Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
2025-2026 Session2023-2024 Session2021-2022 Session2019-2020 Session2017-2018 Session2015-2016 Session2013-2014 Session
Title: A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007.
Description: A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. rule finalized by the Social Security Administration on December 19, 2016. The rule implements a plan to provide to the National Instant Criminal History Background Check System the name of an individual who meets certain criteria, including that benefit payments are made through a representative payee because the individual is determined to be mentally incapable of managing them. (Current law prohibits firearm sale or transfer to and purchase or possession by a person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective.)
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S494-497)
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017
Title: Fair Tax Act of 2017
Description: Fair Tax Act of 2017 This bill is a tax reform proposal that imposes a national sales tax on the use or consumption in the United States of taxable property or services in lieu of the current income and corporate income tax, employment and self-employment taxes, and estate and gift taxes. The rate of the sales tax will be 23% in 2019, with adjustments to the rate in subsequent years. There are exemptions from the tax for used and intangible property, for property or services purchased for business, export, or investment purposes, and for state government functions. Under the bill, family members who are lawful U.S. residents receive a monthly sales tax rebate (Family Consumption Allowance) based upon criteria related to family size and poverty guidelines. The states have the responsibility for administering, collecting, and remitting the sales tax to the Treasury. Tax revenues are to be allocated among: (1) the general revenue, (2) the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, (3) the disability insurance trust fund, (4) the hospital insurance trust fund, and (5) the federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund. No funding is authorized for the operations of the Internal Revenue Service after FY2021. Finally, the bill terminates the national sales tax if the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (authorizing an income tax) is not repealed within seven years after the enactment of this bill.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: January 3, 2017
Title: Hearing Protection Act of 2017
Description: Hearing Protection Act of 2017 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) eliminate the $200 transfer tax on firearm silencers, and (2) treat any person who acquires or possesses a firearm silencer as meeting any registration or licensing requirements of the National Firearms Act with respect to such silencer. Any person who pays a transfer tax on a silencer after January 9, 2017, may receive a refund of such tax. The bill amends the federal criminal code to preempt state or local laws that tax or regulate firearm silencers.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: January 9, 2017
Title: Counterterror Alert Act of 2017
Description: Counterterror Alert Act of 2017 This bill requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) to include in the national instant criminal background check system (i.e., the NICS database) information about an individual who is or has been under a federal terrorism investigation. A federal department or agency must submit to DOJ information about such individual. Additionally, if a licensed gun dealer requests a background check on a prospective gun buyer who is or has been under a federal terrorism investigation, then the NICS database must notify the appropriate division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the request and the pending firearm transfer.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: January 9, 2017
Title: A bill to protect the right of individuals to bear arms at water resources development projects.
Description: A bill to protect the right of individuals to bear arms at water resources development projects. This bill prohibits the Department of the Army from promulgating or enforcing any regulation that prohibits an individual from possessing a firearm in any area open to the public (other than a federal facility) at a water resources development project administered by the Chief of Engineers, if: (1) the individual is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm, and (2) the possession of the firearm is in compliance with the law of the state in which the project is located.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Last Action Date: January 10, 2017
Title: Terror Intelligence Improvement Act of 2017
Description: Terror Intelligence Improvement Act of 2017 This bill requires each federal department or agency to provide to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) information about a person who is or has been under a federal terrorism investigation. The FBI and its Joint Terrorism Task Forces must immediately be notified of a request to transfer a firearm or explosive to a person who is, or was within the previous 10 years, under a federal terrorism investigation. The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community must audit the federal government's terrorism-related screening and watch list procedures. The bill directs the Department of Justice to establish a process to delay and prevent the transfer of a firearm or explosive to a person who is, or was within the previous 10 years, under a federal terrorism investigation.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2017
Title: Firearms Manufacturers and Dealers Protection Act of 2017
Description: Firearms Manufacturers and Dealers Protection Act of 2017 This bill prohibits the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Department of Justice, or any other federal agency from using funds to carry out Operation Choke Point or any other program designed to discourage financial institutions from providing credit to, or processing payments for, dealers and manufacturers of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2017
Title: Second Amendment Enforcement Act of 2017
Description: Second Amendment Enforcement Act of 2017 This bill declares that a Washington, DC statute that prohibits the killing of wild birds and wild animals in DC does not authorize the DC Council, Mayor, or any DC governmental or regulatory authority to prohibit or unduly burden the ability of persons otherwise not prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law from acquiring or using for lawful purposes any firearm neither prohibited by federal law nor subject to the National Firearms Act. DC is denied authority to enact laws or regulations that discourage or eliminate the private ownership or use of firearms for legitimate purposes. The bill: (1) amends the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (FCRA) to repeal DC's registration requirement for possession of firearms, and (2) maintains the current ban on the possession and control of a sawed-off shotgun, machine gun, or short-barreled rifle. This bill prohibits dealing, importing, or manufacturing firearms without complying with federal law requirements. In the case of a sale or transfer of a handgun to a DC resident, a federally licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer of firearms in Maryland or Virginia shall be treated as a dealer licensed in DC if certain requirements are met. The bill prohibits selling, transferring or otherwise disposing of any firearm or ammunition to any person if the sellers or transferors know that such person is prohibited by federal law from possessing or receiving it. Individuals prohibited from possessing a firearm by federal law are barred from possessing a firearm in DC. The bill repeals specified DC policies and requirements regarding the keeping or storing of firearms and eliminates criminal penalties for possession of unregistered firearms. The bill amends the District of Columbia Code to: (1) allow DC property owners to prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on their property, (2) authorize certain individuals to carry firearms in certain places and for certain purposes, (3) prescribe requirements for lawful transportation of firearms, and (4) prohibit the use of toy and antique pistols to commit a violent or dangerous crime. DC is authorized to prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms, except to certain lessees, within any building or structure under its control that has implemented security measures to identify and exclude unauthorized or hazardous persons or articles. The DC Chief of Police shall issue a five-year license to carry a concealed pistol to any qualified individual who completes the application process. The bill: (1) repeals FCRA requirements that a gun offender register and verify certain identifiable information with the Chief; and (2) repeals specified DC statutes in order to conform with this bill and restores any provision of law amended or repealed by such statutes as if they had not been enacted into law.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2017
Title: A resolution expressing support for the designation of June 2, 2017, as "National Gun Violence Awareness Day" and June 2017 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Month".
