biden’s domestic policy advisor, is clearly calling the shots. Rice has a staunch anti-gun pedigree, coupled with direct access to Biden – and Obama – and the means and ability to orchestrate the war against our God-given, constitutional rights.

The evidence is everywhere.

The anti-gun forces love this woman. They were overjoyed when Biden appointed her as one of his closest advisors.

“Ambassador Susan Rice recognizes that gun violence is one of the most urgent threats facing our country, and through this appointment, President-elect Biden is continuing to build the strongest gun safety administration in history,” John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in a statement heralding her appointment. “As Ambassador Rice said in our Demanding Women conversation this summer, ‘the American people want common-sense gun laws’ — and we’re excited to work with her to make that happen.”

“Ambassador Rice is committed to ending our gun violence epidemic, and she understands that COVID-19 has dramatically exacerbated our gun violence crisis,” Shannon Watts, leader of Moms Demand Action, said in the same statement. “Her appointment is proof positive that this administration is wasting no time in addressing the gun violence that takes 100 lives every day and wounds hundreds more. I know Ambassador Rice will be instrumental in helping tackle these dual public health crises.”

Extremist views

Rice’s anti-gun history is well documented.

In 2018, according to Everytown, then-Ambassador Rice signed a letter calling “gun violence” a national security threat. The letter called on officials to “ban assault weapons, mandate background checks and waiting periods, and raise the minimum age to purchase guns.”

In 2020, when she was one of several vice-presidential contenders, Rice told a live Twitter audience that “In the Obama-Biden administration, we implemented more than two dozen very important reforms that put curbs on access to guns, but we need legislation. We need Joe Biden in the White House and Democrats in control of the House and the Senate.”

Rice also claimed that because she grew up in the District of Columbia, which has some of the nation’s strictest anti-gun laws and the skyrocketing crime rates they produce, she had the expertise needed to make a good vice president.

In February 2021, according to a statement from the White House press office, Rice held a virtual meeting with the leaders of Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Giffords and Brady. To be clear, she met with the entire anti-gun lobby personally, without her boss.

“They discussed the ongoing public health crisis of gun violence in America, the historic increase in homicides across American cities last year, and commonsense steps that can be taken to make our communities safer such as closing background check loopholes, stopping the proliferation of unregulated and untraceable ‘ghost’ guns, and expanding community-based violence intervention programs,” the statement reads.

After the meeting, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters that Rice, and of course Biden, would be “working on gun control policies over the coming weeks.” Psaki added that the White House and the anti-gun groups had “shared goals.”

Just this month, according to a White House statement, Rice met with Attorneys General from the District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, Washington state, Massachusetts and Connecticut, to discuss “policies and strategies for holding gun manufacturers and dealers accountable for wrongful conduct that contributes to the supply of firearms used to commit gun crimes.”

The group strategized about various methods they could use, such as state consumer-protection and nuisance lawsuits, for end-runs around the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce Act, which shields gun manufacturers from exactly the type of frivolous litigation Rice and the AGs discussed.

“As directed in the President’s gun crime reduction strategy, participants in the convening also discussed how we can hold gun manufacturers and dealers accountable for unlawful conduct while PLCAA is still the law of the land,” the statement reads. “Attorneys general discussed the opportunity and barriers to using generally applicable state consumer protection and nuisance laws to take action against gun manufacturers and gun dealers under PLCAA’s predicate exception. They also discussed how state legislators could enact firearm-specific liability laws, like New York State’s new law, to potentially create new predicates allowing litigation to proceed under PLCAA.”

The unelected president

The country has seen powerful presidential advisors before, but it is highly unlikely that Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod or Jared Kushner ever told their bosses what to do. They offered advice, not marching orders.

The difference with Rice’s position is Biden’s declining mental health. I have no doubt that not only does Rice tell Joe what to say, she tells him where to stand and what to wear when he’s saying it. She has gone way past simply advising Biden, and has clearly taken personal charge of the war on our gun rights, and the role that her former boss, Barack Obama, plays in her decision making has yet to be fully revealed.

That Rice is unelected to any office yet wields so much personal power should scare every American, regardless of their political party, especially since she has a history of extremist views, which are out of step with mainstream Americans.

To be clear, Rice has opened the White House doors – which Biden is sometimes lucky just to find – to every anti-gun organization in the country, and has even allowed them to make major personnel decisions. How else do you think David Chipman was chosen to lead the ATF? Chipman was working for Giffords when Giffords met with Rice at the White House.

If you need further proof of Rice’s power, she just colluded with eight Attorneys General on how to circumvent federal law in order to put lawful gun makers out of business. The AGs are sworn to uphold the law, not find workarounds to suit their personal beliefs, yet none of them were held accountable for the conspiracy.

Regardless of which president Rice is truly serving – Biden or Obama – as long as she’s just a short walk from the Oval Office, our God-given, constitutional rights are in peril.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

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