Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
The 2nd Amendment is exercised in various ways. Americans hunt, they compete, they plink, they reenact history, they collect… How many of you own more than one gun? How many of you own more than a dozen guns? How many of you own more than a dozen-dozen of guns? Yeah…. Collecting is a thing.
Many politicians would have you believe that the 2nd Amendment is just about hunting. I believe VP candidate Tim Walz claims to be a hunter. Tim Walz CLAIMS to be a lot of things.
I can’t tell you how many people running for office have told us that they were pro 2A because they hunted deer as a kid. The claimed that they completely respected the 2nd amendment, but they felt that citizens should not have “assault weapons” or Constitutional/permitless carry.
Indeed, tyrants have been hiding behind blaze orange and CAMO for years.
MOST people these days will straight out say they are exercising their 2nd Amendment right to defend themselves and their families. They will say this without hesitation.
Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution clearly states:
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themself and the State shall not be questioned.
The framers of the PA Constitution understood that citizens must arm themselves to protect themselves because the government simply was unable to do so. Frankly it was not the government’s job. How could “the government" in Philadelphia come to the aid of a settler along the banks of the first fork of the Susquehanna? They couldn’t!
Believe it or not, once upon a time, we had a small government in this country. Heck, the government even knew that it (the Government) would need the help of the citizenry in time of war, hence, the citizens right to bear arms in defense of themselves and THE STATE shall not be questioned.
Ukraine sure needed the help of the citizenry.
Unfortunately, Ukrainian citizens were largely disarmed by the Zalinski government before the Russian invasion. The invasion was very likey easier for the Russians because of this fact and a potential factor in why they had so much initial success. It was likely because of this that the border was breeched so quickly and so many Ukrainians lost their lives early on in that fight. The citizens AND the “State” paid the price for the tyranny of the government. Out of necessity and desperate need, (and that alone) the Zalinski government gave arms to the population and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent in gad-tons of small arms.
Ironic thing about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they want to disarm YOU, but they have an excellent track record of arming other countries, not all of them friendly. What makes it more ironic is that you and I paid for it. Ain’t that a bitch.
Let’s get back to Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution:
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themself and the State shall not be questioned.
… shall not be questioned.
Do you think government at ALL levels in Pennsylvania is “questioning” your right to bear arms? You can bet your ass they are.... IN EVERY LEVEL OF PA GOVERNMENT ON A DAILY BASIS. If you ask me, I think that “question talk” should be classified as some sort of hate speech. It is hateful towards the God given, natural born, self-evident individual rights of the citizenry of our Commonwealth.
Keep these FACTS in mind:
Your right to bear arms in defense of yourself and those that you love SHALL NOT BE QUESTIONED. (This is another reason why we recommend that when you fill out your LTCF application/renewal you mark "self-defense". Even though we believe the application, process, and question are indeed infringements, and a fight to have at another juncture, selecting self-defense as a reason, documents the exercise of a Constitutionally protected right.)
Elected officials at ALL levels of government (from Township supervisor up to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and everywhere in between is actively questioning your right to bear arms (They are spending a lot of OUR tax payer money to do it.)
The Government says they do, will, and are going to PROTECT you… but they don't, won't and arn't. It is clearly not in their plan. Why else would they seek to disarm you while they let millions of foreign nationals pour over the border, let millions of violent criminals run rampant on our streets all while seeking to disarm you?
By Stephen LaSpina – FOAC-Institute Eastern PA Director
Have you heard of an elevator pitch? This overlooked and oft neglected life skill has much value. An elevator pitch is a short, personalized set of reasons and talking points on a given subject which serve as a high-level overview to persuade your audience.
Do you have an elevator pitch for why people should join Firearms Owners Against Crime? If not, allow me to give a brief synopsis of what we do. Hopefully you can take a few talking points from here and build your own pitch. Once you do, you can help us spread the word at gun shows, concealed carry seminars, and other events where our organization has a presence.
FOAC Institute engages in Legal Action. We actively and aggressively defend the Second Amendment through litigation. We often file our own suits, but sometimes we join with other plaintiffs or parties by signing on to theirs. Very recently, we have been engaging in preliminary levels of legal action against local municipalities who are trying to infringe on the 2A rights of their residents (which is illegal in Pennsylvania thanks to something called “preemption”). No one, including an elected official, is above the law (or the Constitution, for that matter).
