Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Proposed Federal Senate Legislation SCR8

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Legislation Overview

Title: An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2014, revising the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2013, and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2015 through 2023.

Subject: Accounting and auditing: Adoption and foster care: Agricultural prices, subsidies, credit: Alternative and renewable resources: Appropriations: Budget deficits and national debt: Budget process: Business investment and capital: Child care and development: Child health: Child safety and welfare: Climate change and greenhouse gases: Comprehensive health care: Congressional oversight: Corporate finance and management: Crime victims: Defense spending: Department of Defense: Department of Veterans Affairs: Disability and paralysis: Disaster relief and insurance: Ecology: Economic performance and conditions: Education programs funding: Elections, voting, political campaign regulation: Elementary and secondary education: Employee benefits and pensions: Employee hiring: Employment and training programs: Energy assistance for the poor and aged: Energy efficiency and conservation: Energy storage, supplies, demand: Executive agency funding and structure: Family services: Fires: Foreign aid and international relief: Forests, forestry, trees: Fraud offenses and financial crimes: Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management: Government studies and investigations: Government trust funds: Health care costs and insurance: Health care coverage and access: Health facilities and institutions: Health programs administration and funding: Hearing, speech, and vision care: Higher education: Home and outpatient care: Housing and community development funding: Housing finance and home ownership: Income tax credits: Income tax rates: Infrastructure development: Labor standards: Land transfers: Land use and conservation: Legislative rules and procedure: Life, casualty, property insurance: Manufacturing: Medicaid: Medicare: Military operations and strategy: Military personnel and dependents: Military procurement, research, weapons development: Navigation, waterways, harbors: Performance measurement: Postal service: Poverty and welfare assistance: Preschool education: Public-private cooperation: Radioactive wastes and releases: Research administration and funding: Research and development: Rural conditions and development: Sales and excise taxes: Senate: Separation, divorce, custody, support: Small business: Social security and elderly assistance: Student aid and college costs: Tax administration and collection, taxpayers: Tax reform and tax simplification: Terrorism: Trade adjustment assistance: Trade agreements and negotiations: Transportation programs funding: U.S. Postal Service: Unemployment: Veterans' education, employment, rehabilitation: Veterans' medical care: Veterans' pensions and compensation: Wages and earnings: Water use and supply: Watersheds: Wildlife conservation and habitat protection: Women's health: Air quality: Arms control and nonproliferation: Aviation and airports: Banking and financial institutions regulation: Birds: Border security and unlawful immigration: Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits: Dams and canals: Drug, alcohol, tobacco use: Endangered and threatened species: Firearms and explosives: Fishes: Floods and storm protection: Food supply, safety, and labeling: Free trade and trade barriers: Genetics: Government buildings, facilities, and property: Health personnel: Health technology, devices, supplies: Hunting and fishing: Immigrant health and welfare: Indian social and development programs: Intergovernmental relations: International law and treaties: Iran: Law enforcement administration and funding: Marine and inland water transportation: Medical research: Members of Congress: Middle East: Mining: Minority education: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Nuclear weapons: Prescription drugs: Property tax: Public contracts and procurement: Sanctions: Seafood: Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations: State and local finance: State and local taxation: Taxation of foreign income: Trade restrictions: Transfer and inheritance taxes: United Nations: Veterans' loans, housing, homeless programs: Water resources funding: Economics and public finance

