Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Proposed Federal Senate Legislation SB2130

this is an pro-gun bill
Legislation Overview

Title: An Act Making Appropriations for National Security and for Other Purposes, 2016

Subject: Abortion: Accounting and auditing: Administrative law and regulatory procedures: Afghanistan: Africa: African Development Foundation: Appropriations: Arab-Israeli relations: Arizona: Arms control and nonproliferation: Asia: Aviation and airports: Bahrain: Bangladesh: Belize: Bolivia: Border security and unlawful immigration: Broadcasting Board of Governors: Budget deficits and national debt: Building construction: Burma: Buy American requirements: California: Cambodia: Cameroon: Canada: Caribbean area: Central African Republic: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): Chad: Chemical and biological weapons: Child health: Child safety and welfare: China: Climate change and greenhouse gases: Coast guard: Colombia: Conflicts and wars: Congressional oversight: Correctional facilities and imprisonment: Costa Rica: Crime victims: Crimes against children: Crimes against women: Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation: Cuba: Cultural exchanges and relations: Customs enforcement: Dams and canals: Defense spending: Department of Defense: Department of Homeland Security: Department of State: Department of the Treasury: Detention of persons: Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad: Disability and paralysis: Disaster relief and insurance: Drug trafficking and controlled substances: Drug, alcohol, tobacco use: Ecuador: Educational technology and distance education: Egypt: Elections, voting, political campaign regulation: Electric power generation and transmission: Elementary and secondary education: Emergency planning and evacuation: Employment discrimination and employee rights: Endangered and threatened species: Environmental technology: Ethiopia: Europe: Executive agency funding and structure: Export-Import Bank of the United States: Family planning and birth control: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Federal appellate courts: Firearms and explosives: Fires: First responders and emergency personnel: Floods and storm protection: Food assistance and relief: Food supply, safety, and labeling: Foreign aid and international relief: Foreign and international banking: Foreign labor: Foreign loans and debt: Gaza Strip: Government buildings, facilities, and property: Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management: Government ethics and transparency, public corruption: Government information and archives: Government trust funds: Guatemala: HIV/AIDS: Haiti: Higher education: Historic sites and heritage areas: Homeland security: Homelessness and emergency shelter: Honduras: Hong Kong: Human rights: Human trafficking: Immigrant health and welfare: Immigration status and procedures: Immunology and vaccination: Indian lands and resources rights: Indian social and development programs: Infectious and parasitic diseases: Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information: Inter-American Foundation: International exchange and broadcasting: International law and treaties: International organizations and cooperation: Internet and video services: Iran: Iraq: Israel: Jordan: Kuwait: Labor standards: Land use and conservation: Latin America: Law enforcement administration and funding: Law enforcement officers: Lebanon: Libya: Marine and coastal resources, fisheries: Marine and inland water transportation: Marine pollution: Medical research: Metals: Mexico: Middle East: Military assistance, sales, and agreements: Military command and structure: Military education and training: Military facilities and property: Military medicine: Military operations and strategy: Military personnel and dependents: Military procurement, research, weapons development: Mining: Minority and disadvantaged businesses: Mississippi: Morocco: Multilateral development programs: National Guard and reserves: Natural disasters: Navigation, waterways, harbors: Nepal: Neurological disorders: New Mexico: Nicaragua: Niger: Nigeria: North Korea: Nuclear weapons: Oil and gas: Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC): Pakistan: Palestinians: Panama: Peace Corps: Poland: Policy sciences: Political movements and philosophies: Pollution liability: Pornography: Prescription drugs: Protection of officials: Public contracts and procurement: Public transit: Racial and ethnic relations: Radioactive wastes and releases: Railroads: Reconstruction and stabilization: Refugees, asylum, displaced persons: Religion: Research administration and funding: Research and development: Retail and wholesale trades: Right of privacy: Rule of law and government transparency: Russia: Rwanda: Seafood: Serbia: Sex and reproductive health: Sex offenses: Sex, gender, sexual orientation discrimination: Small business: Smuggling and trafficking: Solid waste and recycling: Somalia: South Sudan: Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status: Spacecraft and satellites: Specialized courts: Sri Lanka: Student aid and college costs: Sudan: Syria: Taiwan: Terrorism: Texas: Tibet: Trade and Development Agency: Trade restrictions: Transportation costs: Transportation programs funding: Transportation safety and security: Travel and tourism: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID): U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom: U.S. Institute of Peace: U.S. and foreign investments: Ukraine: Unemployment: United Nations: User charges and fees: Uzbekistan: Venezuela: Visas and passports: War crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity: Water quality: Water use and supply: West Bank: Western Hemisphere: Wildlife conservation and habitat protection: Women's education: Women's rights: World health: Yemen: Youth employment and child labor: Zimbabwe: Economics and public finance