FOAC Institute also engages in Legislative Action. We dialogue with elected officials by informing and empowering them to protect our civil liberties. We have written several white papers that go deeply into detail on specific 2A issues so that elected representatives can be more articulate in their defense. We have provided both verbal and written testimony in state judiciary committee hearings. We also confront and oppose politicians who want to trample on Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution. We send out legislative alerts to members when we need elected officials to hear their voices.
Finally, FOAC Institute cares deeply about our Educational Action. We host concealed carry seminars all over the Commonwealth for the purpose of informing citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and specific statutes related to guns in Pennsylvania. We also work very hard to educate elected officials, from local solicitors to state Senators. We hold monthly meetings to inform our members of ongoing Second Amendment news across the state and our nation. We share and write original articles to help keep an informed and engaged citizenry. We have an active outreach at gun shows and festivals to explain to people why they must join us in advocating for their rights.
None of this would be possible without determined leadership and engaged members. We want to do even more, and I know we will achieve great things in the years ahead. Hopefully now, when someone asks you, “What does FOAC-ILLEA do?”, or “Why should I become a member?”, you will be ready to give them an answer.
By Jim Stoker, President of FOAC-Institute
Many long hours and 495 miles later, I am home from my roundabout day to Harrisburg and back, for our litigation trying to attain an injunction against the city’s illegal gun ordinances. As I type this, I am searching for an audio recording of the city of Reading’s council meeting tonight, where they were expected to pass an ordinance prohibiting certain types of private manufacture of firearms. I am replaying today’s court proceedings in my mind, and I am looking at my spreadsheet of things to do to stop other communities who infringe upon our rights with reckless abandon.
Today was a good day. No, we did not get a quick decision from Judge Dowling in our favor and put an end to the ridiculousness that is the Harrisburg case. But truth be told, I expect one soon. The attorney for the City of Harrisburg is a dolt. The repetitive nature with which he presents his argument after being repeatedly shut down by Attorney Prince astounds me.
FOAC-ILLEA Harrisburg Litigation Team, August 26th, 2024
He argued we do not have standing. Attorney Prince reminded the court that this very case went to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and they said we do have standing. An event the city’s attorney seems to forget at every turn. He argued there is a statute of limitations on the declaratory relief, while admitting the ordinances are currently in effect, incorrectly alleging we must file within two years of the creation of each ordinance… or was it four… or no it was two… depending on which paper of his you read. All whilst trying to stop us from entering an emergency declaration from a month ago as proof it is an ongoing issue. He argued I am not a plaintiff on the case, and should not be permitted to testify, even though I am the sitting president of the very organization on the paperwork filing suit, and having lost that, implied that there is no way that I can possibly represent ALL our members on the case, as we can’t ALL possibly be aggrieved. What?? He insisted nobody has ever been cited for the ordinances, despite the police chief telling the media they cite for it all the time, and since nobody has been cited, let alone any of us, we have no standing. I will refer you back to the SCOPA ruling mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph.
So, I have drawn a remarkably simple conclusion. This man is either intelligent enough to play extremely stupid to prolong a case to soak as many tax dollars out of the city of Harrisburg as possible, or he is just that bad of an attorney. I really am excited to see the results of the right to know request we submitted to ascertain exactly how much the city has spent on defending this case for nine years. I am sure the taxpayers of Harrisburg will be thrilled.
As we patiently await the ruling of the court, (do I hear a 5-0 victory?) I would like to extend a special thank you again to Josh First and Howard Bullock for their patience and persistence in this case. Without their testimony prior to mine today, we would really have a far lesser chance of success. And thanks to Attorney Joshua Prince and his fellows Attorney Dillon Harris and Attorney Kevin Fenchak. Their work on these matters is crucial to the freedoms we all enjoy as free women and men of this Commonwealth.
By John Petrolino Originally published August 26, 2024 on
For the Second Amendment to be fully realized in the United States, we must consider all that encompasses. In order to exercise the Second Amendment, that does not just mean having and carrying arms. It also includes buying, making, and shooting them, to name a few extra instances, for the amendment to be whole. A Pennsylvania group recently issued stern warnings to jurisdictions that illegally passed firearm discharge ordinances.
t’s paramount that people have the ability to discharge their firearms in order to properly exercise the right. While some pundits might argue the simple keeping of arms comports with the spirit of the Second Amendment, we know that’s not the case. Discharge is integral to the ability for individuals to be well trained, or “regulated,” if we’re going to lean on the subordinate clause of the Second Amendment.