Description: Sets forth the congressional budget for the federal government for FY2013, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY2015-FY2023. Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY2013-FY2023 with respect to: (1) federal revenues, (2) new budget authority, (3) budget outlays, (4) deficits, (5) public debt, and (6) debt held by the public. (Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority, outlays, and administrative expenses for the Social Security Administration (SSA), including the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, U.S. Postal Service discretionary administrative expenses, and specified major functional categories for FY2013-FY2023. Title II: Reconciliation - (Sec. 201) Sets forth reconciliation instructions for the Senate Committee on Finance. Title III: Reserve Funds - (Sec. 301) Authorizes certain deficit-neutral reserve funds: to replace sequestration, promote employment and job growth, assist working families and children, invest in clean energy and preserve the environment, improve federal benefit processing, promote manufacturing in the United States, improve health outcomes and lower costs for children in Medicaid, and to improve federal workforce development, job training, and reemployment programs; and for early childhood education, tax relief, investment in America's infrastructure, America's servicemembers and veterans, higher education, health care, investments in our nation's counties and schools, a farm bill, investments in water infrastructure and resources, pension reform, housing finance reform, national security, overseas contingency operations, terrorism risk insurance, postal reform, government reform and efficiency, legislation to improve voter registration and the voting experience in federal elections, improving federal forest management, financial transparency, and for the minimum wage. (Sec. 306) Authorizes a certain reserve fund for tax reform. (Sec. 321) Establishes certain deficit-reduction reserve funds: (1) for government reform and efficiency; (2) to promote corporate tax fairness; (3) for elimination or modification of congressionally mandated reports from federal agencies; (4) for no budget, no Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pay; (5) for postal reform; and (6) for eminent domain abuse prevention. (Sec. 332) Authorizes certain deficit-neutral reserve funds for repeal of the medical device tax, equal pay for equal work, women's access to health care, promotion of investment and job growth in U.S. manufacturing, oil and gas production, and refining sectors, for families of America's servicemembers and veterans, disabled veterans and their survivors, hardrock mining reform, state and local law enforcement, full funding of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and the Bioshield Special Reserve Fund, export promotion, the prohibition on funding of the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS), investments in air traffic control services, and for achieving full auditability of the financial statements of the Department of Defense (DOD) by 2017. Authorizes funds to: prohibit Medicare vouchers, require state-wide budget neutrality in the calculation of the Medicare hospital wage index floor, allow states to enforce state and local use tax laws, define full-time employee, advance legislation relating to labeling genetically engineered fish, establish a biennial budget and appropriations process, repeal or reduce the estate tax, end "Too Big to Fail" subsidies or funding advantage for Wall Street mega-banks (over $500 billion in total assets), authorize children eligible for health care under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to retain such eligibility until age 26, establish a national network for manufacturing innovation, ensure that any carbon emissions standards must be cost effective based on the best available science and benefit low-income and middle class families, address the eligibility criteria for certain unlawful immigrant individuals with respect to certain health insurance plans, ensure no financial institution is above the law regardless of size, and help homeowners and small business mitigate against flood loss. (Sec. 355) Authorizes certain deficit-neutral reserve funds to: repeal the Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Account restrictions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), broaden the impact of the sequester (including allowing Members of Congress to donate a portion of their salaries to charity or to the Department of the Treasury during sequestration), ensure the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) collaborates with western states to prevent the listing of the Sage-Grouse, increase the capacity of agencies to ensure effective contract management and contract oversight, address prescription drug abuse in the United States, support rural schools and districts, strengthen enforcement of free trade agreement provisions relating to textile and apparel articles, assist low-income seniors, ensure that domestic energy sources can meet emissions rules, increase funding for the inland waterways system, continue sanctions with respect to Iran, prevent restrictions to public access to fishing downstream of dams owned by the Corps of Engineers, address the disproportionate regulatory burdens on community banks, authorize per diem payments for services to dependents of homeless veterans under VA administered laws, support programs related to DOD nuclear missions and the National Nuclear Security Administration, phase-in any changes to individual or corporate tax systems, increase aid for tribal education programs, expedite U.S. exports, support the reauthorization of the payments-in-lieu-of-taxes program at levels roughly equivalent to property tax revenues lost due to the presence of federal land, ensure that the United States will not negotiate or support treaties that violate Second Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, increase funding for federal investments in biomedical research, and uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations (U.N.) Arms Trade Treaty. (Sec. 369) Authorizes a certain reserve fund to end offshore tax abuses by large corporations. Title IV: Budget Process - Subtitle A: Budget Enforcement - (Sec. 401) Makes it out of order to consider in the Senate any legislation that would cause the discretionary spending limits in this resolution to be exceeded, except by a supermajority waiver. Specifies such discretionary spending limits in the Senate for FY2013-FY2014. Provides for adjustments to budgetary aggregates and allocations for: designated emergency requirements, continuing disability reviews, health care fraud and abuse control, disaster relief, and adjustments for overseas contingency operations. (Sec. 402) Makes it out of order to consider in the Senate any legislation that would require advanced appropriations, except by a supermajority waiver, other than for: up to $28.852 billion in new budget authority in FY2015-FY2016 for programs, projects, activities, or accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement of managers accompanying this budget resolution; the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the Medical Services, Medical Support and Compliance, and Medical Facilities accounts of the Veterans Health Administration. (Sec. 403) Authorizes adjustments in committee allocations and all other budgetary aggregates, allocations, levels, and limits contained in this budget resolution for sequestration or sequestration replacement purposes. (Sec. 404) Makes it out of order to consider in the Senate any appropriations legislation, amendment, motion, or conference report that includes any provision that constitutes changes in certain mandatory programs affecting the Crime Victims Fund, except by a supermajority waiver. (Sec. 405) Subjects to the supermajority (3/5) waiver requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 a point of order against consideration of certain legislation by Congress: reported by a committee unless the committee has published an OMB statement on the direct costs of federal mandates beforehand, and that would increase the direct costs of federal intergovernmental mandates by an amount causing specified thresholds to be exceeded. (Sec. 406) Prohibits budget resolutions or any other legislation that increases guarantee fees of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) from being scored for the level of budget authority, outlays, or revenues (in order to offset any deficit increase) contained in such legislation. Subtitle B: Other Provisions - (Sec. 411) Requires Senate committees to: review programs and tax expenditures in their jurisdictions to identify waste, fraud, and abuse or duplication, and to increase the use of performance data to inform committee work; review the matters for congressional consideration identified on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) High Risk list report and the annual report to reduce program duplication; and make recommendations to the Senate Budget Committee to improve governmental performance in their annual views and estimates reports. (Sec. 412) Requires the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any budget resolution in the Senate to include in its committee allocations to the Committees on Appropriations amounts for the discretionary administrative expenses of the SSA and of the Postal Service. (Sec. 416) Requires the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), with the assistance of the Joint Committee on Taxation, to prepare, as a supplement to the cost estimate for legislation affecting revenues, an estimate of the revenue changes in connection with certain legislative provisions that incorporates the macroeconomic effects of the policy being analyzed. Applies this requirement to any legislative provision: which proposes a change to law that the CBO determines, pursuant to a conventional fiscal estimate, has a revenue impact exceeding $5 billion in any fiscal year; or for which the chair or ranking member of either congressional budget committee has requested such estimate. Title V: Other Matters - (Sec. 501) Requires CBO, when it releases its annual Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook, to: report changes in direct spending and revenue associated with PPACA and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, including the net impact on deficit, both with on-budget and off-budget effects; and analyze the budgetary effects of 30%, 50%, and 100% of Americans losing employer-sponsored health insurance and accessing coverage through federal or state exchanges. (Sec. 503) Requires, when CBO submits its report to Congress on the President's annual budget for a fiscal year, the report to contain: an estimate of the pro rata cost to taxpayers who will file individual income tax returns for taxable years ending during such fiscal year of any deficit that would result from the budget, and an analysis of the budgetary effects of such cost. (Sec. 504) Expresses the sense of the Senate on making available for lease, sale, or transfer any underutilized property and facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as well as their potential use.