Description: A resolution expressing support for the designation of June 2, 2017, as "National Gun Violence Awareness Day" and June 2017 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Month". Expresses support for the designation of June 2017 as National Gun Violence Awareness Month and June 2, 2017, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Calls on the people of the United States to: promote greater awareness of gun violence and gun safety; wear orange on National Gun Violence Awareness Day; concentrate heightened attention on gun violence during the summer months, when gun violence typically increases; and bring citizens and community leaders together to discuss ways to make the communities safer.
Last Action: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3223)
Last Action Date: May 25, 2017
Title: Social Security Beneficiary 2nd Amendment Rights Protection Act
Description: Social Security Beneficiary 2nd Amendment Rights Protection Act This bill amends titles II (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) and XVI (Supplemental Security Income) (SSI) of the Social Security Act to specify that an OASDI or SSI benefit determination may not be considered, for purposes of restricting the possession or transfer of firearms, to be a determination that an individual has been adjudicated as a mental defective.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: January 24, 2017
Title: A resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Air Force as an independent military service and celebrating the Air Force for 70 years of serving and defending the United States.
Description: A resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Air Force as an independent military service and celebrating the Air Force for 70 years of serving and defending the United States. Commemorates the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Air Force as an independent military service. Honors and commends the achievements of the Air Force in serving and defending the United States through global vigilance, global reach, and global power.
Last Action: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5810; text: CR S5804-5805)
Last Action Date: September 18, 2017
Title: Judicial Administration and Improvement Act of 2017
Description: Judicial Administration and Improvement Act of 2017
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S657)
Last Action Date: February 2, 2017
Title: A resolution condemning the brutal and senseless attack at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, honoring the memory of the victims of the deadly shooting, offering condolences to, and expressing support for, the families and friends of the victims and all of the individuals who were affected by the attack, and applauding the dedication and bravery of law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, medical professionals, hotel security and staff, and community members in responding to the attack.
Description: A resolution condemning the brutal and senseless attack at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, honoring the memory of the victims of the deadly shooting, offering condolences to, and expressing support for, the families and friends of the victims and all of the individuals who were affected by the attack, and applauding the dedication and bravery of law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, medical professionals, hotel security and staff, and community members in responding to the attack. Condemns the attack at the Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 1, 2017, and honors the memory of the victims killed. Expresses hope for the recovery of those injured, and applauds the efforts of law-enforcement and counterterrorism officials and emergency-medical and healthcare professionals in response to the attack.
Last Action: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6409; text: CR S6406)
Last Action Date: October 16, 2017
Title: Pet and Women Safety Act of 2017
Description: Pet and Women Safety Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to broaden the definition of stalking to include conduct that causes a person to experience a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury to his or her pet. Additionally, an interstate violation of a protection order includes interstate travel with the intent to violate a protection order against a pet that is included within the scope of the protection order. The bill specifies the applicable criminal penalty—a prison term of up to five years, a fine, or both—for a person who commits an interstate violation of a protection order against a pet. With respect to a defendant who commits a domestic violence offense or an interstate violation of a protection order, mandatory restitution in the "full amount of victim's losses" includes costs incurred for veterinary services related to the pet. The bill directs the Department of Agriculture to award grants for shelter and housing assistance and support services for domestic violence victims with pets. Finally, it expresses the sense of Congress that states should include, in domestic violence protection orders, protections against violence or threats against a person's pet.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
Last Action Date: February 7, 2017
Title: Protect Our Military Families' 2nd Amendment Rights Act
Description: Protect Our Military Families' 2nd Amendment Rights Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to allow a licensed gun dealer, importer, or manufacturer to sell or ship a firearm to the spouse of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty. (Current law already allows a licensed dealer, importer, or manufacturer to sell a firearm to a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty.) The bill also specifies that, for purposes of federal firearms laws, a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty, or his or her spouse, is a resident of the state in which: (1) the member or spouse maintains legal residence, (2) the permanent duty station of the member is located, and (3) the member maintains a home from which he or she commutes to the permanent duty station.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.
Last Action Date: February 15, 2017
Title: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017
Description: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms. A qualified individual must: (1) be eligible to possess, transport, or receive a firearm under federal law; (2) carry a valid photo identification document; and (3) carry a valid state-issued concealed carry permit, or be eligible to carry a concealed firearm in his or her state of residence.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: A resolution expressing support for the designation of June 1 through June 3, 2018 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Weekend" and June 2018 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Month".
Description: A resolution expressing support for the designation of June 1 through June 3, 2018 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Weekend" and June 2018 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Month".