Our friends over at Firearm Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action (FOAC-ILLEA) and Firearms Industry Consulting Group filed a letter concerning discharge prohibitions within a city limit. Any jurisdiction that has such an ordinance is going against the state’s preemption law.
To continue reading the entire article CLICK HERE.
The FOAC gun bash is as legendary and all American as the stories of young George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, the Doolittle Raiders, and Timothy Murphy. However, 2 times a year, YOU can be part of that legend and tradition.
Be sure to mark NOVEMBER 16th, 2024, off your calendar and join us at the Washington County Fair Grounds for our fall bash. The bashes are out main fundraising events, and the money raised through the bash are used to defend our right to keep and bear arms and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution ALL across the Commonwealth.
Over the last year FOAC-Institute has gained a lot of members from the eastern side of the state. Let me tell you, the food, fellowship, and fun that is had at the bash is well worth the trip. In addition to the main ticket drawings, there are pick of the table drawings, 50/50 raffles, a mystery safe drawing, and a WALL of guns. Join like-minded individuals as they celebrate the individual’s right to keep and bear arms.
Tickets will be on sale soon. Keep an eye on your email inbox and the “socials” for ticket sale announcements.
These are the “main ticket guns”:
Springfield 1911 TRP in Coyote, S&W FPC Bronze, Ruger LC Carbine in 45ACP, Colt Python, CMMG Resolute 300, CZ Scorpion EVO3, S&W Bodyguard 380, Springfield Saint 556, H&K USC Carbine 45ACP, S&W 442, S&W Sport II, Springfield Hellcat, Colt King Cobra, Glock 43X MOS, Springfield Saint Victor 308, Springfield XDM Elite 9mm, Springfield M1A Tanker, IWI Tavor 7, S&W 627PC V-Comp, and FN Scar 175.
These do NOT include the pick of the table guns, WALL OF GUNS, mystery safe guns, special packages, Law Enforcement and Military drawings and more.
Don’t miss out…
FOAC-Institute presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-Institute events and meetings, CLICK HERE.
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Lead Ammunition Bans Still Lack Scientific Backing
Chicago’s Nation-Leading Homicide Streak & Democratic Gun Control Dreams
There is No Freedom Without the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
President Trump references the Crime Prevention Center Research on Crime Rates
Homicides Surged, As Did Gun Control Under 'Tough-on-Crime' Walz
Vice President Harris Wants Soviet-Style Price Fixing. What Could She Do to Guns?
California Must Issue Permits to Non-Residents!
South Carolina Woman Shoots, Kills Abuser Released After Previous Assault
Paris 2024 Olympics Final Medal Count: Here’s Where USA Shooting Finished As Games Conclude
The Frustrating Problem With Federal Gun Statistics
Is Ammo Rationing the Next Frontier for Gun Control Activists?
"There are known knowns, the things we know that we know. There are known unknowns the things we know we don't know. There are also that 3rd category of unknown unknowns. The things we don't know we don't know, and you can only know more about those things by imagining what they might be. Pearl Harbor was a failure of imagination. We didn't know we didn't know that they could do what they did the way that they did it........... A month or so before September 11th, 2001, it would be wrong to think that that someone who wrote it, namely me, was prescient. I wasn't. I'd simply had read enough history that I worried............ What are you going to be prepared for? You have to pick and choose, and to the extent you pick and choose, and you are wrong, the penalty could be enormous."
- Donald Rumsfeld
Donald Rumsfeld is an enigma wrapped in a riddle to me. I DID NOT like him while he was Secretary of Defense under "W"... perhaps I was unfair... maybe not. However, I do see how brilliant he was as a wordsmith. To this day, I am still not sure if he was good or bad. With that said, I WILL take his words as sage advice.
Apply his reason to your own personal and family safety.
Imagine the REAL risks to you and your family... plan for it... and be ready to act upon it IF YOU NEED TO.
TRUTH: your 2nd Amendment right, your right guaranteed to you in Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution ain’t gonna help you if you are UNARMED.