Description: An Act Making Appropriations for National Security and for Other Purposes, 2016 Provides FY2016 appropriations for the Department of Defense, energy and water development, the Department of Homeland Security, military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs. Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016 Provides appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for military activities, including: Military Personnel; Operation and Maintenance; Procurement; Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation; Revolving and Management Funds; Other Department of Defense Programs; Related Agencies; and Overseas Contingency Operations. Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016 Provides appropriations to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for civil works projects and to the Department of the Interior for the Central Utah Project and the Bureau of Reclamation. Provides appropriations to the Department of Energy (DOE) for Energy Programs, including: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Nuclear Energy, Fossil Energy Research and Development, Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup, and Science. Provides appropriations to DOE for: the Atomic Energy Defense Activities of the National Nuclear Security Administration, Environmental and Other Defense Activities, and the Power Marketing Administrations. Provides appropriations to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other independent agencies. Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2016 Provides appropriations to the Department of Homeland Security. Provides appropriations for Departmental Management and Operations for the Office of the Secretary and Executive Management, the Office of the Under Secretary for Management, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Analysis and Operations, and the Office of Inspector General. Provides appropriations for Security, Enforcement, and Investigations for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Transportation Security Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Secret Service. Provides appropriations for Protection, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery for the National Protection and Programs Directorate, the Office of Health Affairs, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Provides appropriations for Research, Development, Training, and Services for the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Science and Technology, and the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office. Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016 Provides appropriations to DOD for Military Construction for the Army; Navy and Marine Corps; Air Force; Defense-Wide agencies and activities (other than military departments); the Army and Air National Guard; and the Army, Navy, and Air Force Reserves. Provides appropriations to DOD for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program. Provides appropriations to DOD for Construction and Operation and Maintenance of Family Housing for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force, and Defense-Wide agencies and activities (other than military departments). Provides appropriations for the Department of Defense Base Closure Account. Provides appropriations to the Department of Veterans Affairs for the Veterans Benefits Administration, the Veterans Health Administration, the National Cemetery Administration, and Departmental Administration. Provides appropriations for the American Battle Monuments Commission, the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Cemeterial Expenses of the Army, and the Armed Forces Retirement Home. Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2016 Provides appropriations to the Department of State for Administration of Foreign Affairs, International Organizations, International Commissions, Related Agencies and Programs, and Other Commissions. Provides appropriations for the U.S. Agency for International Development. Provides appropriations for Bilateral Economic Assistance, International Security Assistance, Multilateral Assistance, Export and Investment Assistance, and Overseas Contingency Operations. Sets forth permissible, restricted, and prohibited uses for funds provided by this and other appropriations Acts.

Session: 114th Congress

Last Action: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 249.

Last Action Date: October 6, 2015



Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

5 sponsors: Thad Cochran (R); Lamar Alexander (R); John Hoeven (R); Mark Kirk (R); Lindsey Graham (R)

Chamber Date Action
Senate Oct 6 2015 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 249.
Senate Oct 5 2015 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
Type Date Federal Link Text
Introduced Oct 8 2015 federal bill text bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time


Committee Name:


There have not been any votes on this bill

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P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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