Last Action: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S2937-2938)
Last Action Date: May 24, 2018
Title: Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act of 2017
Description: Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act of 2017 This bill amends the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 to revise what are prohibited firearms to include any firearm: (1) that, after removal of all parts other than major components is not as detectable by walk-through metal detectors as the Security Exemplar (an object fabricated for the testing and calibration of metal detectors); or (2) any major component of which, if subjected to inspection by the types of detection devices commonly used at airports for security screening, would not generate an image that accurately depicts the shape of the component. The bill modifies the definition of: (1) "major component" to include the barrel of a firearm only in the case of a rifle or shotgun, and (2) "Security Exemplar" to repeal the requirement that it be fabricated within 12 months after enactment of such Act. The bill exempts from undetectable firearms provisions: (1) a prototype firearm for detectability testing; (2) any firearm received by, in the possession of, or under the control of the United States; or (3) the manufacture, importation, possession, transfer, receipt, shipment, or delivery of a firearm by a licensed manufacturer or licensed importer pursuant to a contract with the United States. (This replaces the exemption of any firearm that has been certified by the Department of Defense or the Central Intelligence Agency as necessary for military or intelligence applications or that is manufactured and sold exclusively to U.S. military or intelligence agencies.)
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2017
Title: Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act
Description: Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act This bill amends the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to facilitate the construction and expansion of public target ranges by: (1) authorizing a state to pay up to 90% of the costs of acquiring land for, expanding, or constructing a public target range; (2) authorizing a state to elect to allocate 10% of a specified amount apportioned to it from the federal aid to wildlife restoration fund for those costs; (3) limiting the federal share of those costs under such Act to 90%; and (4) requiring amounts provided for those costs under such Act to remain available for expenditure and obligation for five fiscal years. The United States shall be shielded from any civil action or claim for money damages for injury to or loss of property, personal injury, or death caused by an activity occurring at a public target range that is funded by the federal government pursuant to such Act or located on federal land, except to the extent provided under the Federal Tort Claims Act with respect to the exercise or performance of a discretionary function. The bill urges the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to cooperate with state and local authorities and other entities to carry out waste removal and other activities on any federal land used as a public target range to encourage its continued use for target practice or marksmanship training.
Last Action: By Senator Barrasso from Committee on Environment and Public Works filed written report. Report No. 115-372. Additional views filed.
Last Action Date: November 15, 2018
Title: Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act
Description: Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to revise provisions related to the interstate transportation of firearms and ammunition. An individual may transport a firearm between two places (e.g., states) where it is legal to possess, carry, or transport the firearm. During transport, the firearm must be unloaded and secured or securely stored. Additionally, an individual may transport ammunition, or a detachable magazine or feeding device, between two places where it is legal to possess, carry, or transport the ammunition, magazine, or feeding device. During transport, the ammunition, magazine, or feeding device must not be loaded into a firearm and must be securely stored. This bill prohibits the arrest or detention of an individual for a state or local firearm or ammunition violation unless there is probable cause to believe the individual failed to comply with the provisions of this bill.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2017
Title: Sportsmen's Act
Description: Sportsmen's Act TITLE I--NATIONAL POLICY (Sec. 101) This bill states U.S. policy that federal departments and agencies must: facilitate the expansion and enhancement of hunting, noncommercial fishing, and recreational shooting opportunities on federal land; conserve and enhance aquatic systems and the management of game species and the habitat of those species on federal land; and consider hunting, noncommercial fishing, and recreational shooting opportunities as part of all federal plans for land, resource, and travel management. TITLE II--SPORTSMEN'S ACCESS TO FEDERAL LAND (Sec. 202) This bill declares that federal land must be open for hunting, noncommercial fishing, and recreational shooting unless the managing agency acts to close the lands. The bill establishes procedures for closing the land, including reporting on the closures. (Sec. 204) The Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) may lease or permit the use of federal land for a shooting range, except land within: a component of the National Landscape Conservation System; a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System; any area that is designated as a wilderness study area, administratively classified as wilderness-eligible or wilderness-suitable, or a primitive or semiprimitive area; a national monument, national volcanic monument, or national scenic area; or a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (including areas designated for study for potential addition to the system). (Sec. 205) The bill amends the Equal Access to Justice Act and the federal judicial code to require the Administrative Conference of the United States to: (1) submit an annual report on the amount of fees and other expenses awarded to prevailing private parties in litigation involving the United States; and (2) create and maintain a searchable, online database containing specified information with respect to each award. (The Equal Access to Justice Act allows a prevailing party to recover costs and attorneys' fees against the United States in both administrative and judicial proceedings, if the position of the United States was not substantially justified.) (Sec. 206) The National Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the BLM, and the Forest Service must prepare a list that identifies land within their respective jurisdictions that is: (1) open to the public for hunting, noncommercial fishing, or recreational uses; (2) not accessible to the public because the land does not have public entry or exit points or has significantly restricted public entry and exit points; and (3) at a minimum, 640 acres in size. Those federal entities must: (1) make this information available biennially for a 10-year period, and (2) report on options for providing public entry and exit points for the land. (Sec. 207) The bill amends the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act, including