Session: 113th Congress

Last Action: Conference held.

Last Action Date: November 13, 2013



Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

1 sponsors: Murray, Patty

Chamber Date Action
House Nov 13 2013 Conference held.
House Oct 30 2013 Conference held.
House Oct 17 2013 Message on Senate action sent to the House.
House Oct 16 2013 The Speaker appointed conferees: Ryan (WI), Cole, Price (GA), Black, Van Hollen, Clyburn, and Lowey.
House Oct 16 2013 On motion that the House insist upon its amendment, and request a conference Agreed to pursuant to a previous order of the House. (consideration: CR H6626)
House Oct 16 2013 Pursuant to a previous special order, the House insisted on its amendment and requested a conference.
House Oct 16 2013 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
House Oct 16 2013 On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.
House Oct 16 2013 The House struck all after the enacting clause and inserted in lieu thereof the provisions of a similar measure H. Con. Res. 25. Agreed to without objection.
House Oct 16 2013 ORDER OF PROCEDURE - Mr. Ryan (WI) asked unanimous consent that the House be considered to have taken from the Speakers table S. Con. Res. 8; adopted an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of H. Con. Res. 25, as adopted by the House; adopted such concurrent resolution, as amended; insisted on its amendment; and requested a conference with the Senate thereon; and during the remainder of the 113th Congress, it shall not be in order to offer a motion under clause 7(c) of rule 22 with respect to S. Con. Res. 8. Agreed to without objection.
House Oct 16 2013 Considered pursuant to a previous order of the House. (consideration: CR H6626-6642; text as received in House: CR H6626-6641)
House Oct 16 2013 See also H.Con.Res. 25.
House Oct 16 2013 Senate disagreed to House amendment, agreed to request for conference, and appointed conferees. Murray; Wyden; Nelson; Stabenow; Sanders; Whitehouse; Warner; Merkley; Coons; Baldwin; Kaine; King; Sessions; Grassley; Enzi; Crapo; Graham; Portman; Toomey; Johnson WI; Ayotte; Wicker. Pursuant to the order of 10/16/2013. (consideration: CR S7531, S7560)
House Apr 15 2013 Message on Senate action sent to the House.
House Apr 15 2013 Received in the House.
House Apr 15 2013 Held at the desk.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.184 Amendment SA 184 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.619 Amendment SA 619 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.152 Amendment SA 152 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 43 - 56. Record Vote Number: 78.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.479 Amendment SA 479 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.614 Amendment SA 614 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 43 - 56. Record Vote Number: 77.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.705 Amendment SA 705 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.696 Amendment SA 696 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.187 Amendment SA 187 not agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.267 Amendment SA 267 proposed by Senator Baucus. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to support rural schools and districts.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.269 Amendment SA 269 proposed by Senator Hagan. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to strengthen the enforcement provisions of free trade agreements that relate to textile and apparel articles.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.624 Amendment SA 624 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Johanns. (consideration: CR S2301-2303; text: CR S2301)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to restore families' health care flexibility by repealing the $2,500 federal cap on flexible spending accounts and the requirement that individuals obtain a prescription from a physician before purchasing over-the-counter drugs with their own flexible spending account or health savings account dollars in order to safeguard families' capacity to plan ahead for the rising cost of care, make their own health care decisions, and ensure children who have special needs can receive adequate care.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.295 Amendment SA 295 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Corker. (consideration: CR S2301, S2302; text: CR S2301)To end a scoring gimmick that allows changes in mandatory program spending that do not save money to offset increased spending.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.232 Amendment SA 232 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Burr. (consideration: CR S2301-2303; text: CR S2301)To protect the American people and strengthen our national security by fully funding the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and the BioShield Special Reserve Fund.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.538 Amendment SA 538 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Wicker. (consideration: CR S2301-2303; text: CR S2301-2302)To increase the vote threshold required to waive a budget point of order prohibiting unfunded mandates in excess of limit.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.412 Amendment SA 412 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S2301-2303; text: CR S2302)To create a deficit-reduction reserve fund that addresses the nonprofit postal discount for State and national political committees.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.340 Amendment SA 340 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Shelby. (consideration: CR S2301-2303; text: CR S2302)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for legislation that requires financial regulators to conduct rigorous cost-benefit analyses on all proposed rules.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.624 Amendment SA 624 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.295 Proposed amendment SA 295 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S2302)
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.232 Amendment SA 232 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.538 Amendment SA 538 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.412 Amendment SA 412 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.340 Amendment SA 340 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 52. Record Vote Number: 79.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.225 Amendment SA 225 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Flake. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2304)To prohibit earmarks.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.329 Amendment SA 329 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Graham. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2304)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to broaden the effects of the sequester, including allowing Members of Congress to donate 20 percent of their salaries to charity or to the Department of the Treasury during sequestration.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.293 Amendment SA 293 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Heller. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2304)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure that the Bureau of Land Management collaborates with States in efforts to promote sustainable sage-grouse habitat by developing and approving State plans that prevent the listing of the bird under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and preserve the way of life in, and economic health of, the impacted areas.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.527 Amendment SA 527 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Boozman. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2304)To establish a deficit-reduction reserve fund to protect private property rights by discouraging eminent domain abuse by State and local governments, while providing for continued economic development assistance eligibility where eminent domain is used for customary purposes, including to acquire property for public use, for public rights of way, to acquire abandoned property, or to remove immediate threats to public health and safety, and to provide that any savings will reduce the deficit.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.153 Amendment SA 153 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Portman. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2304-2305)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to promote exports.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.136 Amendment SA 136 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Ayotte. (consideration: CR S2303-2307; text: CR S2305)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for the prohibition on funding of the Medium Extended Air Defense System.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.225 Proposed amendment SA 225 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S2305)
