Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Proposed Federal Senate Legislation SB730

this is an pro-gun bill   evalutation

Sentence enhancements and prosecution of violent firearms wielding criminals.

Legislation Overview

Title: Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act

Subject: Administrative law and regulatory procedures: Criminal procedure and sentencing: Drug trafficking and controlled substances: Firearms and explosives: Smuggling and trafficking: Terrorism: U.S. Sentencing Commission: Violent crime: Crime and law enforcement

Description: Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act - Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit purchasing or otherwise obtaining a firearm that has been shipped, transported, or received in interstate or foreign commerce for or on behalf of any other person who the purchaser knows: (1) is prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm; (2) intends to use, carry, possess, sell, or otherwise dispose of the firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence, a drug trafficking crime, or a federal crime of terrorism; (3) intends to engage in conduct that would constitute such a crime if the conduct occurred in the United States; or (4) is not a resident of any state and is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States. Prohibits willfully procuring another to engage in such conduct. Prohibits: (1) shipping, transporting, transferring, or otherwise disposing of two or more firearms to another person in or otherwise affecting interstate or foreign commerce knowing that the use, carrying, or possession of a firearm by the transferee is prohibited or would constitute a crime of violence, a drug trafficking crime, or a federal crime of terrorism; (2) receiving two or more firearms in or otherwise affecting interstate or foreign commerce if the recipient either knows such receipt is prohibited or intends to use the firearm in furtherance of such a crime; or (3) attempting or conspiring to commit such conduct. Sets penalties for violations, including enhanced penalties for acting in concert with another person as an organizer, leader, supervisor, or manager in such a transfer or receipt of firearms. Directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to: (1) review and amend its guidelines and policy statements to ensure that persons convicted of such offenses and other offenses applicable to the straw purchases and trafficking of firearms are subject to increased penalties in comparison to those currently provided; (2) consider an appropriate amendment to reflect the intent of Congress that straw purchasers without significant criminal histories receive sentences that are sufficient to deter participation in such activities; and (3) review and amend its guidelines and policy statements to reflect the intent of Congress that a person convicted of such an offense who is affiliated with a gang, cartel, organized crime ring, or other such enterprise should be subject to higher penalties than an otherwise unaffiliated individual. Increases the maximum penalty for making false statements or representations with respect to firearms. Expands the scope of prohibitions against transferring a firearm knowing that it will be used to commit a crime of violence or drug trafficking crime to cover receiving or transferring a firearm or ammunition, attempting or conspiring to do so, and transferring a firearm or ammunition knowing that it will be used to commit a federal crime of terrorism or a crime under the Arms Export Control Act, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. Increases the maximum term of imprisonment for such violations and for smuggling a firearm or ammunition into or out of the United States with intent to engage in or promote prohibited conduct.

Session: 113th Congress

Last Action: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 40.

Last Action Date: April 16, 2013



Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

2 sponsors: Cruz, Ted; Heller, Dean

Chamber Date Action
Senate Apr 16 2013 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 40.
Senate Apr 15 2013 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
Type Date Federal Link Text
Introduced Apr 18 2013 federal bill text bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time


Committee Name:


There have not been any votes on this bill

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