by permanently authorizing the Department of the Interior to sell or exchange certain public land and use the proceeds from those sales or exchanges for acquiring land that is an inholding or adjacent to federally designated areas that contain exceptional resources. TITLE III--FILMING ON FEDERAL LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY LAND (Sec. 301) The bill requires the Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and of the Interior to establish a fee schedule for commercial filming and still photography operations on federal land and to provide special rules to exempt film crews of three people or fewer from paying fees under such schedule. TITLE IV--WILDLIFE AND HABITAT CONSERVATION (Sec. 401) The bill amends the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to facilitate the construction and expansion of public target ranges by: (1) authorizing a state to pay up to 90% of the costs of acquiring land for, expanding, or constructing a public target range; (2) authorizing a state to elect to allocate 10% of a specified amount apportioned to it from the wildlife restoration fund for those costs; (3) limiting the federal share of those costs under such Act to 90%; and (4) requiring amounts provided for those costs under such Act to remain available for expenditure and obligation for five fiscal years. The bill urges Interior and USDA to cooperate with state and local authorities and other entities to carry out waste removal and other activities on any federal land used as a public target range to encourage its continued use for target practice or marksmanship training. (Sec. 402) The bill establishes a Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council Advisory Committee to advise USDA and Interior on wildlife and habitat conservation, hunting, and recreational shooting. Among its duties, the Advisory Committee shall advise USDA and Interior on: implementation of the Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Resource Conservation Plan--A Ten-Year Plan for Implementation, and any successor plans, in accordance with Executive Order 13443 (relating to the facilitation of hunting heritage and wildlife conservation); increasing public awareness of, and support for, the Wildlife Restoration Program; fostering wildlife and habitat conservation and ethics in hunting and shooting sports recreation; fostering communication and coordination among the federal government and state and tribal governments, industry, sportsmen and sportswomen who hunt and shoot, wildlife and habitat conservation and management organizations, and the public; providing access to federal land for recreational shooting and hunting; and improving the implementation of federal conservation programs that benefit wildlife, hunting, and outdoor recreation on private land. TITLE V--BOWS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT (Sec. 501) The NPS may not prohibit individuals from transporting bows and crossbows in the national park system if certain requirements are met. (Sec. 502) The NPS may use qualified volunteers to assist in wildlife management efforts in reducing the size of wildlife populations in the national park system. TITLE VI--MISCELLANEOUS (Sec. 601) The bill does not modify the rights of Indian tribes or federal law relating to migratory birds or endangered or threatened species. (Sec. 602) The bill does not provide a preference for hunting, noncommercial fishing, or recreational shooting over any other use of federal land or water. (Sec. 603) The bill does not: (1) authorize USDA or Interior to require federal licenses or permits for hunting and fishing on federal land, or (2) enlarge or diminish the responsibility or authority of states to manage fish and wildlife.
Last Action: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 154.
Last Action Date: June 22, 2017
Title: REDEEM Act Record Expungement Designed to Enhance Employment Act of 2017
Description: REDEEM Act Record Expungement Designed to Enhance Employment Act of 2017 This bill creates a mechanism by which certain eligible individuals may file a petition to seal federal criminal records with respect to covered nonviolent offenses. If an individual is eligible for such a sealing order, the court must notify the person in writing of their potential eligibility. The bill establishes a set of rules and procedures for assessing a sealing petition. If granted, the offense, criminal proceeding, conviction, or sentence shall be treated as if it never occurred. A judge shall issue a sealing order three years after the date on which a person is adjudicated delinquent for a juvenile nonviolent offense if certain conditions are met. The use of room confinement (defined as involuntary placement of a juvenile alone in a cell) for discipline, other than a temporary response to a juvenile's behavior that presents harm to others, is prohibited. The bill removes possession and use of controlled substance as a disqualifying activity under federal welfare laws. Further, the prohibition from access to federal welfare benefits for drug-related offenses shall not apply to persons who, among other things, have completed a certified substance abuse treatment program. When awarding grants under the Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, the Department of Justice (DOJ) may give preference to states that have laws similar to this bill's provisions. DOJ shall establish and enforce procedures to ensure the prompt release of accurate records exchanged for employment-related purposes through the records system created by this bill.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: April 5, 2017
Title: A bill to authorize the appropriation of funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention.
Description: A bill to authorize the appropriation of funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention. This bill authorizes FY2018-FY2023 appropriations for the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention to conduct or support research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
Last Action Date: April 5, 2017
Title: Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Correctional Officer Self-Protection Act of 2017
Description: Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Correctional Officer Self-Protection Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to require the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to allow a correctional officer at a federal prison or correctional institution to: (1) store firearms on BOP premises in a secure storage area outside the security perimeter of the institution or in a vehicle lockbox, and (2) carry a concealed firearm on BOP premises outside the security perimeter of the institution.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: May 10, 2017
Title: Interstate Transport Act of 2018
Description: Interstate Transport Act of 2018 This bill permits an individual to transport a knife for any lawful purpose between two places (e.g., states) where it is legal to possess and carry such knife. The individual must comply with specified requirements. The bill prohibits the arrest or detention of an individual for a knife violation unless there is probable cause to believe the individual failed to comply with specified requirements. An individual may assert compliance with this bill's requirements as a claim or defense in any civil or criminal action or proceeding.
Last Action: Held at the desk.