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.329 Amendment SA 329 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.293 Amendment SA 293 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.527 Amendment SA 527 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.153 Amendment SA 153 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.136 Amendment SA 136 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 94 - 5. Record Vote Number: 80.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.318 Amendment SA 318 proposed by Senator Crapo. (consideration: CR S2307-2308; text: CR S2307)To amend the reconciliation instructions to include instructions to the Committee on Finance to achieve the Budget's stated goal of $275 billion in mandatory health care savings.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.318 Amendment SA 318 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 52. Record Vote Number: 81.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.149 Amendment SA 149 proposed by Senator Shaheen. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to increase the capacity of Federal agencies to ensure effective contract management and contract oversight.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.577 Amendment SA 577 proposed by Senator Blumenthal. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for legislation to ensure operation of all contract air traffic control towers receiving funding through the contract tower program of the Federal Aviation Administration as of March 20, 2013, and that are located at airports still in service as of the date of the introduction of such legislation.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.453 Amendment SA 453 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.192 Amendment SA 192 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.593 Amendment SA 593 proposed by Senator Johnson SD. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a scorekeeping rule to ensure that increases in guarantee fees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shall not be used to offset provisions that increase the deficit.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.316 Amendment SA 316 proposed by Senator Manchin. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To address prescription drug abuse in the United States.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.394 Amendment SA 394 proposed by Senator Wyden. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To ensure that chronic illness is addressed as part of health care improvement.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.353 Amendment SA 353 proposed by Senator Franken. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To amend section 308 relating to broadband infrastructure investments in rural areas.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.453 Amendment SA 453 proposed by Senator Cardin. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2308)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund on health care improvement.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.192 Amendment SA 192 proposed by Senator Udall NM. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To modify the deficit-neutral reserve fund for America's servicemembers and veterans to increase access to health care for veterans in rural areas.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.479 Amendment SA 479 proposed by Senator Franken. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To provide an additional use for the deficit-neutral reserve fund for higher education.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.581 Amendment SA 581 proposed by Senator Baucus to Amendment SA 578. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To exempt remote sales of business inputs.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.265 Amendment SA 265 proposed by Senator Casey. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To prohibit certain revisions of allocations for workforce investment measures that lack program integrity controls for the Job Corps program.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.594 Amendment SA 594 proposed by Senator Sanders. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the Older Americans Act of 1965, which may include congregate and home-delivered meals programs, or other assistance to low-income seniors.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.618 Amendment SA 618 proposed by Senator Wyden. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To provide for the enforcement of the trade remedy laws of the United States.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.430 Amendment SA 430 proposed by Senator Levin. (consideration: CR S2308-2311)To eliminate abuses of offshore tax abuses by large corporations.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.499 Amendment SA 499 proposed by Senator Manchin. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure that abundant domestic energy sources and technologies can meet present and future greenhouse gas emissions rules.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.434 Amendment SA 434 proposed by Senator Toomey. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to increasing funding for the inland waterways system.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.195 Amendment SA 195 proposed by Senator Coats. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To require fuller reporting on possible costs to taxpayers of any budget submitted by the President.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.319 Amendment SA 319 proposed by Senator Hoeven. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To provide additional resources to Criminal Investigations and Police Services of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.161 Amendment SA 161 proposed by Senator Ayotte. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for achieving full auditability of the financial statements of the Department of Defense by 2017.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.671 Amendment SA 671 proposed by Senator Kirk. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to sanctions with respect to Iran.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.672 Amendment SA 672 proposed by Senator Murkowski. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2309)To permit a deficit-neutral reserve fund to provide assistance for fishery disasters declared during 2012.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.623 Amendment SA 623 proposed by Senator Rubio. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To express the sense of the Senate on underutilized facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and their potential use.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.348 Amendment SA 348 proposed by Senator Alexander. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to prevent restrictions to public access to fishing downstream of dams owned by the Corps of Engineers.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.389 Amendment SA 389 proposed by Senator Boozman. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to address the disproportionate regulatory burdens on community banks.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.477 Amendment SA 477 proposed by Senator Heller. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to authorize the provision of per diem payments for the provision of services to dependents of homeless veterans under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.217 Amendment SA 217 proposed by Senator Hoeven. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to support programs related to the nuclear missions of the Department of Defense and the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.489 Amendment SA 489 proposed by Senator Enzi. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2310)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to phase-in any changes to the individual or corporate tax systems.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.655 Amendment SA 655 proposed by Senator Hoeven. (consideration: CR S2308-2311; text: CR S2311)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to increases in aid for tribal education programs, including the Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career and Technical Institutions Program administered by the Department of Education.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.149 Amendment SA 149 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.577 Amendment SA 577 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.593 Amendment SA 593 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.316 Amendment SA 316 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.394 Amendment SA 394 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.267 Amendment SA 267 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.269 Amendment SA 269 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.353 Amendment SA 353 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.581 Amendment SA 581 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.265 Amendment SA 265 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.594 Amendment SA 594 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.618 Amendment SA 618 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.430 Amendment SA 430 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S2309)