This begs the question, what are your real risks?
This week I had the honor of training under Tom Givens, noted educator and expert in all things personal defense. He opened my eyes to some facts that I was not terribly clear about.
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, crime is down from past years. That sounds good right? But how can this be so, when millions of illegal immigrants and violent criminals are loosed upon the population by the Biden/Harris administration and countless Democratically controlled city governments?
Did you know roughly 37% of law enforcement agencies ACTUALLY report to the UCR? That means that roughly 63% do not. Did you know that many major cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago do NOT report to the FBI UCR. Don’t you think that might skew the numbers? YES, IT WOULD.
In 2021, under the Biden/Harris administration, the BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) and other crime reporting databases were forced to record data using NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System). This completely changes the way incidents are recorded. For instance, if an intruder broke into a home and raped a family of 4, it would not be reported as 4 individual rapes, it would be recorded as 1 rape incident. Do you think that might skew the numbers to deceive the public about what is REALLY going on?
When the government tells you that crime is going down. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM… THEY ARE LYING TO YOU.
Have you ever looked to see how many sex offenders, some of them violent, live freely in your neighborhood? You might be surprised. CLICK HERE TO LOOK.
Did you know that there are approximately 4500 Walmarts in the US and ALL of them have surveillance cameras. That sounds good right? Someone is always “looking out for your safety”. THAT'S A BIG NOPE! Did you know that only 3 Walmarts have live humans monitoring the feeds?
Everyday someone is killed, raped, robbed, or assaulted in Walmarts and their parking lots. The camera is just document the crime so when they find your dead body the cops can maybe use the video to see who did it. CAMERAS do not protect you in real time. As Tom put it, Walmart’s and gas stations are the human equivalent to the watering hole on the Serengeti. The predators sit by and wait to pick the ripest prey.
According to the skewed doctored data, 40% of the US population is likely to be a victim of violent crime during their lifetime. That is 4 out of 10 of the people that you know, maybe you, will be raped, robbed, murdered, or assaulted resulting in injury during your lifetime. Considering that the numbers are skewed, your chances are even better of being victimized. This statistic does not even account for the unknown known MILLIONS of illegal aliens that are being welcomed over the border by the Biden/Harris administration.
Did you know that of all the nationalities that come over the border illegally, Mexicans are the least? Many, many, many military aged males from the middle east, Africa, China, and other far off exotic anti-American places are pouring over the border, many with AK-47s, explosives, and drugs. This sounds like an invasion force to me. What do you think?
So why would the Biden/Harris administration and the democrat party want to flood our country with illegal military aged aliens, release violent criminals on their own recognizance back into the population, defund law enforcement, weaken the armed forces, and try like hell to disarm the citizenry? Ask your elected officials that question and let me know what they say.
The bottom line is this… YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN.
TRUTH: your 2nd Amendment right, your right guaranteed to you in Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution ain’t gonna help you if you are UNARMED.
To must carry your gun. You must carry your gun EVERYDAY. How stupid and angry would you feel, how destroyed would you be if the one day you left your gun at home because it is uncomfortable, THAT was the day you got jumped by a few guys, knocked out and woke up to see your dead family next to you on the concrete.
YOU and YOUR FAMILY are worth protecting but it is ON YOU to protect them. Carry concealed, carry daily with religious conviction, train to get your gun out quickly and efficiently. Encourage your family to carry. If they cannot carry a firearm, then carry pepper spray or other alternative defensive tools.
Keep your eyes up, look around, collect and process what you see. Make sure everyone around you sees you seeing them. Make smart decisions about where you go, and be courteous, kind and forgiving and de-escalate confrontation.
Know this… there are more evil, violent, heartless, hard core career criminals in your neighborhood than there EVER HAS BEEN BEFORE IN OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY… PAY ATTENTION!
Empower yourself! Get educated!
Stay frosty, stay armed and BE well regulated!
Yours Most Respectfully,
Klint Macro
FOAC-Institute VP
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.
FOAC-Institute’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.
FOAC-Institute volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.
I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-Institute. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-Institute.
Contact your Legislators HERE.
Read previous newsletters HERE.
The FOAC-Institute website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-Institute website.
Get involved!
If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.
Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.
An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!