Last Action Date: December 12, 2018
Title: Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2017
Description: Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to establish stand-alone criminal offenses for trafficking in firearms and straw purchasing of firearms. The bill expands the categories of prohibited persons (i.e., persons barred from receiving or possessing a firearm or ammunition) to include persons who intend: (1) to sell or transfer a firearm or ammunition to a prohibited person; (2) to sell or transfer a firearm to further a crime of violence, a federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense; or (3) to unlawfully export. It increases the maximum prison term for the sale or transfer of a firearm to or the receipt or possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. The bill revises existing prohibitions on: (1) transferring a firearm knowing that it will be used to commit a crime of violence or drug trafficking offense; and (2) smuggling a firearm into the United States with the intent to unlawfully import or to promote a crime of violence or drug trafficking offense. It broadens the scope of and increases the maximum prison term for violating the prohibitions. The bill also makes it a crime to smuggle a firearm or ammunition out of the United States, or to conspire or attempt to do so, with the intent to unlawfully export or to promote a crime of violence, a federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense. Finally, the bill prohibits the Department of Justice, or its law enforcement coordinate agencies, from facilitating the transfer of an operable firearm to a known or suspected agent of drug cartel, unless U.S. law enforcement personnel continuously monitor or control the firearm.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S3043-3044)
Last Action Date: May 18, 2017
Title: Gun Violence Prevention Order Act of 2017
Description: Gun Violence Prevention Order Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to prohibit firearm sale or transfer to or receipt or possession by a person who is subject to a gun violence prevention order. A gun violence prevention order is a court order that prohibits an individual from owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. The bill authorizes the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services to make grants to states that have in effect legislation that: (1) authorizes a family member, or a law enforcement officer, to apply for a gun violence prevention order against an individual who may pose a significant risk to themselves or others; (2) authorizes a law enforcement officer to temporarily seize firearms from that individual, subject to a warrant; and (3) requires law enforcement agencies to comply with certain requirements.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act
Description: Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act This bill exempts components of firearms and ammunition and sport fishing equipment and its components (such as lead sinkers) from regulations on chemical substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Last Action Date: May 24, 2017
Title: PRIDE Act Police Reporting Information, Data, and Evidence Act of 2017
Description: PRIDE Act Police Reporting Information, Data, and Evidence Act of 2017 This bill requires a state or Indian tribe that receives funding under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program to report on use-of-force incidents involving a law enforcement officer and a civilian. The Department of Justice (DOJ) may reduce by up to 10% the JAG allocation of a state or Indian tribe that fails to comply. The bill authorizes DOJ to make grants to law enforcement agencies to comply with reporting requirements, establish reporting systems, promote public awareness, and train law enforcement personnel with respect to use-of-force incidents.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: May 25, 2017
Title: Disarm Hate Act
Description: Disarm Hate Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to prohibit firearm sale or transfer to and receipt or possession by an individual who has: (1) been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor hate crime, or (2) received from any court an enhanced hate crime misdemeanor sentence. The term "convicted in any court of a misdemeanor hate crime" means a conviction for a misdemeanor offense that has, as an element, that the conduct was motivated by hate or bias because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person. The term "received from any court an enhanced hate crime misdemeanor sentence" means the imposition of an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor that involves violence and is based, in whole or in part, on conduct motivated by hate or bias because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: June 8, 2017
Title: Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017
Description: Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S3490-3491)
Last Action Date: June 14, 2017
Title: Protecting the Second Amendment Act
Description: Protecting the Second Amendment Act This bill prohibits subjecting a licensed gun dealer to a reporting requirement based on the geographic location of the gun dealer's business or the sale of multiple rifles or shotguns to the same person.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: June 21, 2017
Title: Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act of 2017
Description: Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act of 2017 This bill provides a 90-day amnesty period during which veterans and their family members can register in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record any firearm acquired before October 31, 1968, by a veteran while a member of the Armed Forces stationed outside the continental United States. The bill: (1) grants such an individual limited immunity under the federal criminal code and the Internal Revenue Code with respect to the acquisition, possession, transportation, or alteration of such firearm before or concurrent with such registration; and (2) extends such immunity to a veteran who attempts to register a qualifying firearm outside of the amnesty period if the veteran surrenders the firearm within 30 days after being notified of potential criminal liability for continued possession. The Department of Justice (DOJ) shall provide clear notice of, and the Department of Veterans Affairs shall carry out an outreach program and develop a communications strategy to provide veterans information regarding, the amnesty and registration period. DOJ shall: (1) transfer each firearm qualifying as a curio or relic that has been forfeited to the United States to the first qualified museum that requests it, and (2) publish information identifying each such firearm that is available to be transferred to a museum. The bill: (1) prohibits DOJ from destroying any such firearm that has been forfeited until five years after the forfeiture, and (2) requires that any firearm transferred to a qualified museum be registered to the transferee. The prohibition against transfer or possession of a machine-gun shall not apply to a transfer to or by, or to possession by, a museum that is open to the public and incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under applicable state law.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2017
Title: SHUSH Act Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act
Description: SHUSH Act Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code: (1) to remove silencers from the list of firearms subject to regulation under the National Firearms Act (NFA), and (2) to specify that a person who lawfully acquires or possesses a silencer under provisions of the federal criminal code meets the registration and licensing requirements of the NFA. Additionally, the bill amends the federal criminal code: to preempt state or local laws that tax or regulate firearm silencers, to exclude a muffler or silencer from the list of firearms subject to regulation, to eliminate mandatory minimum prison terms for a crime of violence or drug trafficking offense in which a defendant uses or carries a firearm equipped with a silencer, and to permit active and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed silencer.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: June 29, 2017
Title: HELP for Wildlife Act Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife
Description: HELP for Wildlife Act Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife
Last Action: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 237.
Last Action Date: October 5, 2017
Title: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
Description: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 This bill authorizes FY2018 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the defense activities of the Department of Energy (DOE). The bill authorizes appropriations, but does not provide budget authority for discretionary programs, which is included in subsequent appropriations legislation. The bill authorizes appropriations to DOD for Procurement; Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation; Operation and Maintenance; the Revolving and Working Capital Funds; the Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund; Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction; Defense-Wide Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities; the Defense Inspector General; the Defense Health Program; and Overseas Contingency Operations. The bill also authorizes the FY2018 personnel strengths for active duty and reserve forces and sets forth policies regarding military personnel, compensation and other personnel benefits, health care, acquisition policy and management, DOD organization and management, civilian personnel matters, navy vessels and shipyards, DOE national security programs, and matters relating to foreign nations. Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 The bill authorizes appropriations and sets forth policies regarding military construction for the Army, Navy, Air Force, defense agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program, and Guard and Reserve Forces facilities. The bill also authorizes appropriations for base realignment and closure activities.