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.499 Amendment SA 499 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.434 Amendment SA 434 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.195 Amendment SA 195 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.319 Amendment SA 319 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.161 Amendment SA 161 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.671 Amendment SA 671 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.672 Amendment SA 672 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.623 Amendment SA 623 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.348 Amendment SA 348 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.389 Amendment SA 389 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.477 Amendment SA 477 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.217 Amendment SA 217 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.489 Amendment SA 489 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.655 Amendment SA 655 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.184 Amendment SA 184 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Barrasso. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2311)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to expedite exports from the United States through reform of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 in such a manner that greenhouse gas emissions produced outside the United States by any good exported from the United States are not subject to the requirements of that Act.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.382 Amendment SA 382 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Paul. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2311-2312)To provide funding to the Department of Transportation for interstate bridge infrastructure projects and to reduce the Federal deficit by decreasing the amounts available for foreign assistance and loan guarantee programs administered by the Department of Energy.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.526 Amendment SA 526 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Vitter. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2312)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure election integrity by requiring a valid government-issued photographic ID for voting in federal elections.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.338 Amendment SA 338 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Vitter. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2312)To end the mobile phone welfare program.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.471 Amendment SA 471 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Cruz. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2312)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to reduce foreign assistance to Egypt and increase funding for an east coast missile defense shield.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.702 Amendment SA 702 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Cruz. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2312)To create a point of order against any legislation that would provide taxpayer funds to the United Nations while any member nation forces citizens or residents of that nation to undergo involuntary abortions.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.673 Amendment SA 673 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Lee. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2312)To create a point of order against legislation that would further restrict the right of law-abiding Americans to own a firearm.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.521 Amendment SA 521 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Lee. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting the reauthorization of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program at levels roughly equivalent to property tax revenues lost due to the presence of Federal land.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.414 Amendment SA 414 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to eliminate tax loopholes and special interest tax breaks for the PGA tour, the NFL, NASCAR, Hollywood, fish tackle box manufacturers, and Eskimo whaling captains.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.416 Amendment SA 416 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to eliminate non-defense related spending by the Department of Defense.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.709 Amendment SA 709 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S2311-2319)To eliminate program duplication, fragmentation, and overlap within the 15 "financial literacy" programs under 13 departments and agencies identified by the 2012 report of the Government Accountability Office, entitled "Opportunities to Reduce Duplication, Overlap and Fragmentation, Achieve Savings, and Enhance Revenue".
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.154 Amendment SA 154 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Portman. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To require the Congressional Budget Office to include macroeconomic feedback scoring of tax legislation.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.710 Amendment SA 710 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Leahy. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure that the United States will not negotiate or support treaties that violate Americans' Second Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.139 Amendment SA 139 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Inhofe. (consideration: CR S2311-2319; text: CR S2313)To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.414 Proposed amendment SA 414 withdrawn in Senate.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.382 Amendment SA 382 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 26 - 72. Record Vote Number: 82.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.526 Amendment SA 526 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 54. Record Vote Number: 83.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.338 Amendment SA 338 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 84.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.471 Amendment SA 471 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 25 - 74. Record Vote Number: 85.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.702 Amendment SA 702 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 38 - 61. Record Vote Number: 86.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.673 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 673.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.673 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 673 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 49. Record Vote Number: 87.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.673 Amendment SA 673 ruled out of order by the chair.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.521 Amendment SA 521 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.416 Amendment SA 416 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 43 - 56. Record Vote Number: 88.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.709 Amendment SA 709 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 62 - 37. Record Vote Number: 89.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.154 Amendment SA 154 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 48. Record Vote Number: 90.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.710 Amendment SA 710 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.525 Amendment SA 525 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Durbin. (consideration: CR S2318; text: CR S2318)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.525 Amendment SA 525 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate Mar 23 2013 S.AMDT.139 Amendment SA 139 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 53 - 46. Record Vote Number: 91.
Senate Mar 23 2013 Resolution agreed to in Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 49. Record Vote Number: 92. (text: CR 4/8/13 S2458-2478)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.273 Amendment SA 273 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.373 Amendment SA 373 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 73.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.366 Amendment SA 366 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator McCaskill. (consideation: CR S2292-2296; text: CR S2292)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to support the transition of servicemembers to the civilian workforce by streamlining the process associated with Federal and State credentialing requirements.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.213 Amendment SA 213 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Johnson WI. (consideration: CR S2292-2296; text: CR S2292)To force Congress to ensure the solvency of the Social Security and Medicare programs.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.455 Amendment SA 455 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Brown. (consideration: CR S2292-2296; text: CR S2292)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to establish a national network for manufacturing innovation that leverages private and public sector investments for proven United States based manufacturing industries.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.597 Amendment SA 597 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Scott. (consideration: CR S2292-2296; text: CR S2292)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the prohibition of taxpayer dollars and resources being used to automatically deduct union dues from the pay of Federal employees.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.366 Amendment SA 366 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.213 Amendment SA 213 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 74.