Last Action: Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate. (consideration: CR S1886-1892, S1892-1931)
Last Action Date: March 22, 2018
Title: Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act of 2017
Description: Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to: state that the term "intimate partner" includes a dating partner and any other person subject to a protection order under state domestic or family violence law; and expand the term "misdemeanor crime of domestic violence" to include the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon, by a current or former intimate partner. The bill makes it a crime to knowingly sell or dispose of a firearm to a person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of stalking. It also makes it a crime for such convicted stalker to receive or possess a firearm.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 20, 2018
Title: A bill to modify the definition of an antique firearm.
Description: A bill to modify the definition of an antique firearm. This bill amends the federal criminal code and the Internal Revenue Code to modify the date of manufacture used to determine whether a firearm is an "antique firearm."
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: July 12, 2017
Title: Firearm Act of 2017
Description: Firearm Act of 2017 This bill prohibits the federal government from requiring an individual's race or ethnicity to be disclosed in connection with a firearm transfer to that individual.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: July 20, 2017
Title: Modernizing the Pittman-Robertson Fund for Tomorrow's Needs Act of 2017
Description: Modernizing the Pittman-Robertson Fund for Tomorrow's Needs Act of 2017 This bill amends the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to make it one of the purposes of the Act to extend financial and technical assistance to the states for the promotion of hunting and recreational shooting. The bill also prescribes a formula for the allocation of funds apportioned to a state that may be used for any activity or project to recruit or retain hunters and recreational shooters. Amounts apportioned to the states from any taxes on pistols, revolvers, bows, and arrows may be used for hunter recruitment and recreational shooter recruitment. The funds apportioned to a state for wildlife restoration management may be used for related public relations. If a state has not used all of the tax revenues apportioned to it for firearm and bow hunter education and safety program grants, it may use its remaining apportioned funds for the enhancement of hunter recruitment and recreational shooter recruitment. Up to $5 million of the revenues covered into the wildlife restoration fund in the Treasury from any tax imposed for a fiscal year on the sale of certain bows, arrows, and archery equipment shall be available to the Department of the Interior exclusively for making hunter recruitment and recreational shooter recruitment grants that promote a national hunting and shooting sport recruitment program, including related communication and outreach activities.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Last Action Date: July 20, 2017
Title: Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2017
Description: Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2017
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: September 25, 2017
Title: Handgun Trigger Safety Act of 2017
Description: Handgun Trigger Safety Act of 2017 This bill authorizes the National Institute of Justice to make grants to states or local governments, nonprofit or for-profit organizations, and institutions of higher education to develop technology for personalized handguns (i.e., technology that enables only an authorized user to fire a handgun). The bill prohibits, subject to exceptions: (1) the manufacture of a handgun inside the United States that is not a personalized handgun, and (2) the distribution in commerce of a handgun that is not a personalized handgun or retrofitted personalized handgun. It authorizes the Consumer Product Safety Commission and states to enforce violations, which are treated as violations under the Consumer Product Safety Act. A manufacturer must, at an owner's request, retrofit a U.S.-manufactured handgun that is not a personalized handgun or retrofitted personalized handgun. The Department of Justice (DOJ) may use amounts from the DOJ Assets Forfeiture Fund to reimburse a manufacturer for the costs of retrofitting. Finally, the bill amends the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to modify the definition of "qualified product." Current law limits civil actions against a licensed manufacturer, dealer, or seller of a qualified product for injuries resulting from the criminal or unlawful misuse of the product. This bill specifies that a newly manufactured handgun is not a qualified product unless is it a personalized handgun or retrofitted personalized handgun.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Last Action Date: October 4, 2017
Title: Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act
Description: Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a trigger crank, a bump-fire device, or any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle but not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machine gun. The bill does not prohibit, with respect to such firearm accessories, the importation or manufacture for, sale or transfer to, or possession by a federal, state, or local government. A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to 10 years, or both.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Background Check Completion Act of 2017
Description: Background Check Completion Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to prohibit a licensed gun dealer from transferring a firearm to an unlicensed person prior to completion of a background check. (Current law permits a licensed gun dealer to transfer a firearm to an unlicensed person if a submitted background check remains incomplete after three business days.)