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.455 Amendment SA 455 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.597 Amendment SA 597 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 43 - 56. Record Vote Number: 75.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.706 Amendment SA 706 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Cardin. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text; CR S2296-2297)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure that any carbon emissions standards must be cost effective, based on the best available science, and benefit low-income and middle class families.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.359 Amendment SA 359 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Inhofe. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text; CR S2297)To reduce spending and decrease the risk of drastic energy price increases by prohibiting further greenhouse gas regulations for the purposes of addressing climate change.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.705 Amendment SA 705 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Menendez. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text: CR S2297)To address the eligibility criteria for certain undocumented immigrant individuals with respect to certain health insurance plans.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.614 Amendment SA 614 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Sessions. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text: CR S2297)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to achieve savings by prohibiting illegal immigrants or illegal immigrants granted legal status from qualifying for federally subsidized health care.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.696 Amendment SA 696 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Merkley. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text: CR S2297)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to facilitate the criminal prosecutions of financial institutions operating in the United States, regardless of size.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.187 Amendment SA 187 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Roberts. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text: CR S2297)To prohibit the use of funds for promotional or marketing materials promoting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or its benefits.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.619 Amendment SA 619 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Menendez. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text; CR S2297)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to helping homeowners and small businesses mitigate against flood loss.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.152 Amendment SA 152 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Portman. (consideration: CR S2296-2301; text: CR S2297-2298)To provide reconciliation instructions to reduce the deficit by $63,860,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2014 through 2023.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.706 Amendment SA 706 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.359 Amendment SA 359 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 52. Record Vote Number: 76.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.697 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 697.
Senate Mar 22 2013 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235-2319)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.158 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235, S2252-2253)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.202 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235, S2253)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.222 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235, S2254)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.431 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.438 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235, S2254-2255)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.439 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2235, S2253-2254)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.431 Amendment SA 431 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.158 Amendment SA 158 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 50.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.202 Amendment SA 202 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 51.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.439 Amendment SA 439 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record Vote Number: 52.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.222 Amendment SA 222 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 53.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.438 Amendment SA 438 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 56 - 43. Record Vote Number: 54.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.239 Amendment SA 239 proposed by Senator Udall CO. (consideration: CR S2267; text: CR S2267)To provide additional suppression resources to the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior for the protection of communities, homes, water supplies, utility infrastructure, and natural resources from catastrophic wildfires.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.239 Amendment SA 239 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.630 Amendment SA 630 proposed by Senator Fischer. (consideration: CR S2268; text: CR S2268)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect women's access to health care, including primary and preventive care, in a manner consistent with protecting rights of conscience.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.630 Amendment SA 630 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 55. Record Vote Number: 55.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.651 Amendment SA 651 proposed by Senator Menendez. (consideration: CR S2268-2269; text: CR S2268)To call for a comprehensive approach for wage index reform.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.651 Amendment SA 651 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 49 - 50. Record Vote Number: 56.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.409 Amendment SA 409 proposed by Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S2269-2270; text: CR S2269)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to sunset the provision of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that increases payments to hospitals in a few States by reducing payments to the majority of States through the Medicare hospital wage index.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.409 Amendment SA 409 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 68 - 31. Record Vote Number: 57.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.646 Amendment SA 646 proposed by Senator Whitehouse. (consideration: CR S2270; text: S2270)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to ensuring that all revenue from a fee on carbon pollution is returned to the American people.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.646 Amendment SA 646 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 41 - 58. Record Vote Number: 58.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.261 Amendment SA 261 proposed by Senator Blunt. (consideration: CR S2270-2271; text: CR S2270-2271)To create a point of order against legislation that would create a Federal tax or fee on carbon emissions.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.261 Point of order 261 raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 261.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.261 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 261 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 53 - 46. Record Vote Number: 59.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.261 Amendment SA 261 ruled out of order by the chair.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.622 Amendment SA 622 proposed by Senator Boxer. (consideration: CR S2271-2272; text: CR S2271)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting the interests of the United States in making a decision relating to the Keystone XL pipeline.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.622 Amendment SA 622 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 66. Record Vote Number: 60.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.494 Amendment SA 494 proposed by Senator Hoeven. (consideration: CR S2272; text: CR S2272)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to promote investment and job growth in United States manufacturing, oil and gas production, and refining sectors through the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.494 Amendment SA 494 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 62 - 37. Record Vote Number: 61.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.578 Amendment SA 578 proposed by Senator Durbin. (consideration: CR S2272-2273, S2278; text: CR S2272)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to ensure marketplace fairness by allowing States to enforce State and local use tax laws.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.656 Amendment SA 656 proposed by Senator Enzi to Amendment SA 578. (consideration: CR S2273-2278; text: CR S2272)Of a perfecting nature.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.656 Amendment SA 656 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 75 - 24. Record Vote Number: 62.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.578 Amendment SA 578 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.144 Amendment SA 144 proposed by Senator Collins. (consideration: CR S2278-2279; text: CR S2278)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to restore a sensible definition of full-time employee for purposes of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.144 Amendment SA 144 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.341 Amendment SA 341 proposed by Senator Begich. (consideration: CR S2279; text: CR S2279)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the labeling of genetically engineered fish.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.341 Amendment SA 341 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.398 Amendment SA 398 proposed by Senator Merkley. (consideration: CR S2279-2280; text: CR S2279-2280)To increase investment in high-impact breakthrough clean energy technologies through the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy of the Department of Energy.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.398 Amendment SA 398 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.515 Amendment SA 515 proposed by Senator Alexander. (consideration: CR S2280-2281; text: CR S2280)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund related to the education of low-income children, which may include allowing funding under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to follow children from low-income families to the school children attend.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.515 Amendment SA 515 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 39 - 60. Record Vote Number: 63.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.292 Amendment SA 292 proposed by Senator Rubio. (consideration: CR S2281-2282; text: CR S2281)To express the sense of the Senate to enact Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.292 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 292.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.292 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 292 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 48 - 51. Record Vote Number: 64.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.292 Amendment SA 292 ruled out of order by the chair.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.278 Amendment SA 278 proposed by Senator Hagan. (consideration: CR S2282; text: CR S2282)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for the families of United States servicemembers and veterans.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.278 Amendment SA 278 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.138 Amendment SA 138 proposed by Senator Isakson. (consideration: CR S2282-2283; text: CR S2282)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to establishing a biennial budget and appropriations process.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.138 Amendment SA 138 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 68 - 31. Record Vote Number: 65.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.693 Amendment SA 693 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Warner. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2283)To repeal or reduce the estate tax, but only if done in a fiscally responsible way.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.307 Amendment SA 307 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Thune. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2283)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to permanently eliminate the Federal estate tax.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.198 Amendment SA 198 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Sanders. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2283-2284)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect the benefits of disabled veterans and their survivors, which may not include a chained CPI.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.697 Amendment SA 697 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Burr. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To create a point of order against legislation that would raise taxes on veterans, and for other purposes.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.482 Amendment SA 482 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Reed. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To provide funding for low-income weatherization and energy efficiency retrofit programs.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.263 Amendment SA 263 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Paul. (consideration: CR S2283-2292)In the nature of a substitute.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.314 Amendment SA 314 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Landrieu. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To modify the deficit-neutral reserve fund for America's servicemembers and veterans to include leases of major medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.247 Amendment SA 247 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Cornyn. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To ensure that if the President fails to submit his budget by the deadline set in law, the Director of the Office on Management and Budget does not get paid until he submits a budget; and that any savings will reduce the deficit.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.606 Amendment SA 606 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Menendez. (consideration: CR S2883-2292; text: CR S2284)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to provide funding for the purposes of embassy or diplomatic security.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.689 Amendment SA 689 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Vitter. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To end "Too Big To Fail" subsidies or funding advantage for Wall Street mega-banks (over $500 billion in total assets).
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.537 Amendment SA 537 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Tester. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to authorizing children who are eligible to receive health care furnished under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to retain such eligibility until age 26.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.535 Amendment SA 535 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Toomey. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2285)To repeal the tax increase on catastrophic medical expenses created by Obamacare.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.442 Amendment SA 442 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Casey. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2285)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for State and local law enforcement.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.514 Amendment SA 514 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Coats. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2285)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to enable prompt action relating to the Presidential exemption for the rule of the Environmental Protection Agency commonly known as the Mercury and Air Toxins Standard for affected electric utility steam generating units that need additional time to install the major emissions control equipment, construct replacement generation, or implement other mitigation measures in order to ensure the reliability of the grid.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.273 Amendment SA 273 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Cardin. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2284)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to improve oral health care for children with Medicaid coverage.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.373 Amendment SA 373 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Lee. (consideration: CR S2283-2292; text: CR S2285)To provide a point of order against budgets spending more on net interest payments on the debt than on national defense, and to ensure the United States government funds its military at higher levels than the militaries of foreign holders of its debt.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.693 Amendment SA 693 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 80 - 19. Record Vote Number: 66.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.307 Amendment SA 307 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 67.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.198 Amendment SA 198 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.697 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 697 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 68.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.697 Amendment SA 697 ruled out of order by the chair.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.482 Amendment SA 482 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.263 Amendment SA 263 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 18 - 81. Record Vote Number: 69.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.314 Amendment SA 314 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.247 Amendment SA 247 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.606 Proposed amendment SA 606 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S2288)