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act
Description: Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act This bill amends the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to repeal provisions that prohibit civil actions against a firearm or ammunition manufacturer, seller, importer, dealer, or trade association for the criminal or unlawful misuse of a firearm.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: October 5, 2017
Title: Keep Americans Safe Act
Description: Keep Americans Safe Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). The bill does not prohibit, with respect to an LCAFD: importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession related to certain law enforcement efforts, or authorized tests or experiments; importation, sale, transfer, or possession related to securing nuclear materials; and possession by a retired law enforcement officer. The bill permits continued possession of, but prohibits sale or transfer of, a grandfathered LCAFD. Newly manufactured LCAFDs must display serial number identification and the date of manufacture. The bill also amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to allow a state or local government to use Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program funds to compensate individuals who surrender an LCAFD under a buy-back program.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S6366-6367)
Last Action Date: October 5, 2017
Title: SECURE Firearm Storage Act Safety Enhancements for Communities Using Reasonable and Effective Firearm Storage Act
Description: SECURE Firearm Storage Act Safety Enhancements for Communities Using Reasonable and Effective Firearm Storage Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S6645)
Last Action Date: October 19, 2017
Title: CORRECTIONS Act Corrections Oversight, Recidivism Reduction, and Eliminating Costs for Taxpayers In Our National System Act of 2017
Description: CORRECTIONS Act Corrections Oversight, Recidivism Reduction, and Eliminating Costs for Taxpayers In Our National System Act of 2017 This bill directs the Department of Justice (DOJ) to review existing recidivism reduction programs and productive activities (e.g., a prison work program) in federal correctional facilities. It amends the federal criminal code to: require the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to expand recidivism reduction programs and productive activities to all eligible prisoners; allow an additional period of prerelease custody for prisoners who earn time credits for successfully completing such programs; require DOJ to develop the Post-Sentencing Risk and Needs Assessment System; require presentence investigation reports to include certain information such as substance abuse history, military service, and veteran status; and permit a court to reduce a life prison term imposed on a defendant convicted as an adult for an offense committed as a juvenile. The Administrative Office of the United States Courts must establish a supervised release pilot program to reduce recidivism and improve substance abuse recovery. DOJ must evaluate reentry best practices and create reentry demonstration projects in judicial districts. The bill amends the Second Chance Act of 2007 to make permanent and modify eligibility for an elderly offender early release pilot program. Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Correctional Officer Self-Protection Act of 2017 The bill requires the BOP to allow a federal correctional officer to: (1) securely store firearms on BOP premises outside the security perimeter of the institution or in a vehicle lockbox, and (2) carry a concealed firearm on BOP premises outside the security perimeter of the institution. National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2017 The bill establishes the National Criminal Justice Commission.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S6646-6655)
Last Action Date: October 19, 2017
Title: Background Check Expansion Act
Description: Background Check Expansion Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: October 25, 2017
Title: Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act
Description: Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to modify the prohibition on firearm sale or transfer to or purchase or possession by an individual who is subject to a court order that restrains the individual from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of an intimate partner. Specifically, the bill revises the elements of a qualifying court order. It also broadens the definition of "intimate partner" to include a dating partner or former dating partner.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: October 31, 2017
Title: Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2017
Description: Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2017 This bill authorizes the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services to award grants to states to carry out certain policies and procedures that restrict and penalize firearm possession by or transfer to a person subject to a domestic violence protection order or a person convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: October 31, 2017
Title: Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act
Description: Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.
Last Action Date: November 8, 2017
Title: Assault Weapons Ban of 2017
Description: Assault Weapons Ban of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). The prohibition does not apply to a firearm that is: (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model. Additionally, the bill does not prohibit, with respect to a SAW or LCAFD: importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession related to certain law enforcement efforts, or authorized tests or experiments; importation, sale, transfer, or possession related to securing nuclear materials; and possession by a retired law enforcement officer. The bill permits continued possession, sale, or transfer of a grandfathered SAW, which must be securely stored. A licensed gun dealer must conduct a background check prior to the sale or transfer of a grandfathered SAW between private parties. The bill permits continued possession of, but prohibits sale or transfer of, a grandfathered LCAFD. Newly manufactured LCAFDs must display serial number identification. Newly manufactured SAWs and LCAFDs must display the date of manufacture. The bill also amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to allow a state or local government to use Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program funds to compensate individuals who surrender a SAW or LCAFD under a buy-back program.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Military Domestic Violence Reporting Enhancement Act
Description: Military Domestic Violence Reporting Enhancement Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.
Last Action Date: November 15, 2017
Title: Fix NICS Act of 2017
Description: Fix NICS Act of 2017 This bill amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to require each federal agency and department, including a federal court, to: certify whether it has provided to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) disqualifying records of persons prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm, and establish and substantially comply with an implementation plan to maximize record submissions and verify their accuracy. The bill amends the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 to: direct the Department of Justice (DOJ) to establish a state implementation plan, including benchmarks, to maximize the automation and submission of mental health and criminal history records to the NICS; waive the grant match requirement under the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) for a state that complies with its implementation plan; reauthorize through FY2022 the NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP); establish, as a priority area for NARIP grant funding, a domestic abuse and violence prevention initiative; and create a funding preference under the NARIP program for states that establish an implementation plan and use grant funds to upload felony conviction and domestic violence records. It amends the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 to reauthorize through FY2022 the NCHIP program. If a state complies with its implementation plan, then the federal share of an NCHIP grant may exceed 90% of program costs.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Imitation Firearms Safety Act of 2017
Description: Imitation Firearms Safety Act of 2017
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Last Action Date: November 16, 2017
Title: Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act of 2017
Description: Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act of 2017 This bill amends the federal criminal code to make trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense. A person who commits or conspires to commit a gun trafficking offense is subject to criminal penalties—a prison term of up to 20 years (or up to 25 years, if the person also acted as an organizer), a fine, or both. The U.S. Sentencing Commission must review and, if appropriate, amend the sentencing guidelines and policy statements that apply to persons convicted of trafficking in firearms.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: November 27, 2017
Title: Veterans' Second Amendment Rights Restoration Act of 2018
Description: Veterans' Second Amendment Rights Restoration Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S653-654)
Last Action Date: February 6, 2018
Title: Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act
Description: Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S1248-1249)
Last Action Date: February 27, 2018
Title: Age 21 Act
Description: Age 21 Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S1289)
Last Action Date: February 28, 2018
Title: BUMP Act Banning Unlawful Machinegun Parts Act of 2018
Description: BUMP Act Banning Unlawful Machinegun Parts Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: February 28, 2018
Title: Safe Students Act
Description: Safe Students Act This bill amends the federal criminal code to repeal provisions that prohibit the possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 1, 2018
Title: NICS Denial Notification Act of 2018
Description: NICS Denial Notification Act of 2018 This bill amends the federal criminal code to require the Department of Justice (DOJ) to report certain information to state and local law enforcement authorities following a determination, by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, that a prospective firearm purchaser is a prohibited person (i.e., a person who is barred from receiving or possessing a firearm). DOJ must report annually on: (1) certain details regarding denied firearm purchases in each category of prohibited persons, and (2) the number of background check notices reported to states.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 5, 2018
Title: STOP School Violence Act of 2018 Student, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018
Description: STOP School Violence Act of 2018 Student, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 This bill amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to revise and reauthorize through FY2028 the Secure Our Schools grant program.
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2018
Description: Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2018
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: School Safety and Mental Health Services Improvement Act of 2018
Description: School Safety and Mental Health Services Improvement Act of 2018 This bill amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to allow state and local educational agencies to use certain federal funds for activities related to school safety, including: (1) infrastructure improvements to prevent, mitigate, or respond to incidents of school violence; and (2) professional development for school personnel in mental-health awareness, crisis response, and other programs designed to reduce and prevent school violence. The bill also amends the Public Health Service Act to expand the programs for which the Department of Health and Human Services may provide financial support to assist local communities in helping children deal with violence. Such programs may include those designed to provide mental-health and substance-use disorder assessments, crisis-intervention training, counseling, treatment, and referral. The President must convene an interagency task force to address school safety.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
Last Action Date: March 7, 2018
Title: Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2018
Description: Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2018
Last Action: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.
Last Action Date: March 20, 2018
Title: MASS Act Making America Safe and Secure Act of 2018
Description: MASS Act Making America Safe and Secure Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2018
Title: Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2018
Description: Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 22, 2018
Title: Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018
Description: Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: March 22, 2018
Title: Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act
Description: Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: April 12, 2018
Title: SELECT Act Support Experienced Law Enforcement Countering Terrorism Act of 2018
Description: SELECT Act Support Experienced Law Enforcement Countering Terrorism Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: April 17, 2018
Title: EAGLES Act of 2018
Description: EAGLES Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: April 25, 2018
Title: Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act
Description: Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S2935-2936)
Last Action Date: May 24, 2018
Title: John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
Description: John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 This bill authorizes FY2019 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE). It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation. The bill authorizes appropriations to DOD for: Procurement; Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation; Operation and Maintenance; Cooperative Threat Reduction; Working Capital Funds; Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction; Defense-Wide Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities; the Defense Inspector General; the Armed Forces Retirement Home; and the Defense Health Program. This bill also authorizes appropriations for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), which are exempt from limits on discretionary spending. OCO appropriations authorized in the bill support base budget requirements as well as OCO activities. The bill authorizes the FY2019 personnel strengths for active duty and reserve forces and sets forth policies regarding military personnel; compensation and other personnel benefits; health care; acquisition policy and management; DOD organization and management; civilian personnel matters; matters relating to foreign nations; and strategic programs, cyber, and intelligence matters. Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 The bill addresses shifting threats to national security and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 The bill authorizes appropriations and sets forth policies regarding military construction for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and defense agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program, and Guard and Reserve Forces facilities. The bill authorizes appropriations for base realignment and closure (BRAC) activities and prohibits an additional BRAC round. The bill also authorizes appropriations and sets forth policies for DOE national security programs, including the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Last Action: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 439.
Last Action Date: June 5, 2018
Title: Blair Holt Firearm Owner Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2018
Description: Blair Holt Firearm Owner Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: June 6, 2018
Title: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019
Description: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 Provides FY2019 appropriations to the Department of Commerce; the Department of Justice (DOJ); science agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF); and several related agencies. Department of Commerce Appropriations Act, 2019 Provides appropriations to the Department of Commerce for: the International Trade Administration, the Bureau of Industry and Security, the Economic Development Administration, the Minority Business Development Agency, Economic and Statistical Analysis, the Bureau of the Census, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Departmental Management. Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2019 Provides appropriations to DOJ for: General Administration; the U.S. Parole Commission; Legal Activities; the U.S. Marshals Service; the National Security Division; Interagency Law Enforcement; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Drug Enforcement Administration; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; and the Federal Prison System. Provides appropriations to DOJ for State and Local Law Enforcement Activities, including: the Office on Violence Against Women the Office of Justice Programs, and Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). Science Appropriations Act, 2019 Provides appropriations for science agencies, including: the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Space Council, NASA, and the NSF. Provides appropriations to related agencies, including: the Commission on Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Legal Services Corporation, the Marine Mammal Commission, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the State Justice Institute. Sets forth requirements and restrictions for using funds provided by this and other appropriations Acts.
Last Action: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 451.
Last Action Date: June 14, 2018
Title: Fair Maps Act of 2018
Description: Fair Maps Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: June 25, 2018
Title: Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act
Description: Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2018
Title: Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act of 2018
Description: Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: July 12, 2018
Title: American Savings Act
Description: American Savings Act This bill amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code to establish a new retirement option for all employees and self-employed individuals to be known as the American Savings Account Fund. This fund operates in a manner similar to the Thrift Savings Fund, which is available to federal employees. The bill establishes an American Savings Account Board of Directors to establish policies for fund investment and management. The board shall select or establish a list of investment funds and options similar to those in the Thrift Savings Fund, among which participants may choose. The board shall establish an American Savings Account Fund Advisory Council to advise the board on matters relating to investment policies. The American Savings Account Fund is tax-exempt and contributions to, or distributions from, it are excludible from gross income.
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Last Action Date: July 19, 2018
Title: Untraceable Firearms Act of 2018
Description: Untraceable Firearms Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: July 31, 2018
Title: 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2018
Description: 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2018
Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Last Action Date: July 31, 2018