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.483 Amendment SA 483 proposed by Senator Murray for Senator Udall NM. (consideration: CR S2288-2289; text: CR S2288-2289)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to hardrock mineral royalty and fee reform.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.483 Amendment SA 483 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.689 Amendment SA 689 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record Vote Number: 70.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.537 Amendment SA 537 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.535 Amendment SA 535 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 71.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.442 Amendment SA 442 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Senate Mar 22 2013 S.AMDT.514 Amendment SA 514 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 72.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.202 Amendment SA 202 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Cruz. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130-2131)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to provide for the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to encourage patient-centered reforms to improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs, promoting economic growth.
Senate Mar 21 2013 Motion by Senator Sessions to recommit to Senate Committee on the Budget with instructions to report back no later than March 22, 2013, with such changes as may be necessary to achieve a unified budget balance by fiscal year 2023 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record Vote Number: 45. (consideration: CR S2132)
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.433 Amendment SA 433 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 40 - 59. Record Vote Number: 46.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.297 Amendment SA 297 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 20. Record Vote Number: 47.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.432 Amendment SA 432 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 96 - 3. Record Vote Number: 48.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.156 Amendment SA 156 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 54. Record Vote Number: 49.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.433 Amendment SA 433 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Murray. (consideration: CR S2130-2134)To amend the resolution.
Senate Mar 21 2013 Motion by Senator Sessions to recommit to Senate Committee on the Budget with instructions to report back no later than March 22, 2013, with such changes as may be necessary to achieve a unified budget balance by fiscal year 2023 made in Senate.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.156 Amendment SA 156 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Grassley. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130)To protect Americans from a $1,000,000,000,000 tax increase and provide for pro-growth revenue-neutral comprehensive tax reform.
Senate Mar 21 2013 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S2053-2141)
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.432 Amendment SA 432 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Stabenow. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect Medicare's guaranteed benefits and to prohibit replacing guaranteed benefits with the House passed budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.439 Amendment SA 439 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Murray. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2131)To amend the deficit-neutral reserve fund for tax relief to provide tax relief for low and middle income families.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.297 Amendment SA 297 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Hatch. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130)To promote innovation, preserve high-paying jobs, and encourage economic growth for manufacturers of lifesaving medical devices and cutting edge medical therapies.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.158 Amendment SA 158 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Ayotte. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130)To prohibit the consideration of a budget resolution that includes revenue increases while the civilian unemployment rate is above 5.5 percent, the administration's prediction for the unemployment rate without the stimulus.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.431 Amendment SA 431 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Mikulski. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2130)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to require equal pay policies and practices.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.222 Amendment SA 222 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Crapo. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2131)To establish a deficit neutral reserve fund to repeal the tax increases enacted under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that were imposed on low- and middle-income Americans.
Senate Mar 21 2013 S.AMDT.438 Amendment SA 438 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Shaheen. (consideration: CR S2130-2134; text: CR S2131)To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect women's access to health care, including primary and preventative health care, family planning and birth control, and employer-provided contraceptive coverage, such as was provided under the Affordable Care Act (PL 111-148).
Senate Mar 20 2013 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S1990-2019)
Senate Mar 15 2013 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 28.
Senate Mar 15 2013 Committee on the Budget. Original measure reported to Senate by Senator Murray under authority of the order of the Senate of 03/14/2013. Without written report.
Type Date Federal Link Text
Introduced Mar 18 2013 federal bill text bill text
Engrossed Mar 28 2013 federal bill text bill text
Amended Oct 17 2013 federal bill text bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time


Committee Name:


On the Motion to Recommit S.Con.Res. 8

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 433 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 297 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 432 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 156 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 158 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 202 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 439 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 222 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 438 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 630 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 651 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 409 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 646 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Blunt Amdt. No. 261)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 622 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 494 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 515 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Rubio Amdt. No. 292)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 138 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 693 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 307 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Burr Amdt. No. 697)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 263 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 689 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 535 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 514 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 373 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 213 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 597 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 359 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 614 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 152 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 340 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 136 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 318 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 382 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 526 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 338 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 471 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 702 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Lee Amdt. No. 673)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 416 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 709 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 154 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 139 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

On the Resolution S.Con.Res. 8

On the Amendment S.Amdt. 656 to S.Amdt. 578 to S.Con.Res. 8 (No short title on file)

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2025

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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